
Infinite Regressions In The Tower

Humans all over the world got transported into a strange tower, where they would awaken abilities akin to those of fairytales. And at the same a creature announced that if they did not clear the 50th floor, humans would be wiped out of existence. Kim Taeho was like everyone else, but he had awakened a unique ability. An ability that would make him stronger than anyone else: No matter what I do, no matter how many times I try, I still can't beat this floor because of this skill: - Perfect Clear [X] - If a perfect clear is not achieved, return to the point when you first entered the floor.

wokkajun · Fantasy
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64 Chs

The Technique(5)

I clenched my fist as the warm feeling started to get more and more intense.

The same happened again, where I could feel something break, which was probably the barrier.

But as soon as the warm feeling stopped, I still couldn't see anything. Which meant that it failed again.

"This time, tell the next one that it should be a little more to the right. And also remember to follow the previous directions, for your sake". He said with a disappointed tone.

[Skill activation]

- Perfect Clear [X]

[Returning to the moment you first entered this floor]


"A little more to the right?" He asked again.

I also explained what his previous versions did because I realized that if I didn't say that, we could end up doing this forever.

Which is why he said it 'for'my sake'. Because it would take a disgusting amount of time.

As he covered my eyes with his hand again, the same result happened.

I could feel something break, and I would end up blind.

"Sigh". I sighed in disappointment, because it would mean that I would have to experience the excruciating pain again.

"Sorry, but tell the next one a little more to the right". He said he was disappointed again.

[Skill activation]

Perfect Clear [X]

[Returning to the moment you first entered this floor]


The directions were starting to pile up, but it was easy to remember since I had a routine.

After I woke up because I had regressed, I would try to memorize the directions like it was a mantra.

"To the right

and then to the left,

then to the right.

and then to the right again".

I would repeat this while killing the goblins so I could summon the wolf again.

I have started to pity the wolf because, after so many battles, It has always been a one-sided battle; it feels like it spawns just to get killed by me instantly.

And as I explained the directions to Alderon again, He tried to do it again. But the same result happened again; I ended up becoming blind.


"You know the drill; a little more to the left". He said with a voice of pity.


After 10 times, the expectation of 'this time it's the final one' has disappeared.

I expected it to fail every time, but I had to stick with it.

"I see, so to the left and then right". He asked again, shock appearing in his face.

"No, it's to the right and then to the left". I interrupted because right now he was to summarize the directions, but he said the wrong direction.

It was a slight mistake, but it would mean that I had to try one more time. So therefore, I couldn't tolerate a mistake like that. But it's not like it was unreasonable.

The directions have started to pile up a lot, and it seems like my sweet spot is so small that it needs to be precise for me to keep my vision.

"I see, my bad". He said.

"Don't worry about it; that's why I am here to optimize it. And it's not like it was your choice; I can stop at any time and do it the slow way. But the thing is, I don't want to stop, so keep going". I said it wearily.

He covered my eyes as he gathered mana again. But it failed again.

As I stood there in pitch darkness, I sighed again.

"I am sorry". He said.

"Don't worry, just tell me the new direction before I regress". I said, a little letdown.

"I am sorry for giving you good news". He said as a smile formed in his face.

"A little up is the new direction". He said in excitement while laughing.

'A little up?'. He has never said that before. What did he mean by that?

"Wait, what do you mean?" I shouted.

[Skill activation]

Perfect Clear [X]

[Returning to the moment you first entered this floor]

"You should ask my next version about it".

I heard him faintly say while laughing.


"So my previous version told me to go a little up?" He asked with shock appearing in his face.

"Yes, that's what he said, but what does that mean?" I was confused.

He laughed as he covered his eyes and turned his head up towards the air.

"Taeho, it means that you are awfully close to breaking the barrier. All your efforts have been rewarded, because now we have found the horizontal position of the sweet spot.

Now all we need to do is find the vertical position". He said it while laughing.

A little hope started to form inside me; usually, I wouldn't know how close we were to breaking the barrier. But now that he said that, I realized that we were getting very close.

So the hope that disappeared because I didn't know how many attempts were left was replaced with the hope that I could soon learn the technique.

"Hurry up; we have to try again then". I said it with excitement.

He stopped laughing, and as he stared at me, he showed a smile.

"That's the mentality you need to have! Taeho Kim, you are definitely a crazy f*cker". He laughed in excitement as he floated towards me to cover my eyes with his hand.

Soon, the warm energy could be felt again, which started to burn.

I didn't realize it before, and I don't know if it's because I have gotten used to the pain. Or that it has started to hurt less, but the burning feeling is not as intense as it was the first time we did this.

I could feel something break, and as the warm energy disappeared, I knew that it had failed again.

Because I became blind again.

"Don't be discouraged, Taeho; we are getting very close". He said it with optimism, coloring his words.

"I know, what is the new direction?". I smiled.

"This time it's a little more down". 

[Skill activation]

- Perfect Clear [X]

[Returning to the moment you first entered this floor]

"Thanks". I mumbled before I regressed.