
INFINITE MONEY - I Will Buy Everything

[ WSA 2024 ] What would you do when you're faced with the ultimate being that is by true right Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and Omniscience? What would you do when that very being tells you it will give you anything you ever wanted? And what would you do when the ultimate being, devoid of greed, gives you the power to generate INFINITE MONEY? This is the story of a boy who gets reincarnated in a new world filled with countless possibilities and dangerous beings. Now, with the power to generate INFINITE MONEY in his hands, how will he survive in this world? Will he be used by everyone else around him.... Or... ...will he buy them ALL? _________________________________ The guy in the poster is the future appearance of the Main Character. This is my first novel so expect some bumpy chapters in first few. My Discord : https://discord.gg/QZnWtQARft

Darpan_Biswas · Urban
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143 Chs

Chapter 40 - War


They said and brought forth a golden item in front of me.

Despite being confused by their actions, I still took a look at the item.

The item was 7 cm in height and 15 cm in length. It looked like it was painted in the gold color but taking a double look I realized it wasn't painted gold, It was gold.

There was also some things written on the item but I didn't care enough to look at it. Because my attention was on them as I thought.

I get why they are bowing and everything but why the golden item. Didn't I already told them tha i just want a simple apology.

I get my act up as I put my left leg over the right one and my facial expression changed to a one that said 'I don't give a shit' as I said to them in nonchalant manner "Oh! and what's this?

"This is our apology to you. please accept it young master." The unknown man said.