
infinite mana system danmachi (english version)

Not my story just a translation

Ancient_one_sama · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 04

Chapter 04 - Understanding the Points/Elven Princess

Lucius POV

Dungeon, First Floor.

Collecting the points, I clicked [YES] while the stones were in my hands. So basically, I was selling my magic stones to the system, a glow covered them, making them disappear. I now had 18 points in the system's store.

"It's worth selling the stones to the system in exchange for points, but I also need money since I'm broke here," I thought with a laugh about my situation.

I also sighed with relief because I could finally roam the city freely without worrying about bumping into a God since that was a requirement to fail the first mission. With no more mission, I can earn money more easily and even take out a loan from the bank using my family's name, although that wouldn't please me much.

I noticed that the duo who interrupted me earlier was now leaving while looking back cautiously. I shrugged and continued my way through the tunnels on the first floor.




[Notification: You've Killed 5 First Floor Goblins: 5 Points Added!]

"1 point per monster, unfortunately, this will take forever..." I thought bitterly, complaining for the second time.

[Notification: You Have 5 Goblin Crystals, Do You Want to Convert the Crystals to Points? 5 Points Each.]


[Notification: You've Received 25 Points for the Crystals.]

[Points: 48 Points]

At least I can be relieved that I'll tire from shouting first rather than feeling exhaustion or mental fatigue. Regarding my mind, I simply don't feel tired except for slight physical fatigue. My endurance stats are still at Rank I, allowing me to move inhumanly through the dungeon, but I can endure for hours while using my spell.

So, I continued walking to find other groups of monsters and basically killed everything on the floor.




Finally, I reached the second floor, and several Dungeon Lizards appeared, but they disintegrated instantly when hit by my magic.

[- HAHAHAHAHAHA] I started laughing manically, enjoying how easy my life had become.

[Notification: You've Killed 7 Dungeon Lizards on the Second Floor: 14 Points Added!]

[Notification: You Have 5 Dungeon Lizard Crystals, Do You Want to Convert the Crystals to Points? 5 Points Each.]

Individual points increased to 2, but the crystals were still worth 5 points each.

Five more monsters appeared, and I cast my spells.



When I realized it, I had reached the third floor, something I could achieve individually, but I rarely ventured alone on the lower floors. As far as I remember, with the expeditions I used to go on with my old family, I reached the eighteenth floor, in other words, the famous city of Rivira. So, I already have prior knowledge of the dungeon, something I'm thankful for, as I don't have to go through the cruel lessons like Eina's, even though my counselor is someone else...

Once I left, I continued killing everything on the fourth floor as I arrived. Everything I've encountered in the dungeon so far has been Kobolds, Goblins, and Dungeon Lizards. However, I noticed that I was starting to get tired. The problem wasn't mana or mental energy, but my throat. I wasn't used to casting spells or shouting for a full hour. After killing everything on the fourth floor, I entered the fifth floor. There were no monsters here, as it was a resting floor. I saw a small stream and stopped to drink a bit. "I should bring bottles with me," I made a mental note. I rested for 30 minutes before continuing to the sixth floor.

War Shadows were very persistent on this floor.

[Notification: You've Killed 10 War Shadows on the Sixth Floor: 60 Points Added!]

[Notification: You Have 10 War Shadow Crystals, Do You Want to Convert the Crystals to Points? 10 Points Each.]

I also noticed that as I descended to each floor, my points earned per kill increased the deeper I went. The Goblins and Kobolds on the fourth floor gave me 4 points each, unlike those on the third floor, which gave me 3 points, and so on. As for the crystals, they doubled in points from the fifth to the sixth floor. Following this logic, the crystals on the eleventh floor should either change to 15 points or double to 20 points.

I continued walking through the sixth floor until I found another group of monsters...





After killing a few more monsters, I found the stairs to the seventh floor.

When I entered the floor, I had accumulated almost 800 points on the sixth floor. However, I still had the throat problem, and it was getting worse after being here for an hour and a half, constantly shouting.

Killer Ants, Purple Moths, Needle Rabbits, and Blue Papilios appeared on this floor. It was easy to handle the fights, but at one point, I was almost caught by them. While I'm used to having destructive power in front of me, my back was still exposed. If I wasn't fast enough, I would be seriously injured by a group that ambushed me from behind. I managed to turn in time and, forcing my throat even more, conjured 5 firebolts as fast as I could. I had to be more careful now.

After that, I stopped and sat in the middle of the floor, trying to recover my throat a bit before returning to the upper floors.

"System, Status." I opened the screen to see if there had been any changes during this time.



- **Name:** Lucius Drakenar

- **Race:** Human

- **Family/Falna:** [Blocked]

- **Nickname:** Loser/Useless Family Member

- **Level:** 1


- **Strength:** I58 -> 60

- **Endurance:** I71 -> 72

- **Dexterity:** I63 -> 65

- **Agility:** I81 -> 85

- **Magic:** I0 -> 30


- **Blessing of ?????? (Nullifies Any Mana/Energy Mental Expenditure)**


- **Fire Spell/Firebolt/Rank E**


These new stats aren't bad. It seems like my potential has finally emerged after unlocking the system. I haven't used anything but magic and gained 30 points in it. This was only on the seventh floor in a few hours. I also gained a few points in other physical areas where I didn't put much effort.

I was still looking at the screen when I heard footsteps approaching, diverting my attention. I became a little cautious at first; I didn't know what any adventurer could do when they saw someone like me, who looked like an easy prey in this state. I assumed it was someone returning from a raid, but when I saw the figures appearing in the tunnels, I was shocked by

who they were. A blonde girl was the first to notice. How could I not recognize that indifferent face I had always seen in the anime? It was the Sword Princess, Aiz Wallenstein, with her companion by her side.

That meant Bell was in the dungeon too because they would have found him on the fifth floor, passed out from mental exhaustion. Now, looking at the companion beside the blonde, I was surprised because she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Her name is Riveria Ljos Alf. I expected great beauty from them after watching the anime, but this elf surpassed all my criteria for my ideal perfect woman.

"Can I win this Elven Princess for myself?" I thought to myself, even though I knew I didn't have much hope. High Elves are extremely proud and pure, let alone someone of royal blood like her. As far as I know, she was even extremely snobbish when she came to Orario with Loki and Finn, having a great prejudice even against Finn Deimne and Gareth Landrock, her current executive companions. But over time, she had improved in that regard.

I sighed in disappointment about my chances. A beggar trying to court a pure-blooded Elven princess? Only in fantasies and anime would something so absurd happen...

"Are you okay?" A voice, not as sweet as the local girls', interrupted my thoughts, making me stop thinking about a house on a hill filled with half-elf children. I looked at the source.

I didn't even notice when these women approached me. Of course, this happened thanks to my thoughts distracting me, something I had to be careful of while I was in the dungeon...

I looked at Riviera, who was a few meters away from me with Aiz beside her, and I sighed.

"I'm fine, my lady, but if you have water in your bag, I would greatly appreciate it..." I said with a sad smile.

Normally, these women wouldn't interact with anyone in the dungeon and would ignore all adventurers who weren't part of their family. But seeing a man leaning against the wall, looking tired, and wearing nothing but dirty clothes in the middle of the seventh floor, drew the attention of the two beauties.

She looked at me strangely for a moment. I bet she didn't expect me to be so easy to talk to and somewhat polite. She's an Elven Princess before being an adventurer. Aiz appeared next to her and looked at me with no expression. The elf seemed clean, but Aiz had slightly torn clothes that exposed some parts of her body that would make anyone look, but I didn't even look at her beyond recognizing her as a 2D character I had seen in a past life. I didn't even pay much attention to her in these two years that I had been in Orario as a Level 1 adventurer. However, my attention was more interested in looking directly at the green-haired elf with emerald eyes by her side.

"Do you have any spare bags for crystal collection?" I asked with a forced smile. I know Aiz noticed that I was speaking a bit strangely, but it was a formal language used among nobles.

I'm talking to an Elven princess, and I... well... I can say that I was born a noble too, but I don't like to remember my past in this world and my family in the empire. A family that even prohibited me from coming to Orario, which led me to run away to become an adventurer at the time.

"Alright, we have one here too..." She said a bit suspicious, maybe because of the way I spoke or because I was speaking so freely with her. Most people would be stuttering when talking to arguably the strongest mage in the city, right?

As soon as she handed me an empty bag, they turned and went on their way. I sat there for another 20 minutes, sending a firebolt to each monster that appeared. I waited a bit to make sure that only Aiz and Bell were here at this exact moment.

I didn't want to reveal my abilities now, not to the Loki family. Looking at where they had left, I couldn't help but think that even though I was dealing with a pure-blooded Elven princess, my first impression was that of a beggar to her. If I were like Bell right now, I'd be crying.

I know I could easily imprison her with my magic ability, but that would attract more trouble than benefits, something I didn't need right now.

"Sorry, my future wife, but your husband here needs to keep his secrets for now," I said to myself as I got up to start climbing the floors toward the surface.

"Maybe I need a family..." This encounter led me to that conclusion because even though my Falna updates automatically, I still need an organization/family behind me so that no one unnecessarily wants to have problems with me...