
So what now

I was walking home from the hospital. It was currently midnight, but the streets were so busy that you would think that it was in the middle of day.

Then suddenly


Lights flashing in my eyes , peoples screams, the immense pain I felt, something like a boulder on my chest.

I knew that this was the end for me , but surprisingly I wasn't even sad . I was happy.

I was going to leave this cursed world . I was free . No more pain , no more suffering, just me and my thoughts.

I could vaguely see the flashing police lights and the news reporters gathering around, some ambulances picking up the people who were still alive. I felt something across my face , it was thick and had a little pungent smell.

But instead of panicking or calling for help I smiled.

You know when they say that seven minutes before your death , you see your life flashing before you.

It's true, however all I saw was the pain and shame I experienced in the hands of everyone.

" Someone is over there save him !!!!!!"

I felt people rushing to my side but it was too late, the darkness had swallowed me whole and I gladly welcomed it to take me from this crazy world.

... ..... ... .... ..... ..... .....

Everything was dark and I wondered if this was the afterlife , it wasn't so bad . But suddenly I felt pain, immense pain , so much pain that even I who was immune to such things screamed.


My head felt like thousands of of drills moving towards my brain, it was the absolute torture.

However I managed to notice fragments of memories imbedded in my brain each time the pain reached its peak.

I don't know how long I was in that darkness. But the pain never stopped. In fact it just kept getting stronger, with each passing minutes.

Then I woke up.

I looked around and saw a single bed in a dorm sized room.

Then it suddenly became clear when I saw a poster with the title Nexus Academy on the wall.

So I had reincarnated..

The first thing I wanted to ask was .

" Who the hell said receiving memories didn't hurt."

The book I was currently in was commonly known as,

"Dawn Of A New Era".

The story was bombarded with low ratings and comments were filled with criticism and curses.

However, fans who were loyal to it persisted.

It was full of faults, but the story had good features as well.

Beautiful high-quality illustration.

Character rendering that is similar to illustration and in-game graphics.

Detailed and attractive character plot.

The maniacs couldnt let go of the story.

However, that didnt last long.

A story plot with no hope destroyed the maniacs mentality.

However, I was considered a geek and I repeatedly read and quit the book.

As the story was updated, playable characters and other people died miserably.

The characters who survived suffered from mental breakdowns.

Still, I persisted to read the upcoming story.

I will really stop if another character dies.

At that moment, I really thought that .

However, I couldnt quit the story although dozens of characters died afterward, it made me feel alive in some ways.

But then, even now while Im dying from inside, Im still reading the book.

Recently, the coughs became worse.

I coughed blood about two or three times a day

After a few years, I really became a pitiful person.

" You are at the late stage for lung cancer".

I didnt know what I was hearing just now.

"It's rare, but there are cases where you wouldnt experience any symptoms until the late stage."

The doctor also commented, "There are many people who get lung cancer despite being a nonsmoker."

Afterward, the doctor added more comments.

Half of the comments that the doctor said flew out of my ears.

The conversation I managed to understand are as follows:

"At the earliest, I may die in 6 months."

Who knew as soon as I left the hospital, I died.

But now I'm alive.

In the body of a kid named Axel Blakes .

I felt something else, telling me to love , live and fight. It sounds like my voice, but I knew what it was, it was Axel, telling me that he had given up , and he wanted me to take over.

And I will gladly do so.

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