
Forest of Peril

Axel POV

I walked towards the train station and was able to buy a ticket for a cheeper price ( probably due to the fact that the original Axel came here a lot).

Although the original Axel had a motorcycle that he always kept in his space, but I would use that when I got to the mountains in the forest.

Then I got onto the train. And began the journey.

It's amazing how technology evolved along with everything else. This world is filled with endless possibilities, I know that me and the original Axel were both crazy when it came to research, but I couldn't help it, there are so many things I want to study , however , this is my new home and I plan to live. I will not repeat past mistakes.

Speaking of similarities between us,

Both of us are scientists, we love gadgets more than people and we have no sense of humor.


Axel didn't know it, but he had slowly forgot all his pain and was currently living in the moment, it was a hard life he lived , but as always, a phycological problem needed to be fixed by the right people.


The Forest of Peril


Axel POV

I walked into the forest of Peril.

Despite the weird name it was actually a very peaceful forest.

There were actually no dangerous creatures in sight.

This was my only concern, but it seems that the main protagonist had dealt with it already.

So now I needed to head to the back of the mountain in the forest to get the weapons.

I'm very sorry for the short chapter, I have been very busy lately.I tagged this book, come and support me with a thumbs up!

Aries_7729creators' thoughts