
Infinite Evolution in The Apocalypse

I apologize for the 6-month hiatus. Life hit me in the gonads pretty hard but now I'm here to continue it after I organize everything and sort out the mess I left behind. Thanks for reading! --- The apocalypse is hard to survive in but Lucas Walker would say it was impossible. Having been thrown grumpily into the apocalypse from a long-deserved nap Lucas finds himself in a hell hole that is the apocalypse. Beasts of horrifying strength are everywhere and portals to other worlds have opened leaking strange energies and beings from them. With everyone in the world in chaos will Lucas be able to survive with the special class he received from the system that everyone has? --- By the way, the main class doesn't give many bonuses in the short term and only really comes to full power later on.

maddaug · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Chapter 20: Hunted / Evolution... Sike!

Luke looked at the slumped figure of Lina with hesitation, but only for a slight second, before running forward to catch her. He missed by a few seconds but at least helped cushion the blow.

Lina fell slumped to the ground slowly with Lucas's help from completely crashing to the ground and continued to shine slightly. Yet, after a short period of time, the light faded completely and a light appeared beneath her eyes. It shined dully but still had a certain charm to it that couldn't be found anywhere else. It was almost likely twinkling treasure at the bottom of the sea, the gold light reflecting upon the water making a golden cascade of light.

Lucas felt an urge to protect the fairy beside him but quickly shrugged off the thought.

'Fey... what are they?' Lucas thought to himself before being rudely interrupted by an urgent system notification.

< !Warning! >

<An unknown system user has targeted you with a Godly curse!>

< <???> 10,000% resist required to overcome curse. The user currently has 125% resistance against status effects. The user has failed to overcome the curse.>

<Checking clearance for knowledge of curse...>

<Current bonus to clearance are as follows>:

<The title: <Forge's Heir> Provides a bonus of 1 to clearance level>

<The skill <Ancient Sense> Provides a bonus of 3 to clearance level>

<User has not checked all notifications that affect this warning. Please check your current notifications!>

Lucas looked at the warning and realized he had indeed not checked all his notifications since he got in a fight with that <Hero> of Nyx's.

'Must be Nyx's doing... System, please show me my notifications.'


<The User has killed <Ember<Champion of Nyx>: Age: Dead / LV: 15(Hero) LV: 12(Student)>

<The User has received 2700 XP. The User has leveled up the main class 3 times and the subclass 3 times as well. The user has gained 45 Stat points and is ready to evolve main class>

<The user has killed an <Champion> of a god. The user has received the following Forced title: <Forced Divinity>>


<Forced Divinity>

The user has stolen divinity by killing a divinity user! The user has become something known as a <Divine Duelist>. The class will be unlocked for future main class options. Having divinity has some benefits and those benefits(Some immediate, some passive) are the following:

<Immediate Benefits>:

-User gains 1 skill point.

-User gains access to the divinity stat and gains 1 divinity.

<Passive Benefits>:

You gain access to the dueling feature and all that don't possess divinity cannot refuse the duel you issue nor the stakes. (Stakes must at least be even in this case>


<Finishing Warning:>

Clearance Level increased via divinity points is 10 points.

The Users clearance is high enough to view full details of the curse.

< <Hunted> 10,000% resist required to overcome curse.> Rarity: Godly>

Those who offend the queen of shadows are forsaken by the night and will no longer be hidden from the beasts that wander through the shadows.

-User cannot be hidden

-User cannot cast shadow magic

-User cannot be affected by shadow magic

-Monsters can see your location via a beacon of light they can only see, this effect is only active at night.


The following skills have leveled up:

<Fighting Style: Psychic Club: Tier: 1 / LV: 1 Rarity: Racial/Unique> to level 3

<Dodge: Tier 0 / LV: 7 / Rarity: Common> to level 10 (Ready to evolve)

<Ancient Sense: Tier: 0 / LV: 1 / Rarity: Rare> to level 5

<Adaption: Tier: 0 / LV: 1 / Rarity: Rare> to level 4

<Sprint: Tier 0 / LV: 2 / Rarity: Common> to level 7


Lucas looked at the long confusing list and sighed deeply.

"Really?!" He shouted and stood up before stopping himself.

He still had a good few moments until it was officially night. That gave him time to evolve and use his skill points and stat points.

'System, where am I in the current tournament rankings?' Lucas asked hurriedly.


<Tournament Tab>

<Current Task>: Level a single stat as high as possible in (4 hours remaining)

<Current placement>: second place.

<Current Reward>: 75 stat points + 1 Skill Point.

<Current Top User>:Michael Wrought (God-Chosen / Demigod)


'I suppose it is time to spend all my points on one stat to try and regain first place.' Lucas thought to himself as he brought up his current stat panel.

'I mean, if I could win in 4 hours then I can almost guarantee my survival.' Lucas thought to himself as he stared at the stat panel in front of him.



<Strength: 34 + 20 = 54>

<Dexterity: 33 = 33>

<Endurance: 105 + 20 =125>

<Control: 79 = 79>

<Intelligence: 71 = 71>

<Power: 70 = 70>

<Charm: 65 = 65>

<Psionics: 1 = 1>

<Skill Points: 1>

<Stat Points: 45>


Lucas sighed before making a stupid decision.

'Put 45 stat points into endurance.'

<Confirm?> the system asked

Lucas nodded slowly with a sad look on his face.

<Current Endurace is 170. The user has moved to first place in the tournament.>

Lucas began to let out a dry smile as he realized he might not survive the night Lina might not either.

'What a tragic sight...' He thought as he looked at the sleeping fairy.

Lucas's eyes hardened in that instance as he made a vow to himself.

'Whatever happens... She must see the ocean.' He thought as he began evolving his skills and classes.

'Evolve Dodge'


<The evolution choices for dodge are as follows>:

<Roll: Rarity: Uncommon> <Evolution Path Locked>

This skill is an active skill that increases your speed by a large amount for a short period of time and consumes a medium amount of stamina per use.

<Advanced Dodge: Rarity: Common>

This skill is just an upgraded version of Dodge.

<Bullet Time: Rarity: Very Rare> <Evolution Path Locked>

This skill allows you to slow down your perception of time and increase your speed marginally for a heavy cost of stamina per second of use. This skill automatically activates if you are in a near-death situation and can spare the stamina.

<Please choose>


Lucas gave a quick look through them before nodding to himself and muttering about each skill.

'<Roll> doesn't seem like a good skill for me and I don't think it would evolve well... Unless it could turn into a teleportation skill at higher levels...'

'<Advanced Dodge> is a solid choice and might lead for a more linear and stable path compared to the other two.'

'Finally <Bullet Time>. The famous skill! It has finally shown its face!' Lucas thought to himself with a smile.

'The ability to manipulate my perception of time seems far better than the other options... I choose you <Bullet Time>!' Lucas thought to the system and the system added it to his list of skills.

'Next is my class and that skill points...'

'Evolve my class system!' Lucas thought eagerly.



<Class can not be evolved.>

<Class instead provides the usual increase in skill slots but also allows the following benefits:>

-50 extra stat points

-1 additional stat point(The skill point for this class may be spent on any skill.) for a total of 3 stat points in possession.


<The user receives the following skills for 'evolving' Evolution: Infinite class.>

[Evolution: Infinite Active Skills]:

<Fighting Stances: Hunter Style: Tier: 0 / LV: 1 / Rarity: Uncommon>

[Evolution: Infinite Passive Skills]:

<Accelerated Healing: Tier: 0 / LV: 1 / Rarity: Rare>


"Why the hell can't you evolve stupid class?" Lucas asked the system to no reply.

'So I have 3 general skill points... What should I spend them on?' Lucas asked himself and no one in particular...

'And the stat points... I'm already in the first place so It should be fine to use it on other things. Perhaps Psionics?' Lucas thought with hesitation.

'Very, very tricky!'

<A/N: If you have any suggestions on what Lucas should do feel free to add a comment on this line or in the comments below!>

Hope you enjoyed it!

If you guys feel like voting for my story it could really help me out and if we get a bit of them I will post extra chapters! Still thinking about how much will be required for an extra chap...

maddaugcreators' thoughts