

Catalyzed by a chance encounter, 18-year-old Sam Davis gains access to a mysterious system capable of duplicating anything he touches. In a modern world bustling with technology and temptation, Sam's life careens into a whirlwind of opportunities and adventures. But beneath the surface of this newfound power lies an intricate mystery waiting to be unraveled — who created the system, and why? Sam's journey to uncover the system's secrets becomes a race against time, entangling him in a web of intrigue, alliances, and adversaries. 'Infinite Duping in Modern World' is a gripping tale of discovery and adventure, where the quest for truth collides with the dangers of wielding unlimited power. Author's note: Please do provide constructive feedback so I can improve my mistakes and provide you with a better version of my work.

Nick_R014 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Unexpected Invitation

Mom, the human alarm clock, barged into my room with the cheerful enthusiasm of a morning person at 9 a.m. "Rise and shine, sleepyhead! Breakfast is served."

I grumbled something about wanting to "oversleep into the next millennium." and mumbled my way through an excuse about pondering life's deepest mysteries, which led to my unforeseen slumber extension. Mom just laughed, understanding the struggles of the not-so-morning-friendly teenager.

She chuckled, "Alright, I'm off. Your dad's stuck to the TV, and sis is out. Fix your own meal."

and with that, the morning cheer departed, leaving me to battle the gravitational pull of my bed.

Fast forward to 11:21 a.m. when I finally managed to pry my eyes open. Turns out, contemplating life's uncertainties made a compelling case for an impromptu nap.

I stumbled toward the kitchen, Dad glued to some show that had a laugh track seemingly on life support. Grabbing food, I headed straight for my sanctuary—the computer. My hunger pangs were silenced, but my inner monologue about the philosophical implications of cats being scared of cucumbers raged on.

Just when I was elbow-deep in a meme marathon on the internet's weirdest corners, Annie's ringtone shattered my serenity. "Hey, Sammy, what's up?"

"Ceiling's up... and you?" I quipped, unable to resist a cheesy reply. "Alright, what's cooking?"

"You were a no-show at yesterday's bash. We're rallying at Jamie's. His folks are out travelling. Wanna join?"

"I am grinding for the raid in World of Warcraft right now."

"We're ordering pizza. I'm covering the tab. Deal?"

"Mmm, tempting. Your persuasiveness should be illegal. Okay, I'm in."

After sprucing up and informing Dad of my whereabouts, I trotted off to Jamie's. His mansion-sized house was hard to miss. Ringing the bell, I peered at the monitor—anxiously awaited guests. Lo and behold, it was Allen who dashed out upon seeing the pizza delivery indication.

"Of course, you'd be the eager beaver," I teased, noticing his blush. My words echoed inside, prompting laughter as I made my grand entrance.

Inside, a part of me pondered whether my knack for jokes aligned with being "average." Yet, I've learned, that you've got to roll with the wit to mesh with everyone. I greeted the gang at Jamie's place—a motley crew featuring Allen, the pizza enthusiast, Jamie, the host, Derek, the prankster, Annie, the life of the gathering, and a couple of others—adding laughter to the mix.

We bantered, discussed everything from the profound to the absurd, and indulged in food and fun. As the clock struck 8 p.m., reality snapped back, reminding us of the ticking hours.

Amidst shared laughter and cherished moments, the evening bid us adieu. Hugs, high-fives, and promises of future hangouts were exchanged as everyone dispersed into the night's embrace.

As I began my walk home, a sense of contentment washed over me. Surrounded by the laughter and camaraderie, I pondered the unexpected joys found in the simplest of gatherings, cherishing the bonds forged in the unlikeliest of moments.