
Infinite Divine Gears in the City

It has been 10000 years. The tide of spiritual energy has returned. The prosperous Tokyo has returned to the Edo Period and had hordes of supernatural creatures roaming the streets. In the desert, the Pharaoh was leading his army and awakening from his eternal slumber. Vampires and werewolves were locked in a constant battle in the Eastern European plains. Witches and evil spirits were traversing through the markets of Europa. The feathered serpent was stretching its body on the American Continent, opening its eyes during the cycle of death. Humans had fallen from the top of the food chain as they remembered the fear that the legends carried. In this world where demons and monsters roamed, Lester looked at the shadow of the ferocious worm cast on his body and told his system. ""Please give me a set of Sunfire Cape, Randuin's Omen, Frozen Heart, Spirit Visage, Warmog's Armor, Thornmail, oh yes, and the Gargoyle's Stoneplate, Force of Nature, Adaptive Helm, as well as Righteous Glory..."" He then brought his hands together against the trembling monsters. "I am not talented, but I am going to bust your heads open today!" "Grasp of the Undying!" Life Value +5 "Dark Harvest!"Damage Growth +5 "Overgrowth!" Life Value +2% "Gathering Storm!" Spell Strength +100 What? You want me to eat these mutated creatures? Let me tell you! I, Lester, will rather die of starvation or jump down from here than to... System: "Life Value +40" "Wow, it tastes great!" PS: This novel can be easily read even without gaming knowledge. Feel free to have a read."

All things Are Vanity · Urban
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1346 Chs

He shook all these thoughts away. Then, Li Rui thought about the question that he had from before.

Why did [Feral Scream] turn He JianAn into a bloody puppet but the same skill only cause a small amount of damage to Luo Li?

Was it because He JianAn was a weak puppy?

That shouldn't be the reason. The injuries inflicted on He JianAn and the injuries inflicted on Luo Li were two very different things.

Li Rui could clearly feel the magical power of [Feral Scream] infiltrating He JianAn's internal organs, otherwise, he wouldn't have spat out so much blood.

These types of injuries are usually more severe than fractures so he'll definitely need a longer time to recover.

But as for Luo Li?

If he remembered correctly, most of the energy from [Feral Scream] had been blocked outside of her body.

The actual damage done to her body was less than 50%.

Was it magic resistance?

Li Rui touched his chin and fell deep into his own thoughts.

From the public information on Transcendents, vampires and werewolves were a specific race known for their powerful magic resistance. It was not surprising that Luo Li, who was a combination of both, would have a high level of magic resistance.

But Li Rui hadn't thought that there would be this much of a difference between different races.

From what he knew, the competition between humans and other races was not as chill as he had previously imagined.

As he thought about this, there was a bad feeling in his heart.

The first day of the championship season ended just like that. As soon as he got home, Li Rui immediately contacted Chao Zhi.

However, they were on another mission and would only return to Shanghai next week.

After contacting Yee ZhengCheng, Li Rui took the Recluse Mask and disappeared into the busy nights of Shanghai.


In the dark, a figure who was trying to escape was soon caught by his predator.

[Grasp of the undying]!

An invisible emerald green light was emitted on one of the 'garbages', and within minutes, it flowed into Li Rui's body through his arm.

Inflicted 10 additional AP!

Permanent lives +1!

[Black Harvest]


A maroon-colored energy exploded, and a blood-red color shard entered Li Rui before slowly assimilating.

If a hero's HP is less than 50%, you will be able to read the hero's soul, and the permanent damage of [Dark Harvest ] will be increased by 1 point.

Black Harvest's basic damage was 40 points + growth damage.

Cooldown time: 24 hours (Resets 1.5 seconds after the kill)

The criminal who was already badly injured was not able to withstand the damage from [Dark Harvest] and immediately died on the spot.

Soon after that, a mild emerald green energy slowly diffused from his body and was quickly absorbed by Li Rui like a steamer.


Whenever there is a hero, monster, or minion nearby, you will be able to receive the dissipated life energy and it will be transferred into your body as HP.

(The range and amount of energy that can be absorbed will be expanded per level that you've upgraded.)

As he felt the surging life energy in his body, Li Rui estimated the effects of [Overgrowth].

For normal people, only ten kills would give him 1 point of HP. The effects of this skill were still not considered that powerful compared to [Grasp of the Undying].

But with two levels and another round on the battlefield…

Li Rui immediately indulged in his illusions for the future.

As he heard the sirens coming from a distance, Li Rui finally came back to his senses and immediately hid in the darkness.

He still had two other targets to harvest tonight!

At midnight, Li Rui who had been all over Shanghai finally went back home.

He gently opened Li Wei's door and saw that she was sleeping soundly. Then, Li Rui decided to count his rewards back in his room.

[Li Rui]

Race: Human

Energy Level: None (Spiritual Awakening)

Level: 5

EXP: 151/350

HP: 118/156 [Undigested Extra Life: 84 points]

MP: 6/19

Attack: 17

MR: 17

AD: 13

AP: 10 

Gold coins: 243 

After a hard night's work, other than gaining a little more HP, the damage for [Dark Harvest]had also increased by 3 points.

This only meant that there were three criminal's souls that had been cleansed by him.

It was such a pity that the experience gained from normal people was so much less than from awakeners.

The two hundred plus experience shortage could probably be filled within three to four days, but he still lacked quite a bit of gold coins which meant that he could only buy the item he wanted when he reached level 7.

After looking through the rewards for the day, Li Rui placed a mountain of food next to him, sat on the floor, and relaxed his mind.

[The Eternal Indestructible Tribulation] Activated!

Boom, boom, boom~

Li Rui could hear the sound of his blood boiling.

The heavy life energy in his body had been dissipated and was spreading all through his body.

Bones, meridians, muscles, and skin… 

With the help of the invisible and mysterious energy, all of his organs recovered at a speed that couldn't be seen with the naked eye.

When the sun rose, all the accumulated food in his stomach had once again been demolished.

He stuffed food into his mouth while looking at the numbers.

HP: 167/167 [Undigested Extra Life: 74 points]

AR: 18

AD: 14

There had been an increase of 11 points and an additional increase of 1 point each in Armor and AD within one night. The effects of [The Eternal Indestructible Tribulation] were terrifying!

Li Rui couldn't help but become curious about [The Chaotic Origin Tribulation].

Maybe he should start practicing [The Chaotic Origin Tribulation] as soon as he finishes digesting all the extra life? Maybe there would be a surprise waiting for him?

As he planned for his bright future, Li Rui stuffed the remaining food into his stomach as he still had to prepare Little Wei's breakfast!


The sounds of recitals surrounded the school early that morning as Li Rui blankly looked out of the window.

The liberal arts students were studying for the finals, but the 'finals' for the martial arts students had already started!

Even since the championship season had started, the members of the Nine-Tailed Fox had each put on their game face and started the journey of crawling up the global rankings.

Li Rui, who was one of them, was the busiest.

During the day, he had to participate in official competitions, and sometimes at night, he still had to clean up garbage. He was really occupied.

"Brother Rui, Coach was asking for you. Looks like he wants to talk to you about something,"

Huang Juncai laid on the table and said to him in an exhausted tone.

"Yeah, I know. You had a match yesterday, are you still coming to the event tonight?"

"Tonight? Um… Okay!"

After contemplating for a while, he still couldn't resist the temptation.

During recess, Li Rui went into Coach's office alone.

"Come in."

He pushed the door open and noticed that Coach Chen Bin was looking at the match recordings. The one that he was playing now was one of Li Rui's matches.

"Coach, you were looking for me?"

"Little Rui, take a seat."

He greeted Li Rui. He continued watching the recordings that were playing and did not seem to be in a hurry to discuss any matters with Li Rui.

Once the recordings ended, Chen Bin finally let out a sigh.

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