
Chapter 10 Successfully Rescuing the Younger Brother

When he entered Xiaoyu's house, Ling Feng had already secretly planned to save the fierce man and Xiaoyu as soon as possible. Later, he would fill all the empty guns with ammunition and give them both, each with two shotguns. With two more helpers, even if there were another wave of zombies, it would probably not be too difficult to deal with them.

After a fierce round of firing and bombardment just now, Ling Feng estimated that the total number of zombies he had eliminated with his sniper rifle and shotgun should have exceeded 200. According to the upgrade task assigned by the system, the number of ordinary zombies he had eliminated should be enough. The next step is to complete the task of saving ten survivors.

First, rescue the fierce man and Xiaoyu. There are two of them here. After rescuing them, go and save other relatives and friends. Anyway, you have to complete the task

Thinking of this, he didn't hesitate to enter the living room of the Xiaoyu family. As soon as he entered the living room, he found that their house was also in a mess and disorderly state. However, he did not rush directly to the second floor because he felt it was better to be cautious and careful when doing things.

So, he first carried his gun and checked around on the first floor. When it was confirmed that there were no zombies, he cautiously climbed up to the second floor. When he had just climbed to the staircase on the second floor, suddenly, a zombie in the shape of an old lady rushed out from the entrance of the living room on the second floor, shouting and roaring. It frightened Ling Feng very much on the spot.

Fortunately, he was well prepared, so before the old woman, who had already turned into a zombie, rushed to him, she suddenly pulled the trigger.


With a flash of firelight at the muzzle, and a dull gunshot, the old woman was thrown back by a shotgun and hit hard against the wall behind her. Watching her lower body being blasted apart, but still crawling towards him with a fierce light in his eyes, Ling Feng couldn't help but feel a tingle in his scalp. With a firm heart, he shot her in the head again, which completely ended his fate.

After this lesson, Ling Feng became even more cautious and vigilant.

After climbing the second floor, he raised his guard and entered all the rooms. After checking thoroughly, he slowly turned around and left the second floor, heading straight to the roof.

After carefully climbing onto the rooftop, the corpses of over a dozen zombies came into view.

Carrying a shotgun, he circled around the rooftop and checked to see if there were any zombies who had not completely died. If there were, he would have to continue firing a few more shots.

After a careful examination, he found that all the zombies had died. He quickly arrived at the top floor of the stairwell and shouted nervously, "Brave man, Xiaoyu, are you all okay? I'm here to save you. I've killed all the zombies!"

After a while, the weak voice of the fierce man slowly came from above the reservoir. "Brother, we're fine. It's just that we haven't eaten anything for a few days and we're feeling weak all over. Hey… we can't get up…"

Upon hearing that they could still speak, Ling Feng breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He quickly lifted the wooden ladder that had fallen to the ground and climbed up the water storage tank.

Coming to the side of the reservoir, I saw two people, a fierce man and Xiaoyu, half sitting and leaning against the wall of the reservoir. Their faces were wax yellow and their complexion was dim. It was obvious that this was a collapse caused by prolonged hunger.

However, when he saw that there was still some water under the reservoir, he knew that the drinking water problem for Mengnan and Xiaoyu had been solved these days, probably mainly due to a lack of food.

At that moment, he flipped over and jumped into the reservoir. He quickly took off his backpack and prepared to take out food and water from it for the two of them to eat.

At this moment, the fierce man and Xiaoyu looked at Ling Feng, who was constantly flipping through his backpacks. Although they were both feeling empty at the moment, their eyes had regained some radiance, especially when they saw Ling Feng's shotgun on his shoulder, they were pleasantly surprised and curious, laughing incessantly.

At this moment, Xiaoyu struggled to sit up and asked with rapid breath, "Brother Feng, where did you get these weapons and firearms?"

Upon hearing his question, the fierce man looked at him in confusion and said, "Yes, I started to hear that you have firearms and ammunition. I thought you were joking with me, but I didn't expect it to be true."

Ling Feng didn't have time to explain so much to them now. He handed a few packets of snacks and bread to them and urged with concern, "You're all starving like birds. You still have the mood to ask me these questions. Hurry up, eat these things, and recover your spirit and strength as soon as possible. The noise of my shooting just now is so loud that I'm afraid I might bring zombies from other places over."

Upon hearing what he said, both the fierce man and Xiaoyu honestly closed their mouths, then took the food handed over by Ling Feng and started eating it with pure water.

After distributing the food to them, Ling Feng did not continue to stay in the reservoir. Instead, he quickly flipped over the reservoir and stood at the edge of the pool, carefully observing the surrounding movements to see if there were any zombies nearby who were drawn in by the sound of his gun just now.

He carefully Inspected the area with his eyes, and to his delight, there were no signs of zombies in the vicinity of Xiaoyu's house yet. However, he did not relax his vigilance, but continued to patrol and observe seriously.

In this way, more than ten minutes passed unconsciously, and the fierce man and Xiaoyu also ate a lot of food. Their expressions were noticeably better than before, and their breathing was not as fast as before.

At this moment, Ling Feng lowered his head and glanced at them, asking with concern, "How are you doing? Have you felt any better after eating something?"

The fierce man nodded and said, "I feel like I've regained some strength, I feel much better."

At this moment, Xiaoyu also looked up at Ling Feng and said gratefully, "Thank you, Brother Feng. If you hadn't risked your life to save me, I'm afraid I would have really died this time."

Upon hearing these words, Ling Feng shook his head and lit a cigarette for himself, saying, "Tell me what you're saying. We grew up together since childhood, and although we're not brothers, I've always treated you like a brother. It's right to save you. Besides, this time the tough guy escaped because he was with you. According to reason, I should thank you."

Speaking of which, Ling Feng paused for a moment before continuing to ask, "Do you have the strength to climb down now? If you do, hurry down. We can't stay in this place for long, we need to leave early."

As soon as these words were spoken, Xiaoyu and the fierce man both nodded and supported the edge of the pool, slowly standing up. Perhaps it was because they had not moved their bodies for too long, which caused their bodies to shake suddenly as soon as they stood up, almost unable to stand steadily.

Seeing this prospect, Ling Feng quickly jumped into the pool and finally stabilized both of them.

After stabilizing them, Ling Feng decided to help them climb down the stairs one after another.

It has to be said that helping them climb down the stairs is really a very difficult task, because the strong man and the small feather, both of whom are over 1.8 meters in size, belong to the kind of tall and sturdy men.

Especially the tough guy, although he is a biological brother to Ling Feng, the difference between the two brothers is huge in both appearance and physique.

Ling Feng has a long and elegant appearance, with a height of 1.7 meters. He is neither fat nor thin, and belongs to the popular type. And his younger brother Ling Mengnan, this guy is completely opposite to him. The Mengnan is close to 1.90 meters tall and has a tiger head and tiger brain. Due to years of martial arts practice, he is covered in strong muscles all over his body, weighing nearly 200 pounds. In the entire Huangwu Village, there is still no one more robust than him. Xiaoyu is considered a strong man in Huangwu Village, but compared to a fierce man, he still lags behind.

After struggling to get these two bears down from the reservoir, the three of them leaned against the wall and rested for half an hour. At this moment, Ling Feng felt that the two of them had almost recovered. He quickly urged, "How about it? Do you have the strength to go downstairs? If you have the strength to go downstairs, let's leave quickly. The longer I stay in this place, the more uneasy I feel in my heart."

After hearing this, the fierce man and Xiaoyu nodded and didn't say much. They followed Ling Feng and got up, and together they went downstairs to touch him.

After arriving downstairs, the fierce man and Xiaoyu looked at the hundreds of bloody zombie corpses piled up in front and behind the house. Suddenly, they felt a sensation in their stomachs and a huge numbness on their scalp. At the same time, they both admired Ling Feng's courage and ability to the fullest.

At this moment, Ling Feng had already rushed to the entrance and picked up all the shotguns and AWP sniper guns he had left on the ground without missing a single item.

The fierce man and Xiaoyu were both shocked when they saw that he had brought so many weapons and firearms over!

Especially when they saw the AWP sniper rifle in Ling Feng's hand, everyone's spirits shook and their eyes lit up with excitement and screams.

"Wow! Brother, where did you get this AWP? It's a good thing, British goods, an assassination weapon!"

"Feng, damn it. There are hundreds of zombies on this ground. Don't tell me, all of them were killed by you using a big bird in seconds! If that's the case, then you're too awesome…"

Ling Feng didn't have time to pay attention to their shocked eyes at this moment. He just threw three shotguns at each of them and said, "I don't have time to explain so much to you now. Take these shotguns and fill them all with ammunition. If we encounter a zombie swarm, we still have the ability to resist."

After finishing speaking, he quickly took off his backpack and poured out nearly a hundred rounds of shotgun ammunition from inside. He asked Xiaoyu and the fierce man to each find a shoulder bag to hang around their waist inside the room, and then let the two of them, each sharing fifty rounds of ammunition, take it away. At the same time, he also took the time to teach them how to fill ammunition.

After finishing all of this, Ling Feng took out his phone to check the time. Suddenly, he noticed several unread message prompts above the screen.

At that moment, his heart moved and he quickly opened his phone to see that these messages were actually sent by Chen Yaoyun. "I am currently in Villa H12 at Jinhu Garden and I am very scared. It has been more than ten days since I left. What is the situation outside? I am not sure. I have made many phone calls for help but cannot get through. Currently, I have only received your calls and messages. I beg you to come and save me as soon as possible, and I will definitely give you a generous reward…"

When Ling Feng saw the goddess he had a crush on and finally replied to the text message asking for help, he suddenly felt refreshed and quickly replied with a message. "Mr. Chen, don't panic yet! I will definitely go and save you, it's your current food and water. How long can you hold on?"

This time, Chen Yaoyun's reply speed was very fast. "My current food and water should last for four or five days, but I am really scared. I dare not sleep at night and am on the verge of collapse. I hope you can come to rescue me as soon as possible."

Ling Feng felt a little relieved when he saw her say he could still hold on for four or five days. He quickly sent another text message. "Okay, hold on. Within four days, I will definitely go and save you. Alright, let's not talk anymore, we have to go!"

After sending this text message, Ling Feng quickly loaded his phone. At this point, the fierce man and Xiaoyu had already filled all the ammunition of their empty guns. He turned his head to observe the situation around him and found that there were no zombies present for the time being. Suddenly, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief in his heart.

At the same time, it was also strange. Why didn't the nearby zombies notice so much commotion just now? Still, the zombies in the nearby area have been completely eradicated, while the zombies in other areas cannot arrive in a short time due to their distance.

With this in mind, he immediately picked up his backpack and gun and came to Xiaoyu, saying, "Xiaoyu, can you get a car now? It's better to have a higher horsepower and power, because we need to leave soon. This place is not suitable for long stays!"

Xiaoyu nodded and said, "Okay, Feng, don't worry. I'll leave this matter to you. You guys come with me. I know where a good car is!"
