

This is an AU of sonic forces where, Gadget (the custom Character) and Infinite fall in love with each other. Go ahead reading, to understand.

InfidgetFan · Video Games
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Infidget 1

Adjoining 1

Gadget was wondering around sunset heights as usual, blasting egg robots with his fire wispon and swinging around buildings with the help of his grappling hook. He had already met that masked monster ~ Infinite more than once... their first encountered being was when he was terrified and forced to flee to flee away after all his friends were killed in his own sight after trapping them in a never ending illusion. He met him next in luminous forest alongside Sonic where he was almost killed after a fierce battle against him but NOT Totally! He left him half dead to be rescued afterwards. Next time then at Metropolis.. when he could've easily finished him off with his plasma cannons... but he left him half dead, saying "You provide as a good source of entertainment. So I won't kill you that easy.!" in that same coarse voice underneath the mask. While swinging from one building to another with his mind somewhere else.. without looking forward, he was accidentally going to bump into one large wall of some half broken random building. When just a few minimum inches away from it, he suddenly felt a hand grasping his jacket pulling him back preventing him from thrashing into the wall, that's when he came back to his senses.

He literally felt like a pendulum suddenly forcefully stopped from swinging into its path. He didn't care to look back so as to who it was but he for sure felt that awkward humming, he felt when the Phantom ruby was near, but he didn't really put that fact into consideration. All he thought was to be lowered to the ground first. The hand slowly lowered him to the ground as the grappling hook let go of the building. He then turned back to see who it was who held him back from smashing himself into the wall and what he saw next filled his eyes with horror, fear, anxiety? Possibly any terrible word that he could've literally thought of at the moment. It was that same monstrous masked jackal, Infinite. Infinite didn't even care to look at him. As soon as Gadget turned to look at him, he turned back and had started to leave. Gadget mend up the courage to speak up. "Why did you save me?" "Don't you have any work? Why did you even care about me?", "Don't you even care to respond?", blah, blah, blah... Possibly every stupid question that he could've thought of at the moment, just to show up that he wasn't scared or afraid of him or anything. The canine didn't even care to look back, not even stop in his tracks at the thousand foolish questions that were thrown at him. All that was heard by Gadget was the sound of smirking beside that same irritating humming sound of the Phantom ruby. Without speaking a single word, soon he dissapeared in an array of cubes, leaving a now startled Gadget in his tracks who couldn't even dare to say another word after he left. He felt so totally confused. After 10 mins of standing in his tracks, trying to recollect all that just actually happened in front of him, he slowly started walking back towards the resistance base, probably thinking of describing to the others about what just happened with him.


Well if your'e smart enough then I think you guessed already that "Adjoining" will have a few more parts to make it #cool. Alright, whoever reads it, I need feedbacks in comment sections! Please *puppy eyes*
