
chp 1

The house was quiet. Outside was quiet. The only thing that told me it was morning was the light that filtered through my window. I got up and dressed myself. It was extremely hot, as it would be in vagas since we were in the middle of a desert. Yes, once a city of bright lights, casinos, turned to a desolate wasteland.

I could still remember when my grandma told me stories about before the war broke out. How the city was filled with people, all the bright places She went. she even spoke of a beach near Illinois.

How much I wished that I could've been born centuries before now, I could be normal. But right now I couldn't think about that, right now I neded food. I headed downstairs and looked through combards. Only dust and old crackers. The crackers had ants on it.

Well, I guess I was going hunting. The only thing that had near vagas were these things that looked like boars, just larger. The last time I had it, I had cooked it over a fire I built on a road. My stomach growled at the memory.

I went to my mother's old room to find a gun, or maybe a bow. I only foubd a bow and a dress that she would wear often. A white dress with lace at the top. I could probably fit it, but It would just remind me of what she did...

No, I'm fine, Just take the bow Nara.

I took the bow and some arrows I found under her bed. Then I pulled on a pair boots, took my brother's old car keys, and went outside. My brother owned a van, It was the same green as my eyes. Jade.

When I got Inside It was cold; the heater inside the car was no longer working. I sat my bow in the passenger seat before I started the car. It was nearly silent.

A long dirt road would take me to a part of the desert where there was a small pond, a place where animals get their water. That's where a found a boar that looked as if it had yet to become an adult. It also had an injured leg.

I stopped my car there, getting out of my car and my bow ready. But apparently luck wasn't on my side. The boar looked up at me and ran before I could shoot.

Why did it run? I hadn't even made a sound. But that's when I heard something behind me. A twig snapped and my senses were on high alert. I reached into the inside pocket of my jacket and pulled out a switch blade. Just when I heard it right behind me, I turned and had it pinned to the side of my van.

But it wasn't an it. It was a he. This a boy with dark hair and eyes, nearly a foot taller than me. And I had HIM pinned to the van. He had his hands up in surrender.

"wait, wait, don't cut me" he said "I wasn't going to hurt you, it's just been a long time since we've seen other people. Let alone a girl"

Wait, he said we. Someone knocked the knife from my hand, I grabbed their wrist and flipped him over. This one had blonde hair and blue eyes.

"I told you we shouldn't have sneaked up on her" The one against the van said

"Your supposed to be the one to make up plans" the one on the ground said

I let him go, picked up my switch blade and climbed into my van. Before I could close the door, one of them caught my wrist.

"Wait, aren't people supposed to stick to gether" the hark haired one said

"Let go before I cut off your fingers" I said

Once he moved back I slammed the door. I definitely didn't need a guy to "protect" me. As you can see, I'm doing fine on my own.