
Infernal Abyss

Title: "Infernal Abyss" In the gritty city of China, two deeply broken souls cross paths in a world of darkness and secrets. Huan Jing, a brilliant yet enigmatic mafia genius, stands at the helm of his powerful crime family, leaving a trail of calculated chaos in his wake. Little do his enemies know, beneath the cold exterior lies a haunted past that fuels his every move. On the other side of the city,Si Jian, a charismatic law student, appears as the epitome of charm and grace. Unbeknownst to all, she hides a chilling double life as a ruthless psycho killer, driven by a thirst for vengeance against those who wronged her and her family. In a twist of fate, the paths of Si Jian and Huan Jing collide in a sinister encounter that sparks an unexpected connection. Drawn together by their shared darkness, they embark on a treacherous journey of forbidden attraction, navigating through a world filled with deceit, betrayal, and violence. As they fall deeper into each other's broken existence, their feelings intensify, defying their better judgment. Their love becomes an illicit flame that threatens to consume them both, but they cannot resist the magnetic pull they have on each other. However, their passion and entwined destinies attract dangerous enemies from all corners. Rivals from Huan Jing’s criminal underworld and enemies from Si Jian’s secret life lurk in the shadows, ready to tear them apart. In the face of relentless tragedy and heartache,Si Jian and Huan Jing must confront their demons together, or risk losing each other forever. "Infernal Abyss" is a dark and emotionally charged tale of love and redemption, where two shattered souls find solace in one another amidst the chaos of their lives. Can they mend their broken pieces together, or will the forces of darkness ultimately tear them apart? Only time will tell if love can heal even the deepest wounds or if their fate lies in the abyss of their own making.

FengQiYuinYong0_0 · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Start again?

The plane touched down at Shanghai Pudong International Airport, and Si Jian and Huan Jing stepped onto familiar ground. They had returned to China, leaving behind the mazaar of Jamui Sharif and the painful memories had haunted them for years and still were and maybe more was waiting for them.... Or not ??????..... Now, they were determined to start anew, to rebuild their lives together.

As they walked through the bustling airport, Si Jian couldn't help but feel a surge of hope. She had always been a fighter, and her time away had given her a fresh perspective. She was ready to reclaim her place in the legal world, to rise once again as a powerful lawyer. It was a dream she had never truly abandoned, even in the darkest moments of her life.

Huan Jing, too, had his own mission. He had seen the depths of despair and poverty during his time away, and he was determined to make a difference. He had founded an organization that aimed to provide underprivileged individuals with access to education, healthcare, and basic necessities. It was his way of atoning for his past actions in the criminal underworld.

His self guilt were still not washed away, no matter how much he cried,tormented himself…he was never at peace and this somewhat satisfied him because according to him,he didn't deserve any kind peace...

In the weeks that followed their return, Si Jian wasted no time. She threw herself into her work, taking on high-profile cases and using her legal expertise to fight for justice. Her reputation as a fierce and brilliant lawyer quickly spread throughout the legal community. She was no longer the silver mask and the law prodigy who was secretly seeking revenge; she was a force to be reckoned with.

One of her most notable cases involved representing a group of environmental activists who had been arrested for protesting against a powerful corporation. Si Jian's courtroom skills were unmatched, and she passionately argued for the activists' right to protect the environment. Her victory in that case made headlines, and she became a symbol of hope for those who had long fought for environmental justice.

Meanwhile, Huan Jing's organization, which he named "HFT(Hope

For tomorrow)," gained momentum. He worked tirelessly to raise funds and awareness for the underprivileged. Schools were built, medical clinics were established, and countless families received the help they desperately needed. Huan Jing's past connections in the underworld proved useful in securing resources and support for his noble cause.

But as he saw the positive impact he was making, Huan Jing couldn't ignore the shadow of his past. The mafia world still held sway over him, and he knew he needed to sever those ties once and for all. He still was secretly working with the underworld and he still held his mafia prodigy position and all these years of his absence where Xiao was handling everything….he was welcomed with a huge amount of respect and happiness and he still was secretly involved in every criminal activities and helping the criminal organizations because this darkness is like that...once you get in then there's no way out no matter how much you want to get out or try to get out and this was what also troubled Huan Jing a lot…

One evening, as Si Jian and Huan Jing sat on their balcony, sipping tea and gazing at the city lights, Huan Jing broached the subject that had been weighing on his mind. "Si Jian, I've decided to exit the mafia world completely. It's time to put an end to it."

Si Jian placed her hand over his, her eyes filled with understanding and support. "Huan Jing, I'm proud of the person you've become. You've already done so much good, and this is the next step in your redemption."

With newfound determination, Huan Jing reached out to his contacts within the criminal underworld, carefully orchestrating his exit. It was a dangerous move, and he knew the risks involved, but he was committed to making amends and ensuring that no one else would suffer because of his past actions.

As the days turned into months, Si Jian's fame as a lawyer continued to rise. She was featured in legal journals, invited to speak at conferences, and her courtroom victories continued to make headlines. But for her, the true reward was in knowing that she was using her talents to bring justice to those who had been wronged.

One evening, after a particularly grueling trial, Si Jian returned home to find Huan Jing waiting for her with a smile. "I have a surprise for you," he said.

Si Jian raised an eyebrow, curious. "What is it?"

"A picnic ?????"

Huan Jing and Si Jian decided to take a break from their busy lives and enjoy a peaceful day together. They packed a picnic basket with their favorite foods and set off for a nearby park. As they laid out a cozy blanket under the shade of a tall oak tree, the gentle rustling of leaves provided a soothing backdrop to their day.

The sunlit meadow stretched out before them, and a soft breeze played with Si Jian's hair as she smiled at Huan Jing. "This is exactly what we needed," she said, her eyes filled with contentment.

Huan Jing nodded, his expression relaxed. "No emails, no meetings, just us and the beauty of nature."

They shared stories, laughter, and bites of delicious sandwiches, savoring the simple joy of being together. The world seemed to slow down as they watched birds dance in the sky and listened to the distant laughter of children playing nearby.

Si Jian reached for Huan Jing's hand, and they intertwined their fingers. "You know," she said, "picnics like this make me realize how far we've come from the past. We've found peace and happiness together."

Huan Jing squeezed her hand gently. "Indeed, Si Jian. We've come a long way, and I'm grateful for every moment we share."

They lay back on the blanket, looking up at the clear blue sky, dreaming of a future filled with more picnics, laughter, and love. In that tranquil moment, the world outside their little picnic seemed to fade away, leaving them with nothing but each other and the beauty of the present.

I’ll be going on a short hiatus because I need to start writing another novel also…..

Even though there are not many interaction on this novel right now ……still Thankyou to whoever is supporting me…I might not know you but atleast I know you exist…one doesn’t need to know a person personally or even by name to love them so I love you whoever is supporting me….Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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