
Inexplicable Delilah

lulupanda01 · Fantasy
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Chapter Seven-Larkin

I had just taken Delilah's virginity. While I had been following her for years now (and would be lying if i said i hadnt dreamed of this day), i never thought i would get the chance to be with her like this. I never thought she would posses the power to cross dimensions, never thought she would do it for the likes of me, and i never thought I would get to feel her naked body pressed against mine.

I climbed over her to get my bloody shirt from earlier so that I could wipe my face free of sweat. 

"Are you okay?"I ask, watching her wearily as I throw the shirt back. I climb back into bed beside her, pulling the fur out from under her and covering our bodies up.

She looks gorgeous laying there. Her skin is sun kissed and gleams with sweat, her body lean and cut looking. Why she acted embarrassed when I got her naked, I'll never know. Her body is perfect.

She nods in response to my question, but continues to stare at the ceiling. 

"I think…. I think that was good for the first time." She says, rolling her head over to look at me. I raise an eyebrow. Was she implying it could have been better? She picked up on my internal question, because she shook her head and said, "That's not what I meant. I just meant, I don't think most girls orgasm the first time they have sex, or even the second or third." She says this as though it's a good thing, but she's still staring off into space. 

"If you're satisfied, why do you look so unhappy?" I finally ask. 

"I just…" She stops, and rolls over so she's facing me. Her eyes search mine, for what I do not know. "How many girls have you slept with?" Was that jealousy I saw in her night colored eyes? 

"Why do you ask?"

"You were really good." She whispers, scootching so she's touching me with her body.

"I've had six sexual partners." I say finally. She let's out a breath, and rolls back so she's looking at the ceiling. I watch her face for some kind of reaction. 

"What's a dream hopper?" She finally asks. I think about returning back to the original topic, but I don't feel like dealing with it at the moment. 

"It's what we are. You obviously have the ability to visit other's dreams, among other things."

"Like what kind of things?" 

"Well, me for example. I can shift into certain animals, I can dream hop, and I'm stronger and bigger than most."

"You can turn into other animals?" She rolls back over at this, her eyes going wide. I laugh at the innocence of her.

"Yes, you probably can too. You just have to figure out which ones. You are very powerful, Delilah. It's a shame you grew up with no one teaching you how to properly use your powers."

"Yeah, I think my mother would piss herself if I turned into a goat." 

"I think that would be kind of cute." I say, wrapping my arms around her. Her skin is getting cold and gooosebumpy. 

"You're so warm." She says, burying closer into my body. I laugh, and I feel her smile against my chest. "I can't believe I'm really here. I can't believe we just did what we did..." She gazes up at me with a thousand different emotions in her eyes. I had always thought women who jumped into bed with me right upon knowing me were lose, not marriage material. But i could never think that about Delilah. I knew we were both feeling the connection between us.

    Suddenly her mood shifts and I feel her tongue on my nipple. I've never had a girl do that, and it makes me hungry for her again. 

We make love again, and talk until we both literally cannot keep our eyes open any longer. She falls asleep in my arms, with the smell of sweet sweat and salt coming off of her.