
Inexperienced mistress

He looked at his mom as she lowered her eyes and waited for him to continue the conversation.  "I am not marrying. I don't think I can make it." Was his simple reply to the humble lady who was yearning to bound him in the pure relation of matrimony.  "Think about it once more." She said plainly. Leaving on him to ponder and decide.  As if he wanted this only, he smirked and got up. "Then will meet ya next week. I got to go. Give my compliments to the Richard family." He simpered a little and taking one last sip of the lemon tea, waved his attendant to take out the car. Arnav Singh Raizada was a man of power. He was exactly what the females liked to tag as 'The Drop-dead handsome Man'. Being in not more than  a handful of relationships which didn't last for more than a week with the independent New York's women, he never let it hover over his work. Maybe that is why he was one of the richest men of the city.   He wanted commitment. But not marriage.. even after reaching a age where he saw the noble men with their wives and kids. That was just not him. * "I don't need the green files. And tell James to--" He spoke blatantly on the phone, desperately wanting to excuse himself from the burning heat, when he saw a woman in her early 20s, standing near the blackly shadowed spot in front of the big industry which happened to belong to him. He didn't wanted to keep on looking at her, but she passed him a half-smile that made him feel that it would be disrespectful to leave her without any attention.  "Who is she?" He asked one of his secretaries who looked at the girl with an apprehending glare and shrugged off her shoulder negatively.  Two choices- Meet her. Leave her.  He preferred to choose the second one. Just a smile. Not even a proper one. Why the hell should he waste his time on her? * "Mr. Kimberley, I really don't know why you cant pay off the debt you have taken from this industry even after being given 5 months for the purpose.." Arnav said in a calm tone and waited for the elderly man to answer him. "My wife hasn't been keeping well, and my daughter's marriage just broke. I don't think I can make it so soon. Try and understand ASR" He replied scathingly. "Well that's really not my problem. You ne--" He stopped when he found a knock on the door.  "Mr. Kimberly your daughter is here. She needs to talk to you." Told Annie and waited for him to come out.  "We are in an important meet here. Tell her to come in." Arnav said and turned on his swiveling chair. * Arnav looked at the girl who opened the door and looked at her dad timidly. This was the same girl who gave him that incomplete smile in the morning. He stared in her green eyes for a moment before waving at Kimberley. He got up and looked at Arnav once, his eyes pleading to allow him and talk to her in private.  "You can come tomorrow." Arnav sighed and busied himself with the text he just received from his mother before looking out of the glass door. Kimberley slapped the girl and left the place as she held back her tears. Arnav looked in her eyes as she desperately tried to avoid his gaze before leaving.  * "Mr. Kimberly it's been over 5 months and you haven't paid a single penny to our company and that's unacceptable. Arnav Singh Raizada never lets anyone get away with that. You're just lucky that I haven't put up any interest in your debt, and if you don't pay by 2 days from now then I will take something very precious from you!" Arnav spoke to the man who was on his knees pleading him for mercy. "Please ASR, my wife isn't in the condition' I assure you that I will pay you'-" "No! You've been saying that from the past f**k'n 5 months and I'm not waiting for the damn money that you owe us! I said 2 days. 2 days and if I don't have my money then you'll see the consequences!" Arnav roared in his office. I don't have any money ASR but I give you my daughter......

Nive1350 · TV
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8 Chs

chapter 1Embracing darkness

Khushi patted off the little snow-flakes that rested on her turquoise shrug now and whispered a sincere 'Thank You' to the attendant who opened the metallic door for her and let her out.

 She looked at the extravagant villa which stood in front of her and walked towards it meekly, her legs feeling heavy but her feelings seesawing between a little frighten and obvious anxiety. She decided to blame it on the cold and attempted smiling a bit as the guard of the villa clicked opened the double-door of the bulbous entrance to the place.

 Her eyes flickered a little as she looked around, the golden chandelier threw some light on her face making her distract her attention from it and find her room about which he told her on the phone during her 30 minute drive in his car.


After a relaxing bath, she found herself sleeping on the soft mattress bed and clutching the pillow tightly as she felt a little inappropriate sleeping in the short dress that she always wore after taking a bath. What if he comes now? She asked herself but believing he won't, closed her eyes as various thoughts occupied her numb mind. And then it happened.

Her phone rung. 

She raised her head from the comfortable pillow as her hair sashayed on it before picking up the call. 

"Did you reach there correctly?" 

"Yes, Thanks for everything." She replied pointing out to the men he hired just to assure that she was not given any inconvenience.

"I won't be coming tonight. Make sure you tell the guards to security-lock the doors. But I need you to come with me to a party tomorro--" He said in a busy tone as he signed a few papers that Annie bought for him.

"Okay. I won't wait." She said quickly as he cut the call abruptly. She heard the loud beep and removed the phone from her ear and looked at herself meekly: She looked at her velvety and comfortable dress that reached her mid thighs and removed the blanket from her legs to reveal herself completely in front of her own eyes. Her legs brushed against each other, the area of her thigh that contained a little more rosiness was feverish as the little threads of her dress rested on them. She took the heavy blanket and covered them again, feeling actually nice being alone. She turned off the lights and laid down on the bed with a million thoughts rushing in her mind..why didn't he come tonight? Why does he want to take her with him to the party?

Her all the irrevocable thoughts were put to an end as sleep finally overtook her..


The drive to the Banquet Hall wasn't a quite one' Arnav had asked numerous questions to Khushi, which did erk her a bit but she kept answering with a calm tone.

'I'm 25'' she replied.

'So don't you hate your dad for handing you over to pay off his debt?' Arnav raised an eyebrow as he continued driving. She stiffened a bit at the mention of her father, but her reply did surprise him, 'He's my step dad' what else can I expect?'

Her words were in some way true, but she was talking as if she really didn't care that she was handed over to the Arnav Singh Raizada. He continued driving and parked the car in the parking lot in front of the entrance of the Banquet Hall.

Holding her hand he entered inside the hall and found Mr. Williams walking up to him, 'Hey, ASR' haven't seen you in a long time! Glad you could make it!' he shook his hand with him.

'And who is this wonderful lady here?' Mr. Williams released his hand from Arnav's handshake and pulled out Khushi's to kiss her hand.

'Oh she's my-'

'Mistress' she interrupted Arnav and replied coldly.

Mr. William looked at both Arnav and Khushi in a perplexed look and his state was understandable. But he also knew that Arnav was a playboy, so he shouldn't be in so much of a shock' but the way that Khushi had replied that she was his mistress was so bold.

'Right' I'll see you soon'' Mr. Williams fled away, leaving the two behind.


'Khushi what the hell is wrong with you!' Arnav yelled at her while driving back home. She continued looking at the rear mirror view, and continued to ignore him.

'I'm talking to you dammit!' he pulled her arm in force while the other held the steering wheel. 'What?! What is it that you want to say to me dammit?' the way she spoke had angered Arnav now. And he hit the brakes hard, stopping the car in the middle of nowhere.

'What I want to say?! Why the hell did you say that in the party?! Why did you say that you are my mistress?!' he yelled again and she also joined the club. 'Why?! Because I am your mistress!'

'Don't yell at me Khushi! And if you're my mistress' that doesn't mean that you go around everywhere and tell them that you're my mistress!'

'I don't-' she was cut off as she felt his fierce lips on hers.

His hand held onto a bunch of her hair, as he shifted her head to get it into the right angle to kiss her properly. This was no passionate kiss, it was a rough and wild kiss.

The sucking and nipping were all there and he even bit her lower lip, 'Ow! What was that for!' she squirmed.

'Open your mouth so that I can taste you properly' and the moment he heard her gasp, he took the opportunity to invade her mouth with his tongue.

You could say that they were all over the place in the car, Arnav had pushed Khushi's seat back so that she could lie down and he could obviously be on top of her.

He placed his hand on her waist to hold onto her, as the other was already holding on to her head. Their lips moved in sync as she kept trying to push him off her.

'Why the f*ck aren't you responding!' he yelled.

'You bit my lip!' she looked at him with some disbelief.

'Get back here and you don't decide on what I do! You're my mistress!' he growled as he pulled her in for another passionate kiss..


She looked at him as he opened the door of her room buttoning his shirt and leaving without saying a word after their first  session. She clutched the white sheets around her chest and felt her heaving heart on her palm.Her throat was dry from moaning and crying out his name passionately. Her lips supple, but numb as she remembered how he locked those soft and feisty lips of his with hers, pulling out after every second just to devour the taste of her saliva again and again.

 She looked around, the bed was a mess. A few strands of her shiny hair scattered on the pillow where he pressed her against as the kiss got more intense. 

She glanced at the opened door again and felt a knot in her stomach. 

Why the hell did she cared if he left her without saying a word? He wanted this, he can do it whenever he wants and she just has to gather those sheets, dress up her hair, apply the make up and sleep again..alone.

She looked at her little brown purse and smiled a bit as she knew what could make her feel lighter and less alone. 

She got up carefully, still clutching those sheets around her before taking the little thing in her hands and keeping it on the bed and coming next to it again. 

She took out the purple journal and began writing her daily routine letters.

Letters to Payal..Her Angel.

Dear Angel,

It's been almost 10 years now' ever since you passed away. 10 years. It seems as if it was yesterday when I was holding onto your hand while walking in the beach. But no, it has been 10 years. I don't know how exactly have these years passed by though' when you were here I never felt like the way I am feeling right now. Kimberly has become more stone-hearted than ever, he sold me off to a business tycoon' and now I'm his mistress. Yes I know what you might be thinking now , that oh, Khushi is a prostitute and all' but it was better for me to go with Raizada. Arnav Singh Raizada took me as a loan pay-off. Kimberly owes Raizada a lot and he can't afford it, and hence he gave me away. At first I wanted to protest and rebel, but then I thought that isn't it better that I go with him rather than this stone-hearted man? I mean yes this Raizada boy is tough and all, and probably rough' but I think he's a bit better than Kimberly who even had the guts to give away his step daughter. Step daughter' that's probably the reason' I'm his step daughter, why would he even want me? I'm no use to him' but I don't know ' I think I did right to surrender to him'

Did I do right?


She shoved off those sheets and got into her night dress to head towards the bed. Laying on the left side, she tuned the lamp off, letting the darkness engulf herself as she slept..all alone.
