
Inexperienced mistress

He looked at his mom as she lowered her eyes and waited for him to continue the conversation.  "I am not marrying. I don't think I can make it." Was his simple reply to the humble lady who was yearning to bound him in the pure relation of matrimony.  "Think about it once more." She said plainly. Leaving on him to ponder and decide.  As if he wanted this only, he smirked and got up. "Then will meet ya next week. I got to go. Give my compliments to the Richard family." He simpered a little and taking one last sip of the lemon tea, waved his attendant to take out the car. Arnav Singh Raizada was a man of power. He was exactly what the females liked to tag as 'The Drop-dead handsome Man'. Being in not more than  a handful of relationships which didn't last for more than a week with the independent New York's women, he never let it hover over his work. Maybe that is why he was one of the richest men of the city.   He wanted commitment. But not marriage.. even after reaching a age where he saw the noble men with their wives and kids. That was just not him. * "I don't need the green files. And tell James to--" He spoke blatantly on the phone, desperately wanting to excuse himself from the burning heat, when he saw a woman in her early 20s, standing near the blackly shadowed spot in front of the big industry which happened to belong to him. He didn't wanted to keep on looking at her, but she passed him a half-smile that made him feel that it would be disrespectful to leave her without any attention.  "Who is she?" He asked one of his secretaries who looked at the girl with an apprehending glare and shrugged off her shoulder negatively.  Two choices- Meet her. Leave her.  He preferred to choose the second one. Just a smile. Not even a proper one. Why the hell should he waste his time on her? * "Mr. Kimberley, I really don't know why you cant pay off the debt you have taken from this industry even after being given 5 months for the purpose.." Arnav said in a calm tone and waited for the elderly man to answer him. "My wife hasn't been keeping well, and my daughter's marriage just broke. I don't think I can make it so soon. Try and understand ASR" He replied scathingly. "Well that's really not my problem. You ne--" He stopped when he found a knock on the door.  "Mr. Kimberly your daughter is here. She needs to talk to you." Told Annie and waited for him to come out.  "We are in an important meet here. Tell her to come in." Arnav said and turned on his swiveling chair. * Arnav looked at the girl who opened the door and looked at her dad timidly. This was the same girl who gave him that incomplete smile in the morning. He stared in her green eyes for a moment before waving at Kimberley. He got up and looked at Arnav once, his eyes pleading to allow him and talk to her in private.  "You can come tomorrow." Arnav sighed and busied himself with the text he just received from his mother before looking out of the glass door. Kimberley slapped the girl and left the place as she held back her tears. Arnav looked in her eyes as she desperately tried to avoid his gaze before leaving.  * "Mr. Kimberly it's been over 5 months and you haven't paid a single penny to our company and that's unacceptable. Arnav Singh Raizada never lets anyone get away with that. You're just lucky that I haven't put up any interest in your debt, and if you don't pay by 2 days from now then I will take something very precious from you!" Arnav spoke to the man who was on his knees pleading him for mercy. "Please ASR, my wife isn't in the condition' I assure you that I will pay you'-" "No! You've been saying that from the past f**k'n 5 months and I'm not waiting for the damn money that you owe us! I said 2 days. 2 days and if I don't have my money then you'll see the consequences!" Arnav roared in his office. I don't have any money ASR but I give you my daughter......

Nive1350 · TV
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

7 we found love

Khushi closed the door with a click as her back rested against it, her body was numb..thoughts pooling her mind.

She stared at the messed up bed and her mind drifted down the memory lane when he had had her savagely, and how he had told her that he would want her even if he marries Lavanya.

Home wrecker.

For the first time being with him all these days, this word struck her mind. She did not want to be a home wrecker..she never wanted to snatch a woman's husband. If he marries Lavanya he'll be hers..she won't have any right on him and the thought of being with him and having a secret relationship with him made her feel like the worst woman alive.

She felt her legs walk towards the washroom as her mind continued to harass her senses..


Khushi turned on the hot shower as she descended down on the cold hard floor and felt the water slide down her body, she was still wearing her clothes..she felt so lethargic, she did not even take off her clothes.

Home wrecker.

She squeezed her eyes shut and ran her nails through her hair..

A mistress..no, his wh*re.

And soon she had lost her senses..


"Would you like to know what I'm wearing right now, ASR?" Arnav exhaled a stressful sigh as he dug through another official file while Lavanya purred flirtatious and provocative things to him after she had called him up.

"Well, what?" He asked uninterested, making Lavanya giggle on the other line.

"You don't sound too excited..should I send a snap of myself?" She seductively whispered in a low voice making him agree before he turned off the phone when he knew he couldn't take no more of her boring talks.

Arnav smirked as he saw Lavanya's snap pop up over his phone and he felt like a teenage-hormonal boy looking at her but then something clacked inside him and his memory hit one name:


Dammit, why is he thinking of her now? 

He remembered the way she left, the hurt in her voice, and that made him feel something unnamed.

He shoved the phone away before starting to walk.

She can't just be on his mind when he can have her once again.


"Khushi?" He undid his cuff-links and walked inside the room where they always got intimate only to find quiescence all around.

Where is she?

He looked everywhere, peering at the gallery to check if she was in the gallery but no she wasn't.

"Khushi, where are you?" Arnav called out once again before hearing the gushing sound of the shower that made him walk towards the wash's door before knocking to find it opened and an unconscious Khushi on the floor..


Khushi felt a strong pain reeling in her head as she woke up to find sunshine pouring inside from the transparent glass window. 

She got up with the support of her hands and looked down at herself..she was in new and fresh clothes and it was morning.

Her head snapped when she heard a knock on the door making her exhale deeply before she found Arnav coming inside with a firm expression on his face like always.

"I'm so tired of your bratty behavior, Khushi. What are you..15?" He asked making her offended before she smiled..she did not know why but she felt like smiling, her and 15..isn't that too young?

In return of her smile he just felt more anger rising up in his chest.

"You have fever. You were lying unconscious in the wash for several hours. I've called the doctor they'll inspect you." He commented as he told the maids to serve her with her medics.

Khushi just kept gazing at him as he did the necessary things like telling the maids and attendants about her and she soon remembered his words of yesterday that made her get back to the reality where she was his mistress and he probably wanted her to get well or was caring because he needed her for his own needs.

"I know you don't really care that I have fever. You can have sex with me even when I am not well..right? So don't call a doctor..don't waste your time on me." She whispered weakly, for the first time she was talking in such a low voice..it was all new for him. But yes, she did not care that there were so many people in the room who were listening to her..and that drove him insanely angry. This woman sure knows how to infuriate him.

"You know me too well, Ms. Gupta..but who told you I am doing this for you? I need you alive and fine. I want you to be my date at my company's celebration party..illness doesn't hide how gorgeous you are." He said obstinately, hiding the uncertainty of saying this. He did not mean it..why would he hurt her? He has never had her against her will.

She smiled softly..yes. Obviously. Why would he do anything that doesn't hold any benefit for him?

"Sure. What do you want me to wear, Sir?" She stated simply, exposing herself from the layers of the cozy blanket that held all the warmth in the world before coming next to him and kissing him on his earlobe as she disappeared in the Wash to wear her designer clothes.

Did she just call him 'Sir'?

He turned and looked at her as she closed the wash's door with a click making him shut his eyes for a moment, processing her words..why does she keep changing her words and tones in front of him? As if she is hiding something?

He let the topic go as he found more important things to focus on.


Khushi held Arnav's arm tightly as they made their way to the banquet hall and soon she was surrounded by stares and jealous snickers from some women.

Welcome to normalcy.


"No, I don't drink alcohol." Khushi stated as she heard the bar's attendant ask her if she wanted a tequila 'cos she was just standing in front of the bar for such a long time, nearly 15 minutes but was not ordering anything and just gulping down lime water.

She gazed at Arnav as he talked charmingly with some of his officials and she felt something burn inside her every time he kissed a woman on her cheek or when they brushed themselves against him. 

Why does she adore him so much? He was just like every other guy in her life. After Payal's death she did get a lot of flirty attention from guys but she never had the will or adoration for anyone.

But Arnav..he made her feel different. He never really hurt her and the words he said to her looked pretentious..as if it was not who he really was. 

"Hello there." Khushi's stance broke as she heard a baritone and looked up to find a elderly man standing in front of her with a friendly smile. He looked about 35.

"Hi." She said, acknowledging his presence before he chuckled and told the bar's attendant to pass him a drink.

"Confident..I like such women." He said over his shoulder only making her even more uninterested in his talks.

"Thank you." Khushi was just about to leave before she heard from him again.

"You're stunning. I now know why ASR wants to be with you all the time. You're his date, right?" Khushi listened as he looked at her from head to toe as she observed Arnav who was now pouring champagne and getting wasted with all the alcohol that made her feel worried about him.

"Hello...are you even listening?" She was bought back to the world by his words and looked at him, looking down a little before again concentrating on his talk.

"I wanted to say'you have the assets to be a supermodel. You should contact someone. Even ASR can help you with it. You really have it." 

Khushi blinked as he gave her his card and she hesitantly took it before walking away..


"Can I go with the driver? I don't want to stay any longer. Please.." Khushi said in Arnav's ear while he simpered and looked down at her.

"No..I'll drop you." He reckoned before excusing himself.


"ASR..I-I need to talk to you about something." Khushi stuttered out softly as Arnav got inside the car only to silence her with a deep kiss that made her toes twirl inside her stilettos.

"Ssh..you should speak lesser, Khushi. When you just don't say anything but smile you look so beautiful. You're really uniquer than every woman I've ever met. I'm obsessed." He chuckled in between the kiss and she felt herself lose control as she wrapped her arms around him and soon she was gasping for breath 'cos he had pinned her against the blackened glass windows of his car..


Khushi felt him encircle her tiny wrist as he kissed her for one last time after he had had her twice. His hair were perfectly ruffled, his shirt unbuttoned and her dress was halfway down her chest.

She felt her eyes flutter..her legs shuddering. This is the best thing she has ever felt since so long..every time he kissed her or became intimate with any part of her body, he mumbled 'beautiful' and handled her like she was a fragile doll. 

She felt loved..adored..precious.

"My apologies if it was boring. I know I never do this..I've actually never done this to any woman." Arnav confessed in a low tone as he came back on his seat and she pulled up her clothes, a deep blush adorning her skin.

"N-no..it was wonderful." Khushi remarked making him turn towards her and she immediately lowered her eyes that made his eyes twitch with confusion.

"Why did you choose this life?" He asked and for a moment Khushi felt like the most vulnerable person alive. Every part of her bad memories filled her mind.

"I did not choose it. I'll never choose it. T-to be with a man who can leave me anytime. My father wanted me to do this..so yes, the money that my body fetched helped him and my mother. I don't have any regrets." She blinked her eyes as she completed her sentence to squeeze back her tears. No, no, no! She did not want to cry in front of him..

Arnav just kept gazing at her, sadness filling his eyes as he looked at her state.

"My parents died when I was 14." He said that made her snap her eyes at him but even before she could say a word he felt his eyes shutting on its own..he was not fully in his senses and was doing and saying things he would never in his correct mind.

"I'd call the driver..he'll drop you to the villa." He spoke and went out of the car leaving a very frazzled and hurt Khushi behind who was feeling things for the guy she has never felt before..


The next two weeks was uneventful.

Arnav hadn't come to the villa since that day in the car when he had made 'love' to her..that's the way Khushi liked to recall it. 

She did not do anything all these days..just kept sleeping, feeling sick and ill and soon enough she knew that she was carrying his baby. 

The maids had helped Khushi all this time after knowing she was pregnant and that if ASR ever came to know that she was not taken care off they might lose their job. But no one really knew where he was..he did not even pick his calls up. It was a very normal thing that he did not come to the villa as he had a lot of places to live, but they did not expect it that he won't be here when this pregnant woman was waiting for him.


Khushi kept her Diary away as she wrote another paragraph over it about her feelings to her dear Payal. How much she wanted to call him but did not know what to do with her life anymore. She looked down at the modelling contract's card but never used it. She'll never flaunt her body or her beauty. She had decided it.

"Ma'am, sir called today. Shall we let him know-"

"No..no, don't." Khushi cut the kind maid in the middle, telling her not to tell Arnav about her pregnancy. She kind of felt contented that he wasn't needing her anymore 'cos he might be getting engaged to Lavanya soon. It's good if he just forgets her..but what about her? What will she do? That was the real question..


"I just don't want to marry you, Lavanya. I never wanted to..and I've never felt this way about anyone but her. Since the day I saw her, I've been crazy over her. I don't want anyone to hurt her after I marry you, I don't want anyone to touch her after me, I don't want her to cry..I just can't be this way anymore. Goodbye." Arnav said as he threw away their engagement ring on the bed only to find Lavanya hugging him tighter..not letting him go.

"She's just a wh*re, ASR. She doesn't feel the same way about you. I bet till now she would have found another man to trap with her charms. And..if you really do like her that much, it's fine, you can visit her sometimes after our marriage..but don't break off the marriage, baby. It's unnecessary." She held his collar and tried to make her look at him but he just peeled her off him with a jerk.

"No, Lavanya. I've never done anything with my heart..ever in my life. I've tried staying away from her, damn, I've tried shrugging her off like every other woman but I can't do it. I just can't. I can't live my whole life thinking that there was a woman I loved and I just left her. I'm sorry." He completed his sentence with great patience 'cos Lavanya was trying so hard to hold him again before he was gone..forever.


Khushi tucked a lock behind her ear as she walked inside the villa and started walking upstairs. She had gotten a job as a Kindergarten teacher, the one maid had helped her with choosing a job and Khushi was educated enough to have that profession. 

She walked inside her room to find him..and her feet rooted on the spot. 

He was reading her Diary. 

Khushi walked over to him in a rush and snatched it with teary eyes, making him look at her and how she had changed in the last two weeks. 

"Khushi-" He tried to say something but looked at the way she was looking down at her Diary..it was on the last page, he had read everything.

He now knew that her sister, Payal had died when Khushi had not paid attention to her and she had been taken away by a guy and used and killed when Payal was only 7 years old. Khushi's mother used to be very ill to look after her children, and her step-father hardly came home. 

He now knew that Khushi loved Arnav since the very first day she has set her eyes upon him.

He now knew that she was going to be the mother of his child.

"Wh-why are you here? I..I don't want to be your mistress anymore. You heard me? I don't want to do all this.." She sobbed and kept her Diary and bag away as he tried to hold her but she continued to step back and cry uncontrollably.

She felt naked. She felt hurt. She felt betrayed. She felt unwanted. She felt all this and she never wanted to feel this ever again.

"Khushi..you're pregnant." He smiled and hugged her making her cry all the more..her mind was just not processing that he was in front of her and hugging her tightly. It was still stuck to the fact that she was his mistress and he probably wanted her in his bed once again.

"Please..please just let me go. I'd leave..I'd never come back in your life or bother you with anything. Not even my pregnancy. And please don't do anything to my Dad..I know he owes you money, but please just-I-I don't know. Is there any way I can repay you? I don't want to do this..I just don't want to be ruining someone's marriage. Please just-" She tried to say something more before he pulled out of their hug and cupped her face firmly, forcing her to look in his eyes and gain her senses.

"I don't want all that..I just want you." He joined his forehead with hers, breathing hard on her lips as he soon pinned her against a glass door, kissing her senselessly, lovingly, adoringly.

Soon their worlds collided. Their souls met. And the three magical words slipped out of their mouths which were truer than anything that had happened in their life..

There was so much to work upon in their relationship knowing that they had been hiding their unnamed feelings since so long, there were so many confusions and complications..but the moment they knew that they didn't want to share these love's complications with anyone but each other, it was all fine.