
Inexperienced mistress

He looked at his mom as she lowered her eyes and waited for him to continue the conversation.  "I am not marrying. I don't think I can make it." Was his simple reply to the humble lady who was yearning to bound him in the pure relation of matrimony.  "Think about it once more." She said plainly. Leaving on him to ponder and decide.  As if he wanted this only, he smirked and got up. "Then will meet ya next week. I got to go. Give my compliments to the Richard family." He simpered a little and taking one last sip of the lemon tea, waved his attendant to take out the car. Arnav Singh Raizada was a man of power. He was exactly what the females liked to tag as 'The Drop-dead handsome Man'. Being in not more than  a handful of relationships which didn't last for more than a week with the independent New York's women, he never let it hover over his work. Maybe that is why he was one of the richest men of the city.   He wanted commitment. But not marriage.. even after reaching a age where he saw the noble men with their wives and kids. That was just not him. * "I don't need the green files. And tell James to--" He spoke blatantly on the phone, desperately wanting to excuse himself from the burning heat, when he saw a woman in her early 20s, standing near the blackly shadowed spot in front of the big industry which happened to belong to him. He didn't wanted to keep on looking at her, but she passed him a half-smile that made him feel that it would be disrespectful to leave her without any attention.  "Who is she?" He asked one of his secretaries who looked at the girl with an apprehending glare and shrugged off her shoulder negatively.  Two choices- Meet her. Leave her.  He preferred to choose the second one. Just a smile. Not even a proper one. Why the hell should he waste his time on her? * "Mr. Kimberley, I really don't know why you cant pay off the debt you have taken from this industry even after being given 5 months for the purpose.." Arnav said in a calm tone and waited for the elderly man to answer him. "My wife hasn't been keeping well, and my daughter's marriage just broke. I don't think I can make it so soon. Try and understand ASR" He replied scathingly. "Well that's really not my problem. You ne--" He stopped when he found a knock on the door.  "Mr. Kimberly your daughter is here. She needs to talk to you." Told Annie and waited for him to come out.  "We are in an important meet here. Tell her to come in." Arnav said and turned on his swiveling chair. * Arnav looked at the girl who opened the door and looked at her dad timidly. This was the same girl who gave him that incomplete smile in the morning. He stared in her green eyes for a moment before waving at Kimberley. He got up and looked at Arnav once, his eyes pleading to allow him and talk to her in private.  "You can come tomorrow." Arnav sighed and busied himself with the text he just received from his mother before looking out of the glass door. Kimberley slapped the girl and left the place as she held back her tears. Arnav looked in her eyes as she desperately tried to avoid his gaze before leaving.  * "Mr. Kimberly it's been over 5 months and you haven't paid a single penny to our company and that's unacceptable. Arnav Singh Raizada never lets anyone get away with that. You're just lucky that I haven't put up any interest in your debt, and if you don't pay by 2 days from now then I will take something very precious from you!" Arnav spoke to the man who was on his knees pleading him for mercy. "Please ASR, my wife isn't in the condition' I assure you that I will pay you'-" "No! You've been saying that from the past f**k'n 5 months and I'm not waiting for the damn money that you owe us! I said 2 days. 2 days and if I don't have my money then you'll see the consequences!" Arnav roared in his office. I don't have any money ASR but I give you my daughter......

Nive1350 · TV
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

4 Dark feelings

Khushi never struggled.

Never in his grip.

She actually smiled when he jerked her hand away making her clash against the glass door of his car, while he looked at her with fury in his eyes.

"What are you doing? What the hell did you do over there?" He thundered, the drizzling rain wetting them a little but tonight he just didn't care.

"What? Why are you this way with me? We are like..in a live-in relationship right? But there's a difference..that you payed for me. It sucks, right?" She said in a her usual thinned voice, her eyelashes still as dark as ever and her lips having that red lipstick that always made them look appealing.

He just looked at her as if he didn't know what she was doing before turning away from her, making her look the other side too and wet her lips, trying to brush off the rain droplets that were adorned on her lips now.

She didn't give a damn to explain herself. And that made him furious than ever.

For another minute there was silence between the two, both just behaving as if they didn't know each other. For things they did, were not explainable. It was like their actions spoke everything in their relationship, the feelings and truth never mattered. 

But how long will a relationship go this way? 

Him satisfying his lust and desire from her even after being with so many women and her just accepting this life with open arms but right now it was turning into something that was irking him into a conversation with her..even if he had to force her into doing this.

He finally turned, making her shove off some strands of her fuzzy hair that were over her blue eyes and look at him as he held her arm tightly and pulled her closer to himself while she looked at him straight in his eyes and clutched his belt trying to brace herself in this position, the different speckles in his eyes mesmerizing her as he looked down at her with demanding eyes.

"Tell me what you want. There is something about you that you aren't telling me. Don't act like you are so much into this relationship, Khushi, coz I know you have many other things in your mind all the time. Stop acting like a wh*re, coz I don't think you are one..you were a virgin before I took you. We both know that." He said in a low tone, trying to find truth and persevere in the depth of her deep blue eyes.

For a moment, silence hung in the air. He could feel her heaving bosoms against his chest before she stood on her tiptoes and tried to distance herself a little from him so she could look at him without raising her head.*

"Okay I was a virgin before you met me..and I don't think why there is any problem in that..did I ever disappoint you in the bed, Mr. ASR? And about the wh*re thingy , even if I am not, it wont make any difference. We are not trying to find synonyms of the word mistress, coz if we would have been, you would have given me a little more respect then you do right now." She said in an mechanical voice, but softening up a little at the last words, she just didn't know what was happening to her..how was he able to make her do all this? Say things she never wants to..

He had such a charismatic aura that made even her lose herself in him for some moments before coming back to herself coz she knew what she was feeling was just unspoken attraction..that lead her to handle her entire senses to him in the bed every night and make the whole of the moment.

He looked at the way she straightened her softened features and loosened her grip on his belt before rubbing the same fist to her black dress, trying to remove that heated feeling whenever she touched him..

He just looked at her as she blinked her eyes slowly, her mascara-smeared eyes not having the same bold expressions as before before she took a deep breath and looked at him strongly once again.

"I just need you to tell the world that I belong to you..I need an assurance. and then you can go on and marry any f*cking one, I don't heck care. I am not a prostitute whom you can sleep with and forget it all. I am your mistress and you should accept that in front of the world. I dunno what deal you have had with my father..but I have my own needs. I cant be bound to you my whole life, waiting for you in the bed with my cloths off. For that, you need to give me what I want. I cant be the girl whom you can show off here and there and bed every night and forget about. I wont be that." She said in a manipulating tone, her heart pounding really fast at saying those words that she can never mean while he just looked at her with a small chuckle. 

"What else do you want? Having the life that you can never get just for some nights and dates. What else could you want? And when I would tell the world about you..that would be the day I wont have you anymore in my life. As simple as that. But if you still need more..I can give you anything. Speak." He said arrogantly, his words carefully chosen while she just looked at him with a smile thinking he would never get what she wants. 

He is just not the one. And whatever she feels for him is fatal. 

"If you really were so compelled on bedding me all this time, I am very sure you wont let this desire go away so soon, ASR. You can get anyone in this world looking at the amount of money you inherit.. a supermodel, an actress, but still you chose me. What does that mean? I am in for your life for a long time coz you yourself made me sign on those papers in order to make everything so formal and legal that you own every part of me..and I--" She tried to say something more before he she heard his deep breath as he turned away from her, looking at the pouring rain and just not finding her worth to answer any more questions before looking at her, his green eyes shooting back at her with a slight glare.

"Get in the car." He said before going inside, not making the gesture to open the door for her as she smirked and got in.


Khushi woke up the next day to find herself in the sheets, her dazzling milky skin feeling feverish and softer, his bites from the last night making her feel a little sore. 

He was harsh last night.

It was as if he has taken out the whole anger of her for the conversation with regards to what she did in the whole sexual act.

She got up, only to find the aroma of his cologne filling the room making her look everywhere. He was in front of the large mirror, shirtless and getting ready for work.

"Good morning." 

She heard his curt tone, he was looking at her through the mirror as she was trying hard to look at something in particular.

"Good morning." She replied mechanically, getting up, the white sheets were bunched up till her chest, making her look more delectable than ever. 

He turned and came towards her, making her stop in her tracks and look at him before he leaned onto her and licked a part of her neck where he had bit her last night while she didn't respond. 

"Pardon me for last night..I know it must be paining a lot." He came back to his position and dug his hands in the pockets of his pants while she smirked at his dishonest apology before she came closer to him and whispered near his ear..

"Pardon me too, for not making you feel man enough by not crying over it." She gently and seductively bit at his ear and pulled out before looking at him, he was simpering at her words and looking away as she gently shrugged his arm before going past him.

This relationship is complicated. 
