
Inexperienced mistress

He looked at his mom as she lowered her eyes and waited for him to continue the conversation.  "I am not marrying. I don't think I can make it." Was his simple reply to the humble lady who was yearning to bound him in the pure relation of matrimony.  "Think about it once more." She said plainly. Leaving on him to ponder and decide.  As if he wanted this only, he smirked and got up. "Then will meet ya next week. I got to go. Give my compliments to the Richard family." He simpered a little and taking one last sip of the lemon tea, waved his attendant to take out the car. Arnav Singh Raizada was a man of power. He was exactly what the females liked to tag as 'The Drop-dead handsome Man'. Being in not more than  a handful of relationships which didn't last for more than a week with the independent New York's women, he never let it hover over his work. Maybe that is why he was one of the richest men of the city.   He wanted commitment. But not marriage.. even after reaching a age where he saw the noble men with their wives and kids. That was just not him. * "I don't need the green files. And tell James to--" He spoke blatantly on the phone, desperately wanting to excuse himself from the burning heat, when he saw a woman in her early 20s, standing near the blackly shadowed spot in front of the big industry which happened to belong to him. He didn't wanted to keep on looking at her, but she passed him a half-smile that made him feel that it would be disrespectful to leave her without any attention.  "Who is she?" He asked one of his secretaries who looked at the girl with an apprehending glare and shrugged off her shoulder negatively.  Two choices- Meet her. Leave her.  He preferred to choose the second one. Just a smile. Not even a proper one. Why the hell should he waste his time on her? * "Mr. Kimberley, I really don't know why you cant pay off the debt you have taken from this industry even after being given 5 months for the purpose.." Arnav said in a calm tone and waited for the elderly man to answer him. "My wife hasn't been keeping well, and my daughter's marriage just broke. I don't think I can make it so soon. Try and understand ASR" He replied scathingly. "Well that's really not my problem. You ne--" He stopped when he found a knock on the door.  "Mr. Kimberly your daughter is here. She needs to talk to you." Told Annie and waited for him to come out.  "We are in an important meet here. Tell her to come in." Arnav said and turned on his swiveling chair. * Arnav looked at the girl who opened the door and looked at her dad timidly. This was the same girl who gave him that incomplete smile in the morning. He stared in her green eyes for a moment before waving at Kimberley. He got up and looked at Arnav once, his eyes pleading to allow him and talk to her in private.  "You can come tomorrow." Arnav sighed and busied himself with the text he just received from his mother before looking out of the glass door. Kimberley slapped the girl and left the place as she held back her tears. Arnav looked in her eyes as she desperately tried to avoid his gaze before leaving.  * "Mr. Kimberly it's been over 5 months and you haven't paid a single penny to our company and that's unacceptable. Arnav Singh Raizada never lets anyone get away with that. You're just lucky that I haven't put up any interest in your debt, and if you don't pay by 2 days from now then I will take something very precious from you!" Arnav spoke to the man who was on his knees pleading him for mercy. "Please ASR, my wife isn't in the condition' I assure you that I will pay you'-" "No! You've been saying that from the past f**k'n 5 months and I'm not waiting for the damn money that you owe us! I said 2 days. 2 days and if I don't have my money then you'll see the consequences!" Arnav roared in his office. I don't have any money ASR but I give you my daughter......

Nive1350 · TV
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

3 Fade into you

Arnav looked at her retreating back as she walked away from him..he just stood there, registering why she did that before going after her.

"Khushi.." He called out to find her standing in front of the glass door, she was looking out, her face carrying a unique sereneness. He came closer to her and stood beside her as she tried to leave before he held her arm tightly.

"Leave me ASR. I don't wanna do it..please just for tonight.." She said firmly, making him pull her towards him passionately as she pressed her arms against his chest. Their slightly sweat-bathed bodies stuck against the glass door. 

"What happened to you? Why were you crying?" He said and caressed the part below her eyes softly as he felt the wetness of her tears on his thumb.

"I was not..leave me the heck alone. Now." She grimaced angrily, trying to get back but his hands were tightly clasped behind her waist, making her rooted on the spot and do nothing but gaze in his grey eyes as her breasts heaved uncontrollably and her lips literally started trembling as the visions of her sister filled her mind.

"What is the matter with you? Are you cold?" He said in a lower tone, assuming that she was getting afraid of him.

"N..no..I just don't feel fine..please, please let me go." She said softly. 

The first time that he heard nothing but innocence in her voice..

The next moment Khushi's curls bounced on her shoulder as her legs automatically stepped a few steps back coz he had left her waist and just looked at her, she was wearing the short dress even now..the cold breeze that came through the window touching her skin. Her thin sleeves barely covering her shoulder.

She lowered her lids as he walked a few steps away and took his coat from the arm of the sofa and covered her in it, her hair getting scrunched inside the velvet material. 

"If you need anything to eat, ask the attendant." He said firmly and looked at her once again as she looked down, so ashamed of herself for reacting so weak and looking at him as he walked out of the door. 


He offered his coat to me today, Payal..I miss you so much today..I feel so alone. I know I will never get the privilege to have my own little baby..coz I am a mistress. He will move on in his life after sometime, after using me for some nights. I just need someone Payal..I need someone so much right now. I wanna hug you so tightly, Payal. I never got to tell you how much I love you. I was just 8 when you died..coz of me..coz of my foolishness. But I never wanted to hurt you Payal..I wanted you to smile and be happy and get everything in your life..you are my sister. A sister is like the best friend you could ever get..I can do anything to bring you back. But I know its never possible..it cant be. God has taken you away from me, coz I was not a sister enough. Nor am I now..I know I am a wh*re.I just dunno anything anymore..I dunno what I am turning into..please don't hate me..I am sorry Payal..I am so sorry..


Khushi looked down at the letter, it was wet with her tears..many alphabets were smudged..its ink mixing with the drops of water that were fallen on it.

She folded the letter from the middle, before placing it inside the leather journal and closing her eyes tightly, covering herself in the blanket as the scenes of him being with her some hours ago filled her mind.

She remembered how he covered her in his coat, how he behaved as if she needed him more than anyone..and that feeling made her feel weaker than ever..

She wanted to be back. She so wanted to fade herself in the image of the strong and bold Khushi..and she would. She thought before sleep overtook her senses..


If to say that Arnav Singh Raizada was angry, would have been an understatement. He just got a call from his mother that said something about a cocktail party, that offered him meeting a certain Lavanya Kashyap for a marriage proposal. 

She was one such lady who never failed to disgust him, the way she flirted with him in all the business meets, that turned him off even more. 

Yes, he had bedded numerous women, but all of them offered him the perfect of the one-night stands and nights of pure desire and passion , not a woman like Lavanya who was looking for long-term relationship and parts of his business after the marriage fiasco. 

His all the thoughts were put to an end when he thought about Khushi..

Damn. He cant leave her alone..specially after the state he found her in last night. 

He thought before dialing her number and telling her to get ready as he would pick her up soon. 


"Khushi?" His voice called out as he entered her room, he looked here and there before finding her in front of the mirror, combing her hair before keeping it on the table in a neatly fashion. 

"So you're here." She gave him a lopsided smile before getting up and coming close to him.

"What are you--" He tried to say something before she pressed him softly against the wall and placed her lips on his passionately, pulling him closer to her by digging her fingers in his hair, ruffling them.

He kissed her back, before turning her so that she was against the wall now while she let out an illicit moan. 

They kissed for two minutes, pulling out occasionally but breathing heavy on each other's lips.

He pulled out first, looking at her confusedly, her eyes were closed before she opened them slowly and started kissing him once again, plunging her tongue inside his mouth and pressing her body against him, her breathing ragged and passionate.

"Hope this was hot enough as a penalty for last night..or we can carry on, but I know that you don't have time for it." She smirked , looking at him through her mascara-darkened eyes and turning away, as he looked at her , her lusciously long hair sashaying her milky back.

So she was back.


The drive to his house was a silent one. Neither of them spoke a word. He looked at her, she was once again wearing a dress that barely covered her thighs, her legs brushing each other, her red heels tapping on the car's floor. 

She always looked like she was lost in her own world..she talked to him only when he tried to talk to her, too. 

She was such  a mystery..that made him crave for her even more. 

Her hair came over her face as he pulled the car in the parkway. 

"I'll be here in sometime. I need you to be here." He said, looking at her while she hardly looked at him. 

She knew his reasons. 

She just hummed a plain "Alright" as he left, looking at her one last time.


Arnav stood against a pillar, as his Mom told him again and again about Lavanya, who was coming just the next day. 

"I cant marry. I told you its not the thing for me. And specially that woman." He said, as some people murmured gossips in each other's ears. The Arnav Singh Raizada would never marry?

"Why cant you Arnav? Why are you making this so--"

"Because I am in his life..his mistress." Khushi suddenly shot out, he had told her to wait in the car, what was she doing here? He looked down at her as she held his arm tightly, resting her head against it as everyone looked at her with widened eyes.

He looked at his Mom who looked at him with twisted brows. 


"Khushi..what are you doing here?" He asked confusedly, making her move her gaze from his mother and look at him.

"I got bored..cant I come in too? I mean..you can sleep with me, spend half of your money on me, but you cant accept me in front of the world..that's double standards. " She said casually, making Mrs. Raizada look at Arnav questioningly.

He held her wrist tightly, before pulling her out of the place. 
