
Indra's Destiny Unveiled

This story is about a boy named Indra, who gets reborn into the era of pandavas and kauravas but with a OP upgrading system by his side aswell as Bhisma's support. Karna, Krishna, Aswathama and Bhisma will be major characters in this.

sPenK_XD · War
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Unleashed Fury.

Chapter 3: Unleashed Fury

As Indra's eyes transformed into the Sharingan, a mixture of fear and anticipation swept through the onlookers. Abhimanyu, initially filled with arrogance, felt a shiver run down his spine as he faced the wrath of Indra's wrathful gaze.

Before anyone could react, Indra's lightning-charged hand shot forward, aiming to strike Abhimanyu with a powerful lightning burst. The crackling energy surged through the air, drawing gasps from the surrounding crowd.

Just as Indra's attack was about to connect, a forceful gust of wind intercepted the lightning, dispersing it harmlessly. The crowd turned their attention to the source of the interruption, finding Dronacharya standing in front of Abhimanyu, shielding him with a protective barrier of wind.

"Stop this at once, Indra!" Dronacharya's voice boomed, filled with authority and concern. "Violence is not the answer, no matter the provocation. You have trained under Bhisma for years; I expect better from you."

Indra's eyes flickered back to their normal silver hue as he hesitated for a moment, his anger warring with the teachings instilled by Bhisma. He slowly withdrew his hand, the crackling lightning fading away, but the intense fury still burning within him.

Indra looked around at crowd who whispered among themselves, His Identity has been revealed.

Indra looked at abhimanyu and he had to use every ounce from self restraint from piercing his heart with chidori.

Indra looked at Bhima who had a baffled expression and smirked at him and then bowed In respect to drona, karna, duryodhana and yudhishthir before turning around and leaving as word quickly spread through hastinapur and the entire aryavart about Bhisma's adopted son and student.

The news of Indra's Identity and his connection to Bhisma spread through Hastinapur and Aryavart (Ancient India) Spread like wildfire.

It reached beyond Hastinapur and other kingdoms aswell.

As news of Indra's identity reached the blind King Dhritarashtr and the cunning Shakuni, their minds began to spin with possibilities. Dhritarashtr, seeking to secure the future of his own lineage, saw in Indra a potential ally or pawn in his political games. Shakuni, always eager for an opportunity to sow discord, envisioned using Indra's skills and anger as a means to further his own agenda.

Meanwhile, Karna's curiosity about Indra grew as he heard whispers of the young warrior's immense power. Karna, known for his own extraordinary abilities, wondered if Indra could be a worthy adversary or even a potential comrade on the battlefield. The wheels of intrigue started turning in his mind as he considered the possibilities.

Back at the palace, Duryodhana discussed the situation with his brothers and Aswathama, contemplating the implications of Indra's revelation. Duryodhana, fueled by his own ambition and desire for power, saw in Indra a potential ally who could tip the scales in his favor during the forthcoming conflict against the Pandavas.

King Dhritarashtr, always eager to gain an advantage, saw an opportunity in Indra's power and his link to Bhisma. He summoned his trusted advisor, Shakuni, and together they began plotting how to manipulate the situation to their advantage.

Meanwhile, the Pandavas and Abhimanyu grappled with the humiliation they had suffered at Indra's hands. Their pride wounded, they sought a way to restore their honor and prove themselves as worthy warriors.

Meanwhile, Indra had returned to his home and informed Bhisma regarding the recent happening.

Bhisma sighed and smiled.

"It was about Time the world gets to know about you."

Afterwards, Bhisma left quickly due to his busy schedule and Indra returned to training.

Unbeknownst to Indra, a shadowy figure lurked in the background, observing his every move. It was none other than Aswathama, the son of Dronacharya. He had been intrigued by Indra's raw potential from the moment he first witnessed his fury. Aswathama's own ambitions and desire for recognition drove him to explore the depths of Indra's potential.

Indra trained relentlessly for months, Bhisma would occasionally come and correct his mistakes or help him train as well and Aswathama would continue to monitor Indra.

Indra, had decided to have a walk around Hastinapur to get to know it better.

He walked down the streets of Hastinapur, as the sun shined in the sky.

As he was about to walk past a corner, he stopped as he saw something that caught his eye.

Standing there was a black skinned Enchantingly handsome man with divine futures, Krishna.

He saw krishna leaning against a wall smiling at him and then decided to walk towards him.

"Krishna, I doubt you have free time to wander around streets of Hastinapur. Afterall, you have a kingdom of your own."

Said Indra sternly wondering what possible reason Krishna could have to be here.

Indra, even if he was terrifying to warriors, just couldn't scare a skilled and powerful warrior like Krishna, afterall, he was still just a 7 year old child.

Krishna chuckled softly, his eyes twinkling with amusement at Indra's stern tone. He pushed himself off the wall and approached Indra with a calm grace.

"Ah, young Indra, you underestimate the nature of my existence," Krishna replied, his voice carrying an otherworldly resonance. "While I may indeed have a kingdom of my own, I am not bound by its constraints. I walk among mortals to understand their struggles, their desires, and to guide them on the path of righteousness."

Indra furrowed his brow, intrigued by Krishna's enigmatic words. "Why would you be interested in understanding mortals like us? What purpose does it serve for someone like you?"

Krishna's smile widened, his eyes holding a depth of wisdom beyond mortal understanding. "In the grand tapestry of existence, every thread has its significance. Mortals, with their dreams, fears, and ambitions, shape the course of the world. By understanding them, I can offer guidance, inspire change, and help bring about a greater harmony."

Indra listened intently, his curiosity piqued by Krishna's words. There was something about Krishna's presence that drew him in, an aura of tranquility and hidden power that commanded respect.

"You may be just a child, but there is something extraordinary about you, Indra," Krishna continued, his voice gentle yet commanding. "Your fury and strength hold immense potential, but it is how you wield them that truly matters. I am here to offer guidance, to help you channel your power for a greater purpose."

Indra's gaze softened, a mixture of skepticism and hope flickering in his eyes. "And what would this greater purpose be, Krishna? What path should I tread?"

Krishna's smile turned enigmatic, his voice carrying a note of mystery. "That, young warrior, is something you must discover for yourself. But rest assured, I will be here to guide you along the way, to challenge your beliefs, and to help you find your true destiny"

Indra absorbed Krishna's words, a mix of curiosity and skepticism still present in his expression. He pondered the idea of a greater purpose and the path he should tread, unsure of what lay ahead. However, the presence of Krishna, with his divine wisdom and aura of power, sparked a glimmer of hope within Indra.

"Very well, Krishna. I accept your guidance," Indra finally responded, his voice laced with determination. "I will strive to channel my power for a purpose beyond my own desires. Lead me on this path, and I shall follow."

Krishna nodded approvingly, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "Good. Remember, true strength lies not only in power but also in understanding and compassion. I believe you have the potential to become a force for change, to shape the destiny of Aryavart."

As Krishna turned to leave, Indra's gaze followed him, filled with a newfound sense of purpose. He knew that the journey ahead would be challenging, but he was ready to embrace it.

After bidding farewell to Krishna, Indra continued his walk through Hastinapur, his mind filled with thoughts of the path that lay ahead. As he wandered, he came across the Royal Garden, a serene and lush oasis within the bustling city.

In the garden, he spotted Kunti, the mother of the Pandavas, engaged in conversation with her sons—Arjuna, Bhima, and Yudhishthira. They stood in a circle, their expressions brimming with confidence and a hint of arrogance, each displaying their unique characteristics.

Bhima, known for his immense strength and boisterous nature, laughed loudly as he flexed his muscles, capturing the attention of those around him. Arjuna, the peerless archer, smirked and twirled his bow, his eyes gleaming with pride. Yudhishthira, the wise and righteous eldest brother, observed the scene with a calm demeanor, his voice carrying an air of authority.

As Indra approached, their attention shifted to him, curiosity gleaming in their eyes. Kunti, still retaining her regal demeanor, acknowledged Indra with a nod.

"Ah, Indra, it seems the rumors about you have spread far and wide," Kunti remarked, a hint of arrogance in her voice. "Tell us, what is it like to be the adopted son of Bhisma and possess such formidable power?"

Indra met their gazes, his own eyes gleaming with a mix of confidence and defiance. "Oh I know you are not the one talking after your grandson got humiliated in front of the entire hastinapur by me, a 7 year old."

Bhima's face flushed with anger at Indra's bold statement. His muscles tensed, ready to lash out at the young warrior who had embarrassed his nephew, Abhimanyu. Arjuna, ever the peacemaker, stepped forward, placing a hand on Bhima's shoulder.

"Easy, Bhima," Arjuna said calmly, his voice filled with a sense of diplomacy. "We mustn't let our emotions cloud our judgment. This is a time for reflection and understanding."

Indra, undeterred by Bhima's reaction, held his ground, his eyes locked with Bhima's fiery gaze. He knew that tensions were high, but he had no intention of backing down.

"Your nephew brought this upon himself," Indra continued, his voice steady. "He challenged me, underestimating the power I possess. I merely demonstrated the consequences of his actions. It is a lesson he will not forget."

Yudhishthira, the embodiment of calm and reason, stepped forward, his voice carrying the weight of wisdom. "Indra, while your display of power may have been justified, we must remember the value of restraint and respect. We are all warriors here, seeking to prove ourselves, but it is through unity and understanding that we can truly achieve greatness."

Indra's gaze redirected to kunti and he smirked. "Why so silent? *Kunti Maa*."

Kunti regarded Indra with a measured expression, her eyes conveying a mixture of wisdom and maternal concern. She knew the gravity of the situation and the potential consequences it could bring. After a moment of silence, she finally spoke, her voice carrying a hint of reproach.

"Indra, it is not for you, a mere child, to speak with such audacity," Kunti said, her tone stern yet tinged with a motherly concern. "I understand your anger and desire to prove yourself, but remember, true strength lies not only in power but also in humility and respect."

Indra just smirked. "What will your humility and respect get you when you, your self are so weak I can kill you right here, this moment. You are just a weak woman. Although if I were to kill you. I have no doubt that your sons won't stop until they ripped me to shreds."

Indra looked at the fuming Bhim and a enraged Arjun who were being held back by yudhishthir.

He just turns around and starts walking away.

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also if I get good response and then I will start to put more effort and time into writing to deliver higher quality chapters.