
Indian boy in parallel world

This is story of boy wo reincarnated into parallel world with two power super perception and super speed. in this all thing are same as real world but cricket are world famous. cricketer are like God.

Sonu_kumar_lion · Sports
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Start of interschool competition

Next day after that we and my parents was prepared to go for seeing the match because I changed my plan to participate in 3 rd match to first match  . 

I told this to the pt. Sir of andhra association school. Sir was very happy to know that I will play in the squad start of competition. 

Sir was very happy he was there when I made hundered and taken four wicket. He given the no. If I want I can jion their team . 

For this inter school competition enden garden was booked for 10 days. 

When every has came sponsor started announceing the rules 

1 every team will play 5 matches 

2 any team won more than 3 match they will qualify for quater final. 

3 all the rules of cricket will be same 

So our commentator is rj richi, 

Hello my name rj richi I will make your life thrilling like cricket game by my commentator skill. 

Sponsor then said 

First match st. Lauren vs national high school

Second match birla high school vs Cambridge school

Third match andhra association high school vs the heritage school

Each match will be of 10 overs 

In 10 min match will start 

Rj richi telling this two arch rival. We can hope a thriller between them. Because in last match between the team won by national high with the help of a young blood sonu gupta, wait wait in national high line up their is sonu kumar. 

Then rj richi said theis can a plan because they do not want to so all card at once. 

First match starts after winning the toss national high elected bowl first. 

( rj richi) 

Rj richi said st. Laren want all gun blazing in the so they sent hard hitter batsman in the field. 

He said national play their best to defeat the st. Lauren now. 

First over start bowler bowls a short pich ball, then st. Lauren take turn and hit a lofted short and ball goes out of boundary and a six. 

Rj richi said st. Lauren started with fire. 


When I saw the temparament of st. Lauren their will be power hitting. 

After a six st. Lauren destroyed the bowling line up .  

Score was 160 for no wicket in 10 overs. 

After that in second innings when national high come to bat their moral was done. Like bowling line up st. Lauren destroyed the batting line up also, in last national high score was 67 run all out in 7 over. 

Rj richi said this was pure dominance of the st. Lauren. So now national high will take out their wild card sonu gupta. 

After seeing this principle went to pt. Sir and said  training them playing kabbadi with them. 

Pt. Sir we have call sonu gupta to our team then only we can win. Principle said then call the sonu gupta. 

After this they called me told me to play for dignity of college. 

Me : I said I will not play . After this tournament then I can play for the team for this tournament.

Principle: why? 

Me: you are one that want me to not play not for national after that i left team room. 

After that I went towards andhara association school sat with their team . 

second match birla high school. 

Score card - birla high school made a target of 120 in 10 over loss of 5 wickets. 

Cambridge all out for 98 in 10 overs. 

Third match was started was started we have won the toss elected bat first. 

I and captain of andhara association came together. But no one can recognise me I have wore a mask. 

Rj richi said third match is starting it be thriller like second or onside dominance. Opening player reached into the ground first one name is sunney and another one is sonu. 

Rj saying that like national team they have one player name sonu in their squad. 


First over start : I was seeing the ball piched in good length then opened  my leg pulled ball and lofted out of boundaries.

Second ball piched at good length then I used lofted cover drive through the ball out of deep cover. 

In this over I made 30 run in one over 

Rj rich I said this is full gun blazing start for andhra association. 

Then  I start destroying the bowler of heritage and made an 100 run in 20 balls this is the fastest hundred . After five over of the match. 

Rj said sonu made the history by making fastest hundred of the world . 

After 5 over score was 120 with no loss of wicket. 

After another five over my invidual score in 160 and total score is 210 in 10 over with no loss of wicket. 

All are happy in the andhara association cricket team, because this score is unbitable. 

Principle of andhara was feeling proud for himself by recruiting me in the team. 

All the student of andhara was shouting like no tomorrow. 

After, that second innings started  ,  captain of andhra given me to ball. 

I started the first ball which is outswinger  ball droped at good length goes to gloves of the wicket keeper. 

Rj said sonu start with the outswinger and testing the batsman. 

In second ball sonu used a yorker against batsman  and  woo! Man batsman was cannot see anything his wicket uprooted form the ground. 

After one over heritage lost 3 wicket for zero run. 

In the end of second over heritage score is 14 run with loss of 3 wicket. 

Third over given to me once more I taken another three wicket destroyed the linup of heritage  school. 

Score is 16 run after 3 over with loss of six wicket. 

Rj said sonu has destroyed the batting lineup single handedly. 

After that heritage not able to recover and all out for 77 in 9 over . 

After that I went quitely toward my parents asked them you recorded it in your vedio camera. 

Mom said yes boy I have recorded. 

After that distribution of man of the match trophy , I went without the mask and taken the man of the match trophy after announcement of my name in man of match trophy between heritage and andhra. 

By seeing this my school team and student of our school was shocked. Then sayed when they thought how the pt. Sir and principle not taken him in the school team and also through out of bench player. 

When I was going then all the ranji coaches given me the phone card and said if want you can jion the ranji team. 

After that I went out of the stadium with my parents. Then reach to home.