
India: I became the Maharaj of Bharat

An Indian guy got reincarnated as a son of the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan. He realised that after Akbar, the Empire has been degrading and will reach the peak of degradation during his half-brother Aurangzeb's reign. Plus, he is going to die anyway if he didn't do anything in the war of succession since he was a prince. So, becoming the Emperor himself was the only option. Plus, it was a chance for him to create a strong India so that her riches doesn't get stolen again. So, he decided to become the Maharaj of Bharat

WebFanfics · History
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9 Chs

First day in Darbar

*Contains racism and morally wrong things according to the times.

**Webnovel, please don't block this book.

Shah Rukh entered the darbar with confidence. Afterall, first impression is very important.

There, he saw the luxurious darbar with all the good, and most importantly, the luxurious peacock throne that his father sat upon.

While Shah Jahan wasn't exactly a bad person, and even allowed him, a prince, to be taught by people of other religions like Buddhism and Hinduism, he was a incompetent ruler, especially since Mumtaz Mahal passed away. He built many luxurious and artistic things, but most of them were a waste of money because he could have built universities with all that money.

Honestly, his best achievement was that he was tolerant and secular, and his eldest brother, Dara Shikoh was like that too.

"I am excited and honoured to see the kind Badshah-e-Hind. I, Shah Rukh, am overjoyed to be in your presence and of the Royal Darbar."

"Shah Rukh, congratulations on turning 10! Say, what do you want as a present? A chest full of gold, silver or diamonds?"

"I am happy about that, but may be I so rude to present an urgent finding of mine before asking what I want as a present?"

He looked at me, intrigued. I don't know if he even remembered my name or face before.

"What is it?"

"I have found the perfect preventive cure of Small Pox along with the reason it has been spreading to even the peasants now."

Everyone stood by the severity of what I just said. Small Pox is a disease that has been always around the world. But surprisingly, it didn't effect that much population of India. Mostly affected people were Nawaab and even rulers like Ashoka.

But it wasn't THAT deadly like it was becoming now. The Mughal Empire has noticed more people dying for it, and even the peasants in the recent years.

So, what could be the reason?

The root of many problems, Europeans.

The small pox virus that plagued the Europeans was of greater lethality and has evolved like that because of the harsh living conditions there. As they traveled around the world, they wiped out entire civilizations with their diseases.

The peasants of India didn't suffer much because they had their cows, and copulation which was the worst medical practice that could happen in Europe has been done in India for centuries.

But with the Europeans arriving in large numbers, with stronger versions of the virus, Indian peasants were not safe even with their holy cows.

There was a reason that cows are considered holy afterall. But for the vaccines, Indian cowpox vaccine hasn't been working much, and required European holy cows.

"Are you telling the truth, Shehzade(Prince)?"

Mir Jumla 2, the chief advisor of Shah Jahan asked.

Shah Rukh nodded his head.

"Father, I would like to talk in private about the preventive cure I have found. But I think I should let it known in public about the cause of it so that we can prevent the spreading of this disease until we successfully create the medicine."

"You are given permission."

"Thank you father. Before I tell the cause, I would like the intelligent mantris of the darbar to answer a question. What type of people have been arriving in large numbers in India in the recent years?"

"The White people from Europe, not from places like Greece, but those who were incredibly poor parts of the former Roman Empire. I have heard that they have been struggling to even keep their lives since China stopped trading with the rest of the world."

"Don't tell me-"

"Yes Mantri Ji. It is a general pattern we have observed. Surat has the most White Europeans in the Empire, and it has the most severity of Smallpox. The smallpox that has always existed around us, but copulation worked good enough to prevent deaths, isn't it? But why is it failing now?

Because they come from poor living conditions where they don't even get vegetables and fruits in good quantity. Their living conditions have been even worse than Shudras for centuries. Bad living conditions lead to stronger diseases.

We are lucky that we are well connected with the world and are more resistant to it. But Aftica isn't much lucky.

A trader that arrived in Surat told my servant whom I sent to investigate the matter that their cattles have been dying since White people arrived.

And they are incredibly rude too. Portuguese who has been controlling Goa are forcing people to convert into Christianity and growing drugs like tobacco.

It is unacceptable. We must ban Europeans from the Empire and spread the news to all our neighbours, even if we have bad relations with them. Because disease doesn't see borders of kingdoms and empires. It kills everyone. And the Europeans will then conquer us because they are more resistant to their disease!"

The darbar was dead silent. Sure I was spreading racism against them, but it is actually obvious that they carry more diseases. Plus, they really consider themselves superior and fell themselves as the children of God, while everyone as cattle and beasts.

Such is the truth of the times, and I will use every weapon against those bastard thieves.

"Even if you say that Shehzade Shah Rukh, they are one of the biggest foreign traders that buy spices, cotton and silk and other things in huge quantities. It will be a huge loss to our economy if we ban them."

"Well, they are profiting by selling things that are cheap here to astronomical prices there. What if we remove the middlemen and start to directly selling our products. It will help in developing our navy and exploring the world as well."

"But we can't leave the land where Ganga mata isn't there."

A Brahman priest said.

Well, this belief is bullshit. Chola Empire left the land of Ganga and conquered places like Indonesia. It is a misconception spread, for reasons unknown.

"And those Europeans are as close minded as they are poor. Many people have tried what you suggested, but those fools killed Muslims and any other religions that isn't Christian. They haven't seen people that don't look so sick and white, so even lying about religion won't work. They are either killed or captured as slaves."

Okay, that does explain things why no one tried to directly trade. Europeans three centuries later killed people due to their balant racism, and this is a time when there is more extremism.

Shah Jahan interrupted the people thinking about solutions, and asked Shah Rukh.

"We will discuss this matter later in detail. Shah Rukh, come to my chambers after Darbar. For now, state what you want as your birthday present."

"Yes father. As for my 10th birthday present, I would like your permission and funds to rebuild Takshashila and Nalanda Universities. And established an even greater university in Agra under Maharani Mumtaz Mahal, close to where Taj Mahal is being built."

"Hahaha! Not something like a chest of gold or gems?"

"No. I already have enough gold and gems. I want to restore the dignity of Islam which has been slandered by beasts who destroyed centers of knowledge in the name of Allah."

"Hmmm, you are quite wise Shah Rukh. Far more than anyone your age.

Alright. I grant your wishes. You will oversee the rebuilding of Takshashila, and Shikoh will oversee the rebuilding of Nalanda and a new university in Agra near Taj Mahal. And I have heard that you are quite qualified person in battles as well.

That's why I reward you to become the governor of Lahore after you are married. Learn under Muhammad Kurram for 3 years, and head there. It is a very important province. There has been tensions since my fool of a father executed a Sikh guru. And there is also Persian Empire just on the borders and there has been skirmishes recently.

Do you agree?"

"Yes father. I thank you for the opportunity."

Shah Rukh understood Shah Jahan. Shah Jahan has deemed him a possible competitor for Dara Shikoh. If it was spread that it was him who came up with the cure of smallpox, it will lead to a more intense war of succession. But he is considered smart enough to be made the governor of a bordering province.

Shah Jahan didn't want a war of succession, so he has decided to give his full support to the eldest son. He even sent Aurangzeb, who has a talent in warfare, away from Delhi as he was becoming hostile towards Shikoh.

While his intensions may be correct, he did things wrong as it only increased the animosity of Aurangzeb and spoiled Shikoh.

But Shah Rukh thought of this as a good thing for him. It will reduce the caution of Shikoh and he will be able to develop firearms in secret, while he would let Aurangzeb destroy other candidates and snoop in the last minute to win the succession war with minimal effort and blood on his own hands, and even seen as a hero who avenged the deaths of his brothers at the hand of Aurangzeb.

"Thank you father. I will not disappoint you."

"Good. And be prepared for choosing your bride. I will choose 3-4 candidates for you. Choose the girl you like from them."

"Yes father."

Oh. Child marriage. He really hated the medival period right now.