
India: I became the First PM of India

India made many bad decisions in the early years of Independence. Getting soft on Pakistan, going to UN for Kashmir, adopting Licence Raj, Indo-China war, rejecting UN seat, etc. So what if, instead of Nehru-led Congress, a party under Siddharth Dutt, a reincarnator, came in power? How would the course of history change? Read to find out. To support me, UPI me at: fanficworld0707@ibl

FanficWorld07 · History
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Vikram Sarabhai and ISRO

Vikram Sarabhai was a young physicist who met Homi Bhabha in IISc during the WW2, and he became the Vice Chairman of India's nuclear program.

Unlike Bhabha though, he wasn't an advocate for nuclear weapons.

When an assassination attempt happened, and he was alive only because body doubles were frequently travelling to Delhi in their place, he realised that making a nuclear bomb IS a necessary evil.

That's why, he became fully motivated to make the bomb.

But when he saw the explosion that a prototype of India's first nuclear bomb created, he became disillusioned from such research.

He was also dissatisfied with Satyankar's policy. Perhaps, the war with China could have been avoided through diplomacy.

And Satyankar never put in any effort so that the world will give up on nuclear weapons.

Nobody will give up their nuclear weapons, but Satyankar should have atleast put in some effort.

After the successful nuclear test, Sarabhai talked to Satyankar in private.

"I want to quit the nuclear program. I don't want to make weapons."

"...Not even nuclear reactors for electricity?"

"No... It will be too dangerous to produce electricity from it."

Satyankar thought about it for some moments, and then, nodded.

"I can't force you to do something you don't want to. But, can I suggest you a different project? That will not involve making weapons?"


"You know, what if instead of sending radio waves from earth, we put something in space, and use it as an intermediary for much wider range of communication?"

Sarabhai was impressed by the idea. If this was done, communication will become much easier!

"I have come into contact with another scientist, Narinder Singh Kapany. He has been working for 'Optical Fiber', to transmit information through light.

Indian Space Research Organisation, ISRO. I want you to be its Chairman. For now, it's main focus will be on setting communication satellites in earth's orbit, focusing on India.

There will be various organisations and companies working with it, to make computers, improving communications, processors, etc.

Are you up for it? And, are you ready for coming back to public life?"

Sarabhai considered the implications. He would be lying if he said that he is ready to come back to public life. After the assassination attempt, he hasn't talked to anyone but Satyankar and his nuclear team. And he has grown comfortable with it.

But... this project seems much more matching to his interests. There is an old saying that connecting people together brings peace and prosperity. Roads and Railways can only achieve it to a certain level.

What if, using such space satellites, information could be shared across the globe in a matter of seconds? It will revolutionise interconnectivity in the world. And when people are more connected, it will bring peace and prosperity to the world.

And if light can be used for information transmission, and such wires can be laid across the world, the speed will be very similar to using satellites. Maybe even faster!

"I will do it."

He doesn't need to care about his safety. The government will take care of it.

"Can I add another responsibility on you?"


"India needs to get away from quacks and superstitions, and develop a scientific temper. Right now, we have to produce scientists and engineers in large numbers.

Science needs to be promoted the most.

So... Be the President."


"Yes. President is a ceremonial position. A President must be showing the current ideology and importance of a sector. Children must get the message that by being scientists of the future, they can reach the highest position in the country.

And right now, besides Bhabha ji, you are the most important scientist we have. Bhabha ji is in the more sensitive nuclear field. But space exploration is something that needs to be public.

You are the perfect candidate for the position. You can focus on your research, and meet different people and kids, with the highest security in the country. And President doesn't have much real work anyway."

"But-! There are people more qualified than me! I didn't participate in independence struggle. I shouldn't be given the highest position in the country!"

Satyankar shook his head.

"Independence struggle is a thing of past now. But most of our politicians and people are still in the mindset of political struggle. They oppose big factories due to being a 'colonial relic'. They are in a constant struggle against some injustices.

When the injustices come to close, people with this mindset will create fictional injustices to fight against. Perhaps 75-80 years later, they will create a struggle for changing their gender with drugs."

"That won't happen. That's absurd."

"We can't say anything about the future. People like me and Gandhi have gotten a cult like following. And we are politicians.

I want scientists like you to have a cult following for the coming generations, so that they can be motivated for science."

"Then there are other scientists-"

"And their achievements fall flat in front of Vice Chairman of the Nuclear program, and the Chairman of ISRO.

Will you do it? The country needs you."

"Uggh! Fine! I will do it!"

"Thank you!"

And so, Satyankar persuaded Sarabhai to be the first President of India along with Chaiman of ISRO.

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