
India: I became the First PM of India

India made many bad decisions in the early years of Independence. Getting soft on Pakistan, going to UN for Kashmir, adopting Licence Raj, Indo-China war, rejecting UN seat, etc. So what if, instead of Nehru-led Congress, a party under Siddharth Dutt, a reincarnator, came in power? How would the course of history change? Read to find out. To support me, UPI me at: fanficworld0707@ibl

FanficWorld07 · History
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98 Chs

UN meeting-1

(Kiara Singh's 3rd PoV)

Kiran Devi was a 38 year old politician, the head of BJS women's association. She has been inspired Satyankar's Kesalay-aani (*Manga means Kesalay in Sanskrit, so Kesalay-aani in plural) about the idea of freedom, of religion, of Cycle of Hatred, of Will of 5 Elements: Fire, Water, Earth, Wind and Lightning.

The Kesalay, 'Sambhar' literally changed her life.

(*Indian version of Naruto: He eats Dosa-Sambhar, and lives in a village made up of martial clans from South India and practices Kalaripayattu)

She lived her life as a housewife, while transmitting information to the freedom fighters secretly. Her husband was murdered by the British when they traced back the signals to her house, with someone's help. So she escaped the place by bribing the British officials with all her jewellery, and joined the resistance movement in Bengal.

Coming from a 'privileged' family, she got ratted out by her brother-in-law who wanted the property. So she was very sensitive to betrayal, and was the main person in the resistance who weeded out the British agents to hamper the resistance.

The resistance didn't take arms though. Because through his Kesalay-aani, she knew a message that leader has left. Armed resistance will only breed hatred. They will kill the Britishers, who totally deserve it. But the common Britishers who live in Britain, blissfully unaware of the cruelty, massacres, rapes, robbery and barbaric activities their people are committing in foreign countries, and the British government will find justification to call the resistance terrorists, and the common Britishers will hate the resistance, saying that we are killing their families.

She liked to belive that there are more good people than bad, but the good are mostly passive. And she also believed that the majority of people are simple minded idiots. If every Britisher knew what their family members are committing while being away from their family, they would feel ashamed.

Because she didn't like to think that there are people who wouldn't feel guilty and angry if their family set fire on the soil, enslaved people, raided the villages for gold and raped more women than their tiny island has. If she is wrong about that, this will be a very sad and depressing world to live in, to be forced to deal with the white demons.

But she has to deal with them, whether she likes it or not. She is the Foreign Minister of India afterall.

Today, she is representating India in the United Nations, a fascist organisation consisting of the stupid racist countries of USA, France, Britain, and the ok country USSR, and the ROC(Republic of China), which is no different than USA's puppet at this time.

She knew that the result of today wouldn't be in India's favour. Britain and France don't have much resources to speak of, and they just got sanctioned by India, all their properties seized and making the French and British currencies of 0 value against the India Rupee because India won't trade with them, since they have decided to side with Pakistan.

USA, as expected, didn't join show any support to Pakistan, and USA's Foreign Minister just assured her that they wouldn't support Pakistan, and gave her an invitation for the leader to the White House to discuss about the deal.

As expected, the USA may be controlled by the rich white racists, but they are, mostly, after profits. And to establish USA as the main superpower in the eyes of the world, it went against Britain and France, the relics of past and future puppet states.

Her husband assisted the Nizam of Hyderabad in his finance, the richest person in the world. And she was the master of her household. She managed the money. She knew how things will go to a certain extent in the future, and depending on the person, who will go bankrupt and who was stupid enough to take massive loans.

The Nizam was going to lose all money but his palace one day, and Britain and France would too, unless they kept plundering the colonies and scamming the world with their propaganda.

So, they wouldn't allow India into the UNSC, and honestly, she didn't mind that personally. Not getting into this ridiculous organisation will allow India's foreign policy to remain independent, and also allow it to create Asian Union with PRC, which will most likely win the Chinese Civil War. Issues of Asia should be discussed in Asian Union, free of problematic countries of Europe and USA.

"Namaskar Everyone. I am Kiran Devi, the Foreign Minister of India, representing India in this resolution of the UN to accept India as a Permanent Member. As per the wishes of the Prime Minister of India, I will be direct, so that what I am presenting doesn't get twisted into a sick propaganda by ridiculous propaganda channels like BBC.

So, here's the thing. The United Nations is still in the infant stage. Not many countries have joined. The system with which it is made is ridiculous. I am really not sure if it can be called legitimate if Britain is sitting here, which has massacred, raped, tortured and has done so many unspeakable things to people more than their population.

To rip out the breasts of a woman by hot iron, to torture her to get information about the freedom struggle, is not exactly a thing any country deserving to hold a special place amongst other countries can do. And that's only one case I have stated in the millions of people, not only men and women, but children has gone through. It's not the only case of the countless villages the British have raided to loot the gold, killing everyone but women, and little girls, then proceeding to rape them and then heading off to the next village after setting the village on fire, burning them alive.

A country like that doesn't deserve to lecture the world about slavery, human rights, and acting as if it is a hero for the world, for the women.

The stance of India, not only as the country India alone, but as a voice for the civilizations which have been rich the entirety of history but last 2-3 centuries due to colonisation, African, and Asian, is that it wouldn't join this organisation to give it legitimacy if it isn't a permanent member.

We have the first or second largest population in the world, and the richest civilization throughout history from Indus Valley Civilization to the 17th century, only rivaled by the Chinese over who is first and who is second.

We invented martial arts, other civilizations and languages had the most impact from India, we are the only place where Jews weren't persecuted. We are the one who gave the world the idea of secularism, of science, maths, geography, astronomy. We are the ones who represent one-sixth of the world population, i.e. India.

If today, the Security Council denies India entry, then we can only assume that the United Nations wasn't created for maintaining peace, but for maintaining the structures for colonialism and neo-colonialism, barbarism, genocides, rapes and to continue to loot and exploit from the world.

It is now or never. We will go with this assumption and India won't appear in the United Nations, blacklisting it as a useless organisation meant for keeping up the exploitation and loot. And I am sure that the other countries of Asia and Africa will also keep attention on this resolution, to think twice before becoming part of an organisation that will only bring them misfortune at the cost of colonial countries.

That's all India has to say. And we will not change the decision, even if foreign elements try to go as far as to assassinate us in some 'accidents'.

Now, the ball is in your court."