
India: I became the First PM of India

India made many bad decisions in the early years of Independence. Getting soft on Pakistan, going to UN for Kashmir, adopting Licence Raj, Indo-China war, rejecting UN seat, etc. So what if, instead of Nehru-led Congress, a party under Siddharth Dutt, a reincarnator, came in power? How would the course of history change? Read to find out. To support me, UPI me at: fanficworld0707@ibl

FanficWorld07 · History
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Parliamentary Sessions

(Lok Sabha, Delhi)

After the National Emergency came to an end on 30th July, a special Lok Sabha session happened the next day.

And of course, the first question was to Satyankar.

"Why wasn't the parliament informed of an important information such as nuclear development? Even the MPs of BJS didn't know about it until now."

"It is precisely because it is so important the no one was informed. Even Muhammad didn't know about it.

Whether we like it or not, a nuclear weapon is a necessity, especially for a country as big as ours. Putting USA and USSR aside, Britain's nuclear weapon will be completed by 1952-53.

Is using a nuclear weapon morally good? No. Using any kind of weapon isn't morally good.

Weapons are necessary for peace. India will never use nuclear weapons to threaten any country, even the likes of Britain. They are deterrent for other countries against any attack.

If we truly want to be independent, and not threatened into doing certain things, we will have to keep up with the military power of the world.

Moreover, nuclear energy has very, very high calorific value than other fuels. And, it is a much cleaner fuel per joule compared to our major fuel resource, that is coal. If we are able to harness it, we can become truly energy independent, even when our economy grows big enough to be not sustainable by just coal.

It is a sensitive issue, so not many people should know about it. Just one honey trap led to such dire consequence, so I am sorry, but I can't share any more details regarding the program.

But one thing I can say with confidence to our country, and the world. India will never start a war, much less a nuclear war. But that doesn't mean that India is weak.

You can't just poke a tiger and not expect it to retaliate."

Some more debate happened. Some Gandhian politicians even argued that army should be dismantled. Which even the pacifist Nehru was baffled by their thinking.

No matter the era, stupid politicians are a curse.

The next topic was Britain.

"Will it really be alright to declare Britain a terrorist country and break every diplomatic ties? Plus, why weren't the terroists killed and just dropped near British waters?"

"Well, Britain did commit a terrorist action. Two of our best scientists were assassinated, which pushed India back by atleast 15-20 years. Intelligent minds like them are very rare. Einstein is like modern world's Aryabhatt. And intelligent people like that come once upon centuries.

India is a country of science! If we wouldn't protect our scientists, who will?

Britain may have been the biggest world power before WW1. It may have been a significant power before WW2. But after this, with continuously losing colonies, when almost entire population of the world agrees to not let Britain in their country, and especially not let them draw any borders, in ten years, it would have dropped from the third most powerful country to fourth, and will continue to fall.

I wouldn't shy away from saying that USA and USSR will be the two superpowers of this century. The world will be divided into three parts.

Non-Aligned block, US block and USSR block. India falls into the first world block.

In this era of cold war, we have to be ready to suffer constant sabotage. And, we shouldn't let any country, no matter how powerful they are, get away with harming India.

We will never bow to any country. We will talk while looking at the same eye level. You want to be a friend of India? Just don't try anything against us, and we are friends. But you want to preach friendship, human rights, and other nonsense while carrying a knife, we don't need to interact with you."

Everyone tapped their tables in agreement.


In another parliamentary session, current state of Iran and British Indian Ocean islands were discussed. Iran has successfully overthrown a British puppet Shah, so India became the first country to recognise it.

And the foreign minister headed to the islands for the cession proposal. It gave them the benefit of being a regular state of India for 25 years, and then deciding whether they want to continue being a part of it or become an independent country. Of course, it was a one-time option.

If it decides to stay with India when 25 year passes, it can't demand getting separated later at any other point of time.

After the new state, Maldives came into existence, a State Commission was set up for proper division of various states. For example, Telangana wanted to separate from Andhra Pradesh, Haryana wanted to separate from Punjab, Gujarat wanted to separate from Maharashtra, etc. etc.

At most 35 states for now, the commission will decide which district and constituency will go where, how much water will be alloted to which state, etc. For the current five years, the states will remain as it is and divided before the elections.

As the Independence Day was approaching, Subhash Chandra Bose Investigation Committee was set up to investigate Netaji's suspicious death. It was headed by his older brother, and Netaji's commanders, along with the Indian Intelligence Agency(IIA) vice-president.

As 15th August approached, India began preparations for its third Independence Day.