
India: I became the First PM of India

India made many bad decisions in the early years of Independence. Getting soft on Pakistan, going to UN for Kashmir, adopting Licence Raj, Indo-China war, rejecting UN seat, etc. So what if, instead of Nehru-led Congress, a party under Siddharth Dutt, a reincarnator, came in power? How would the course of history change? Read to find out. To support me, UPI me at: fanficworld0707@ibl

FanficWorld07 · History
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Due to attacking a country which is a part of the Asian Union, the seat for PRC was automatically revoked. And ROC was quick to apply for it. Though if it is accepted or not is a matter to be discussed in future.

CIA has been giving weapons and training Tibetian soldiers since PRC took control of mainland China, but it is obvious that Tibetian army is no match for China's, which has experience in guerilla warfare in mountainous regions too due to Chinese Civil war, taking away the single advantage it had over China.

Blocking the rivers may have been a solution, but they also flow into India, which is effectively their only hope now.

The full scale invasion did change from what Satyankar expected. In the original timeline, there were some attacks and then Tibet agreed to join China as a self-government province, and India's advice did play a part in it.

But since Tibetian government was warned about a possible betrayal in their higher-ups, and that a Communist China will never allow a theocratic province, the war is full scale.

USSR has decided to remain totally out of the conflict right now because of its interest in India, despite having great relations with China. But, it will remain out of it as long as USA doesn't get in.

That's why, all eyes are on India now. India has a very large border with Tibet, which has great relations now, and in the past too. Many pilgrimage sites of Hindus and Buddhists are in Tibet too. Its borders with China are very less, just some parts of Arunachal Pradesh.

Indian army is leagues above than Chinese right now, having experience of both World Wars under the British, as well as better technology, weapons, vehicles and most importantly aircrafts, where China is almost non-existent on the world stage right now.

In the budget this year, there were plans to decrease the military expenditure from 50% of the GDP to 40%. But, it seems that it will have to wait another year.

There are also some great benefits in entering the war. It has been only two years since PRC took control, and it didn't have much time to consolidate its power back home. A major loss in war will destabilise its government greatly.

But, unstable neighbours are a recipe for disaster as well. Not every unstable countries get Lee Kuan Yew. Most of them get some sort of Hitler.

And a Hitler with 400 million+ people?

India has applied diplomatic pressure on China to have a ceasefire. But the Indian diplomat was told to leave.

"That's the situation."

Satyankar informed both Nehru and Savarkar who are leading the oppositions.

"Our economy is booming right now. A war will ruin it. India should never initiate a war."

Nehru said.

"We should attack first. It's obvious that after being done with Tibet, they will attack us. Not only they have not confirmed to the borders, they have also kicked out our diplomats."

Savarkar said.

Both were correct in their own way.

It was obvious that China will attack. But, attacking them first will send the wrong image of India as being the initiator of a war. Which will be bad for a neutral economy as well.

While USSR may have declared to remain out of the war, Stalin isn't exactly a good economist. Most of the upper echelon of the union aren't. They may be willing to break off trade relations with India in favour of China.

Sino-Soviet split hasn't happened afterall.

Satyankar has asked US to keep a good and steady supply of oil to be ready for India, just in case. Sending the message that a war may happen, which it is too happy to make it hallen.

For anything to happen, China must attack India first. And Mao may appear to be a brute by ignoring all diplomatic repercussions, but history has proved him to be a great tactician in knowing the opponent and military tactics.

He knew precisely that India won't take the risk to appear as an aggressor, that's why he is attacking Tibet with full force.

"PM ji. A call from Dalai Lama."

Satyankar took the call from Dalai Lama, and the first thing he heard was, "Mr Satyankar, the offer for the countries of the Indian Subcontinent to join India, can it be extended to Tibet too?"

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