
India: I became the First PM of India

India made many bad decisions in the early years of Independence. Getting soft on Pakistan, going to UN for Kashmir, adopting Licence Raj, Indo-China war, rejecting UN seat, etc. So what if, instead of Nehru-led Congress, a party under Siddharth Dutt, a reincarnator, came in power? How would the course of history change? Read to find out. To support me, UPI me at: fanficworld0707@ibl

FanficWorld07 · History
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98 Chs


"So, how many lifts will we require?"

"More than 35-40 atleast. Taking back the gold reserves alone will take 30 airlifts."


London currently holds 90% of RBI's gold that was present before independence. Around 1,300 tons. (1 ton=1000kg)

While the gold will be safe in London, why should our gold be in a foreign country?

In the Russia-Ukraine war, western countries freezed Russian assets illegally. So, storing the gold in foreign countries isn't a good thing.

The storage vaults have been built in different locations to accommodate all the gold.

As for the various treasures and artifacts in UK, it was unknown. A list from India's side has been prepared, but UK is very talented. It definitely has more than we know about. A big museum in Ujjain is currently under construction, but the storage has been complete. After all of them are brought back, they will be spreaded across India as per their respective places.

After exploring the museums, Satyankar and his crew went to the hotel to retire for the night, and next day, tbey were in Buckingham Palace.

With all the army personnel protecting Satyankar inside the palace too.

Nobody from the leaders of the commonwealth countries said anything though, most likely having come to the understanding to just ignore Satyankar's antics.

They didn't even say anything about Sonu sitting on a chair, and being fed from the dining table where everyone was sitting.

Satyankar, of course didn't use any spoon and stuff aside from the sweets.

And they were all Indian. Afterall, Britain doesn't have any food of its own. Even if it does, it will be too tasteless to serve to foreign dignitaries. And Crossoint or whatever is from Italy or France.

Since Elizabeth was the host, she started the meeting after the silent breakfast was done.

"To improve the relations between our countries, we are proposing Commonwealth games. It will be a tournament event like the Olympics."

"That's a great idea."

Canadian PM said.

"I agree."

Australian PM agreed.

New Zealand and South African PMs also agreed.

"India doesn't have any problem in playing with Canada, Australia and New Zealand. India doesn't agree to play with South Africa and UK though. South Africa, because of its apartheid, systematic racist regime against Africans and Indians. And UK, because we don't have any relations to it.

I am sure we made our demand for reparations clear a long time ago. And we are yet to see any response on it. Moreover, since we got our freedom, UK has armed a terrorist regime Pakistan against us, BBC and other propaganda channels are promoting propaganda against us, and UK has conducted terrorist operations against us, took advantage of prostitutes to do British intelligence's dirty work, blocked our trade, and it hasn't done anything to prove that it wants to improve relationships.

I am asking you one last time. Transfer each and every technology UK has, return each and everything even remotely related to India that is in UK: our treasures and artifacts, and our 1,378 tons of gold reserves.

With insurance. Your job is to return everything, without damaging anything, within 3 months.

Do you agree, or not? "

"...Mr Satyankar, this meeting is for game-"

"Mrs Elizabeth, don't try to play any more games. Come out clear, right here, right now. You want to restore even atleast diplomatic relation, or not? We have already given you more than enough time to think about it. And we aren't even demanding money as reparations, because you wouldn't be able to pay it in even two centuries.

I want answer, right here, right now."

Perhaps because the media wasn't here, she showed her true colors.

"You are talking nonsense. Everything in our museums rightfully belong to us-"

"When you were a kid, if Germany won WW1, kidnapped you to be imprisoned in Berlin, and asked you to give your diamond. And you have to give it or else remain imprisoned for life.

Will germany be the rightful owner?

Something similar to French revolution happens, you are killed. Your ring is looted, and displayed in museum by some another country. Will your ring be rightfully theirs?

I want answers in Yes, or No."

"...Then, no. I have duty towards my country."

"Then I guess I don't have to remain here any longer. Deliver all of our Gold Reserves within a week. Or-"

"Or? Mr Satyankar, you are behaving bizarrely since you arrived-"

"Because you don't deserve to be treated even cordially, which even the leader of an unfriendly country gets. To become the one and only enemy of India, it takes quite a talent. You wanted to hear 'Or'? Then you plan to illegally freeze our assets too?"

"If you threaten our country, yes. Didn't you also freeze all our assets in India too? That's also illegal."

"When did we threaten you? In just three years, you have attacked our country more than three times. Arming Pakistan, killing our scientists, and blocking the trade routes."

"Woah woah woah! Calm down both of you. It's a mutual matter between UK and India, so excuse us."

Canadian PM said, and he, along with the other countries went out of the room. They didn't want to get involved. And Canadian PM was going to call US President about the matter as soon as he got the hold of a telephone.

As the third parties were no longer present, and only Elizabeth and Satyankar were in the meeting room alone, Satyankar sighed.

"Return our gold reserves within a week. It's your responsibility to safely deliver them. If even one gram of gold is missing, then be prepared to bear the consequences.

"And what are the consequences you are talking about?"

"What do you think? USA will surely increase the debt rates as you keep on harming the perception of US-led western block."

"US is not leading any block. UK is the leading one."

Satyankar looked at her as if she is an idiot.

"Then tell me the reason why you are so keen to keep our things?"

"They aren't yours. They are the rightful property of the UK."

"Sigh...It feels like I am talking to a rock. Will you return our gold reserves. Yes, or no."

"No. Not until you agree to work together with us to mend our relationship."

"When did I ever say that I am against it? Just return our things, and transfer technology as reparations. No one is asking you a penny."

"How can we transfer technology? UK has become the greatest power in the world due to its unrivaled technology. Moreover, why should any private company transfer its technology? We can't force them to."

"So how about military technology? If you are so apprehensive, we can even sell you weapons cheaply. How about this?

You will transfer all military technology to us for 20 years, and we will manufacture weapons for you much more cheaply than you can. Afterall, you are short on military grade steel too. And the steel from US is quite expensive, right?

If you are so afraid, we can even sign a Non-Aggression Pact. You don't interfere with us, we won't interfere with you."

"...We will have to think about it."

"Returning all our treasures and artifacts, and our gold reserves can't be negotiated upon though. Tell me in Yes, or No.

Though if you answer No, I can assure you that our relations will be never, ever come to even acquaintance level. Whether I am in power or someone else.

And we will have to drift towards Soviet sphere of influence. Not only we rely on them heavily for oil, but we can't stand being in the same side as you."

"But didn't you try to be a neutral party in the Cold War?"

"That's for War. We wouldn't support any war from both sides. We are an independent country, and we are free to engage with whoever we want. And we don't want to engage with someone who doesn't respect us, and proudly displays our things as if they own it.

I want answer. Will you return all of our gold reserve, a total of 1,328 metric tons within a week? Will you return all of our treasures and artifacts within a month, or no?"

"We can't decide in such a short-"

"Don't make excuses. We presented you our demands for reparations more than three years ago.

If you don't return everything within the deadline, we will take your response as no."

"We will return the gold reserves. We will think about the military deal you talked about, but it will take months to decide whether we want it or not. But the treasures and artifacts that you are claiming as yours are rightfully ours."

'This bitch!'

Satyankar got took out the agreement for the gold reserve from his briefcase, along with its copy.

It stated that UK is entirely responsible for delivering 1328 tons of 24 carat gold to India by 12th January 1951. Any discripencies found will lead to a fine of 300% of the missing amount.

Elizabeth read through the agreement several times, and signed both copies.

Satyankar verified her signature, and took one copy of the agreement.

Getting up, he Namaste'd her stoically.

"Can we hope that our relations will improve now?"

"Of course not. You didn't agree to our demands for reparations. The gold is RBI's property to begin with, just stored in London. The relations will only get worse from now on because of you, the Queen of UK.

What a fine legacy you will leave by forcing the most pacifist country to have bad relations with your island kingdom. Don't expect sanctions to be lifted until you pay the reparations, no matter who comes in power after me.

And oh. About commonwealth games. We won't waste our money with a joke of a name, 'Commonwealth'. I will be leaving early, so call the press conference in an hour."