
India: I became the First PM of India

India made many bad decisions in the early years of Independence. Getting soft on Pakistan, going to UN for Kashmir, adopting Licence Raj, Indo-China war, rejecting UN seat, etc. So what if, instead of Nehru-led Congress, a party under Siddharth Dutt, a reincarnator, came in power? How would the course of history change? Read to find out. To support me, UPI me at: fanficworld0707@ibl

FanficWorld07 · History
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98 Chs

Laying the Foundations-1

While the process of framing of the constitution will keep on happening, it was the time to lay down the basic foundation for the country. Health, Education, Food, City Planning, Industries, and the service sector.

"Muhammad, which states and major cities are calm right now?"

I asked Muhammad, my right hand man, an orphan whom I raised myself. He handled the party, and managed to save Bengal all while leading the freedom struggle when I wasn't there.

Afterall, it was necessary for muslims to feel included and a muslim to defend India, instead of running after that bullshit two-nation theory. Muslims arrived in Kerala and neighbouring region centuries before savage thieves like Ghori. The freedom fighters in Kerala and Tamil Nadu fought this theory by uniting people on the basis of language, and Muhammad did that too. And since I also taught him Hindi, he successfully managed to appeal to a lot of people.

I am thinking of making him the Home Minister, so that the muslims in India and the oil rich countries will feel confidence that India isn't Anti-muslim.

The neighbours who are rich in oil are the Arab countries, Iran, I don't know if Iraq is Arab or not, and USSR. And in the future if we can get a pipeline for steady supply from Iran and USSR, the immediate region will have majority population as muslims too.

Sigh. Even in my previous life's times religion was a big deal, and the current scenario is really insane. I really hope that people move away from this pointless conflict as the time goes by.

And for that, education is necessary. Not the one which leaves out the important things, and subtly try to become propaganda. That's the opposite of the definition of education.

"Bengal has been peaceful, and according to our party members in Kerala and Tamil Nadu, there is also relative peace compared to other regions. Other than that, Odisha region, while in a very poor state, doesn't have that much hindu-muslim violence."

"I see."

One of the main problem we have is severe shortage of skilled people. While we do have weapon servicing, we don't actually know how to make them.

The Jews from Europe that have fled are settling in mostly three places. Israel, US, and India. Afterall, India is the only place that didn't have Anti-Jew sentiments and massacres, and we have centuries old relationship.

And Germany did have the best army and engineers in the world during WW2.

"Alright. First contact the Jagannath Temple, Madarsas of Kerala, with the ancient architecture, not the arab one, and the Buddhist architecture specialists, to find the architectures who can still make the architecture of the ancient times. For now, we will have Nalanda, and when we take back our lands from Muslim league, Takhashila. We will rebuild those two to have the most prestige and importance in the world. Hmm, keep 95% seats for Indians, and 5% for international students. And contact the Jew refugees for taking on the roles of professors and if they have anything to offer to train the people.

Other than the two universities, which will contain everything, and will be the most prestigious, we will have to establish a university in each state's capital with approximately same brilliance. For now, let's establish University of Kolkata for business, engineering and architecture in the same place, Medical Institutes of India, in a good, stable climate region in Kerala and Tamil Nadu, and an Indian Institute of Technology in Delhi, along with Research Institute of India in Bangalore and a good city in Madhya Pradesh.

And write the clause in admission processes for the Indian students that ones they enroll in these institutes, they can't settle in another country. And if they want to, they will have to pay the money the government spends on them."

I will have to prevent the brain drain too. The foreign countries scam the people of better living conditions, and instead of trying to make the home country a better place, many people whine about the bad things, don't try to change anything, go to foreign country, and live most of their lives paying off debt, which is just funding the colleges they go in.

Better living conditions? Yeah. Eating tasteless food, which is not only unhealthy but more expensive is a totally good living condition. They struggle in a foreign country, but can't struggle in the home country.

As they say, grass is greener on the other side.

"And the cities in which the institutes will open will not have strict regulations on establishing startups. Whether a communist party, farmer's party, or anyone's party comes in power in the state or center. The students from these institutes shouldn't face difficulties in starting new things. They will be the major backbone of the country, as major as agriculture."

But they are always ignored due to their smaller vote bank. Sigh.

" Yes sir. "

"Hmm, and about the schools..."

"We will have money constraints on that. How about we let the private schools help with that?"

I shook my head.

"Instead of how the government employees work under the British, in which they can never be fired no matter bribery, inefficiency and negligence they get away with, we will let the government companies to act like private. With less from the government, they won't have any chance but to keep the useless employees out. Wait! I just got an idea."

This might actually work!

"What sir?"

"How about we set up a 'Guild' in every district?"