
India: I became the First PM of India

India made many bad decisions in the early years of Independence. Getting soft on Pakistan, going to UN for Kashmir, adopting Licence Raj, Indo-China war, rejecting UN seat, etc. So what if, instead of Nehru-led Congress, a party under Siddharth Dutt, a reincarnator, came in power? How would the course of history change? Read to find out. To support me, UPI me at: fanficworld0707@ibl

FanficWorld07 · History
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98 Chs

6&7th Colored Revolution

So, I got to know that many people are only getting upto 5 revolutions.

I had first written five, but later edited the chapter to seven.

Must be some issue with webnovel.

Here is the 6th and 7th revolution.

6. Rainbow Revolution

-Setting up of co-op OCMs(Ordered Clothes Manufacturers) for bringing down the price of clothes.

-Selling Handmade clothes with ancient techniques like Cheenth as luxury clothes.

-Fashion Shows across the globe to promote Indian clothes, both traditional and modern.

-Miss World and Mister World(Both established on 17th August 1950 in Kolkata, under a company named Fashion Capital) competition to be held on Diwali.

-Kes-com(Kesalay competition, meaning Comic-con) to be held across the world to promote Indian comics,

-The establishment of two Ordered Kostume Manufacturers(OKMs) to create coustumes for Kes-coms, idol shows, movies, dramas, etc.

-Increasing the manufacturing of jeans, plastic toys, and other artificial goods while maintaining that they don't cause pollution by properly treating the waste produced.

7. Pink Revolution

-Making education accessible to everyone.

-Standard education system and textbooks across the country, + extra syllabus and textbooks per state.

-Pink unisex comfortable tracksuits for uniform of Centre-Partnered schools. Other private and state schools can implement their own colours.

-Government partnering up with every school. Keeping fees very low,

-Injured soldiers given teacher's job for training of students as P.E. students.

-Atmost, only six hours of school allowed, including two breaks making up an hour.

-History, Geography, Economics and Politics through Kesalays. It is a non-graded subject unless a person in class 8th choses Social Sciences as a main subject.

-The only gradable subjects will be Maths, Sciences and P. E. They will be covered in Indic.

-Drawing will be headed by Kesalaymans(mangakas) in each school.

-Taking one martial art will be compulsory in P.E.

-Compulsory education for kids from age 6 to 14.

-Mid-day meals to be provided to every kid. Kids from the classes 6 to 8 will cook the meals and deliver to each junior class. The kids of each class will serve food proportions in a group, rotating with roll numbers.

-Handwashes will be installed in each school.

-There will be only two semester exams as a whole every year across each school, college and university. No monthly or other tests.

-In summer vacation(or winter vacation for the Himalayan regions), there will be a class trip to local industries, like agriculture, factories, music industry, film industry, Kesalay-Ani industry, etc. in the beginning or end of the vacation.

-Schools and colleges will only be open for a maximum of 10 months.

-No homework from class 5th to the end of graduation and post graduation.

-Debate, Presentation styles of education instead of only focusing on memorising.

-A kid in class 8th will have these subjects:

A) Grading: Biology, Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Constitution, Economy-Administration-Taxation, P. E. (Only best 5 subjects will be counted in the final result)

B) Non-Grading: Music, Drawing, Dancing, Voice Acting, Indic, State Language, Animation, Drama, Fashion, and Agriculture.