
Press Conference

As Thirumala arrived in the Viceroy Mansion(Later Rashtrapati Bhavan), Delhi, she arranged for a Press Conference for Indian Media and one per one foreign country.

By now, she has become the most popular person in India and worldwide. Afterall, the former British Empire was reduced to such a state that her Kingdom's court convicted its previous Prime Minister hailed as War Hero there along with the Royal Family.

It was nothing short of a miracle, and it also provided motivation for the rest of the world to go against their colonisers. The resistance in French colonies have also gained a new motivation, and newly independent countries have started demanding to return their treasures.

Anyway, two days from now on will be the first sitting of the Constituent Assembly with a massive number of 687 members of the assembly, for people of Sri Lanka, Maldives and Singapore along with West India and East Bengal are also included in the constitution making.

Thirumala arrived at the meeting room where various reporters immediately started clicking her photos like using a machine-gun.

"Thank you for arriving here today. There are 60 of you here, so one question per person. Just start from the last row person in the left."

The guy in the last composed himself, and asked a question everybody wanted to know.

"Wad there a possibility of war if British have not complied with the demands of reparations?"

"Yes. The Indian Ocean Alliance will have banned each and every country even interacting with UK. Any speck of Britishness would not be allowed to enter our territory. This would have isolated its economy, and rendered it useless on the world map. They wouldn't be even able to get food because there will be no India and China importing them food.

We wouldn't even have to send a single aircraft to them. They would have simply self-distructed. Though we would have protected and brought back our treasures. Afterall, they are thieves, so who knows that they will auction off our treasures in the Black Market.

Anyway, we wouldn't have massacred them heartlessly by dropping off bombs by wasting our weapons, fuel and time on such pesky country."

The next person asked, "What was the reason that countries like USA and USSR not interfere?"

"That's classified. The answer may be unclassified after 1980. So, wait till then."

"Amidst the confusion, French and Portugese were also expelled with only a single piece of clothing that they were wearing in the middle of the night. What if they retaliate?"

"You can ask them if they have the strength to do anything. And 'retaliate' is a wrong word. They were occupying our land illegally and looting us, they are lucky that they didn't get the British treatment.

The properties they had here are by snatching it from the locals. It was just returned to their original owners. The Europeans have to come out of their colonial mentality. They must remember that they all pretty much starved to death because China stopped trading with them and it was the only reason they conquered major parts of the world. Afterall, survival desperation drived them to develop better guns and loot from the rich regions.

Their wealth is not organic at all. And that's why they will do everything in their power to kill and divide people, and their main focus will be Africa and Gulf Asian countries. You know, divide and rule. 'Support' one country against another, or 'support' one tribe in forming their own country. I will only say to every country, don't let any European country interfere in your matters. It may sound like a stereotypical thing to say, but the track record of these countries says it all."

This time, an old looking American man asked a question.

"Queen Thirumala, it is a well-known fact that you and Mr Gandhi has various ideological differences, and the people of Travancore Kingdom has enemity towards Congress Party as a whole.

Which path will India follow, Mr Gandhi's non-violence or your violence?"

"Well, that sounded biased, didn't it? Before answering, let me ask you a question. A thief with a gun has entered your house for a very long time. He has killed many of your family members, and is starving you by stealing your food.

Then what will you do, lay down in front of him and tell him to stop doing it, or steal his gun and kill him to set yourself free?"

"...I will kill him."

"Yes. A thief who massacres people in cold blood doesn't have much of a conscience. He may started hesitating before pulling the trigger, but he WILL pull it.

To be honest, I, and even most people of Travancore don't hate him. He did try to get independence in his own way. But forcing his way and blackmailing us with his fast, that was a pretty bad move from him. You fight your own way, I will fight my own way. He sees letting our people die of starvation due to the slow process that may never work as non-violence, but I see saving my our people from starvation with the quick and 100% working method as a duty. More people died in fighting than in fasting in front of the thieves, but atleast our children didn't have to suffer like our generation did.

Don't look at anything else but the condition of my kingdom and Gujarat where Gandhi resides. Our children are healthy with plenty of food, and educated that they can build the future of the country. You have to suffer in the present for a better future.

Well, I will say it again. I don't have anything against him. But he is a social leader, not a political leader. He should continue working on the social issues, but not pressuring political leaders to follow his ideas. He isn't even a part of Congress now, so I don't know why he interferes so much in its proceedings. Next Question please."

"You said that you know the future because of a special power in a diamond-"

"No. I don't know the future. I was able to talk to my granddaughter from an alternate universe in the year 2030 or something, when I was if the age of 7."

"Sorry for my mistake. But, do you have any proof of that statement?"

"Well, if someone can develop a memory viewing machine, I will allow it to be done after I die. Afterall, I don't want my skull to be cracked open when I am alive."

"Well, will you allow for the carbon dating to determine its age? We can find some clues from that."

"No, you can't. Do you have any method of determining the age of Chakra? We don't even have the means to determine if Chakra still exists or not. A Chakra can be stored in a much younger diamond, or it passes on from one diamond, or any other material, as it pleases or is programmed that way, or it just wanted to be discovered by a person, we don't know anything. And we intend to keep it that way.

Nobody will be allowed to do anything to the diamonds. You can believe it or say that I am just lying. I don't have to prove anything but do something to prevent the destruction of our globe so much that we will have to search for a way to survive on Mars in the future.

And it is confidential information, which I wouldn't allow to fall into wrong hands. Afterall, even the information of a future from Alternate Universe can be exploited it fell into wrong hands. And I was just 7 at that time, so I don't remember the most of what she told me. And the future has already diverged since UK didn't ever return anything they stole and kept waging wars and creating communal tension in Gulf Asian and African Countries, for oil.

Well, all I can say that they did disappear from the world map by sinking into the Arctic Ocean that melted. Mumbai, New York, Dhaka, Jakarta are some cities of the cities that sank. And that is not even a century from here. Guess we saved the treasures from sinking atleast."

This created chaos among the reporters, but before they could chit-chat more, Thirumala asked for the next question.

"Umm, which axis will India tilt to? USA's capitalism or USSR's communism?"

"So Cold War has got this much attention huh? Well, as for your question, India won't join any axis. Can't you people just stop being immature with the either with or against ideology?

I am making one thing clear. India doesn't have ANY interest in this useless fight of ego of old men at the top. Most people, anywhere in the world, don't want war. Both countries and their ideologies have good points, and bad points. Choosing any extreme side will have immense side effect, which may be not visible now, but will plunge our next generations some 50 years from now into never-ending conflict.

Well, my Kingdom works on both principles. Villages leaning more towards socialism and cities leaning more towards capitalism. Both ideologies have their advantages and disadvantages. We have the second largest population in the world, so we can definitely test out what works out the best in what region. Socialism will destroy Surat, but Capitalism will destroy Puducherry.

And if we are talking while separating the ideologies, we share good relations with both countries. We bought a good amount of arms from the US to help in our freedom struggle, protecting South Asia and northern Australia, New Zealand, our allies in the Indian Ocean. We have also ordered good amount of iconic AK-47s from the Soviet Union.

We also criticise the bad things about both countries if we don't agree with something severe and it can't be just shrugged off as their internal problem.

For example, the medical association of the US will make the basic human right of getting medical treatment ridiculously expensive, and Travancore's medical association is already clashing with its American counterpart. Then there are various companies that have very evil effect on our society and environment. Tobacco and cigarettes, food companies that are wrongfully advertising against the healthier animal oil, and promoting their mineral oil made food products, which is just going to increase the number of cancer patients across the globe, whose treatment was not available even after almost a century.

Then in Soviet Union, too much Vodka. While it has a very strong point of free education for all, which I want to achieve in India as well, too much collectivism and not allowing little enterprises, will cause a major problem of many depressed youths. Depression and any alcoholic beverage and drugs are the worst combination you can have. That's why India is going to ban all kinds of drugs like opium, tobacco, cigarettes, foreign alcoholic beverage which is not suitable for a normal Indian, and limit the consumption of alcohol.

We can't completely ban alcohol due to its many uses in medical purposes, Christian faith and many places where it is a necessity, but we can certainly limit the amount people can drink.

We- sorry, I completely deviated from the answer. Can you please repeat the question again?"

"Which side will India take, Capitalist USA or Communist USSR?"

"The short and precise answer, none. The long answer, we will take the side of the people, to stop the tragedic war between the giants of this century happening. Extreme Capitalism is bad, and Extreme Communism is bad. No one wants to be the victim in crossfire.

We will trade with both, taking no sides.

We want manufacturing factories to feed our people and put money into their pockets, and the US wants cheap labour and proximity to the raw materials and the Gulf countries' markets who are going to be the richest countries as long as they don't enter into pointless conflict.

We want oil and gas, and USSR wants to sell it.

Our interests align with both countries without theirs conflicting each other. We won't join into the military alliance of any them. Our military alliance is with the Indian Ocean Alliance, to protect our ocean against outsiders who will only exploit it. The only military alliance group we will have is this, but absolutely protect the group. You wouldn't know the hortors this Cold War caused, victim countries scattered around the world left and right, and destroying the countries themselves engaging in this pointless war. Both countries self destructed by making people dumb and brainwashing them in the never ending war that was going on even after almost a century.

Capitalism and Communism, are totally opposites. There is going to be non-ending debate on it. And the synonyms of these ideologies, the USA and USSR, will be competing with each other to prove who's better, and that's completely fine. Competition is a good thing too. But when a healthy competition turns into segregating factions, the normal people suffer. Do your competiton in your own countries, don't drag countries that don't have anything to do with it. We just want to trade and exchange ideas, taking a neutral and logical stance on all matters.

The Chinese Civil War is just the starting of this era, and you know a population more than that of entire countries die when there is a conflict in China. India will not take any sides where the lives matters. It will act as a neutral and logical peacemaker when so many countries are in the process of getting their independence, say what is right and what is wrong according to India, and try to remain as neutral as possible for never stopping trade and never happening war."

Thirumala took a sip of Chai. While India will lean a bit towards the most profitable but less trustworthy USA, it will try to be Switzerland in God Mode in geopolitics. The most pressure that any independent country had during the Cold War was India. The west bullied it irrationally so much on working towards social equality and having a easier puppet Pakistan, that India had to come out of its neutral stance and sign the USSR-India friendship pact. It also lost its many ISRO and Nuclear Scientists, and even a Prime Minister, Lal Bahadur Shastri in this stupid cold war. Just two big countries ruled by corrupt old people with big egoes who should have retired a long time ago.

Well, now that Pakistan is not here in this timeline to act as the American puppet and there is the Indian Ocean Alliance, along with UNSC seat, maybe India can become Switzerland in God Mode.

The questions continued, and a question of the UNSC seat that I bought from UK was brought up, and I vaguely replied I don't know for sure but it is a thing to consider in future.

Though I am going to give this seat to an African country. The world really did them dirty despite having so many resources.

The conference continued for about 2 hours, with various questions asked. Now that I had appeared on the public media, I should reread the Travancore constitution for making politicians more accountable and judiciary faster and more transparent. These two pillars of government didn't work properly at all in my previous timeline.

Next chapter