
India's Haunted Places And Their Stories

The book will inform you about Haunted Places for the ghost hunting people and places you should visit if you ever visit the places mentioned in the book. People who have ghost hunting intentions wear holy band which you will get in the temple or a holy water . The warnings are real don't be stupid it will cost your life . Remember you will be dealing with evil spirits . Thank you , enjoy reading .

chaitaali7890 · History
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Haunted Places in Rajasthan part I

Bhangarh fort

Legend says that the land which where the Bhangarh fort is standing was once the home to a puissant ascentic , named Guru Balu Nath .

Madho Singh asked for his permission to construct the fort and was granted to construct the fort but under one condition , that the shadow of the fort must never fall on his home or else great tragedy will unfold .

Madho Singh ignored the warning , fortified Bhangarh fort with higher walls and as a result , the shadows fall on the home of the ascentic and in return , his curse engulfed the whole Bhangarh .

The next story is about a necromancer in the region who fell in love with the Princess of Bhangarh , named Ratnavati who was allegedly an extremely beautiful woman . So , in order to get her , he put a spell of black magic on the oil that the Princess was supposed to use for massage . But , before his dirty ploy could work , the Princess got a whiff of his trickery and threw the magic laden oil onto a huge boulder in the vicinity . The black magic worked it's way and caused the entire town of Bhangarh , struck down by grief and despondency , to slowly succumb to its utter desolation, just like him .

The next year, itself the ruler of Bhangarh faced the defeat at the hands of an enemy . His entire army was annihilated and all of the inhabitants of Bhangarh were brutality massacred . While the fate of the Princess is still a mystery , it is said that she was condemned to roam in the precinct of Bhangarh struck in a limbo . It is said that all of the people of Bhangarh fort at night ; doomed to linger in this realm , never to leave the cold environs of the place , hopeless and restless .

As per the locals , it is impossible to construct a roof on these (in the old Ajabgarh Village) houses , since as soon as one is built , it collapses , which has killed many people in the past .

At night you can hear strange noises from inside and the air gets charge with an uneasy heaviness . It is said that the spirit roam inside the closed gate at these hours (12 pm to 3 am) and the place becomes the hotbed for paranormal activity such as crying voice of women , bangles sound in the rooms , someone's talking and awful or special smell .