
Shameless Egon (part 2)

I feel truly blessed.

Egon and Adela exchanged tender kisses, savoring the moment without any rush. Both fully present, they engaged in the longest kissing session they had ever shared without escalating their intimacy further, ignoring how wet she had become and how hard he had been since the very beginning. 

As they kissed, her eyelids occasionally slid down, prompting a subtle discomfort in the depth of his heart if they remained shut for too long. In those moments, she would open her eyes and express her love for him through her gaze, for if she didn't open them, he would either pause the kiss to request her to look at him or she would hear his voice in her head urging her to do so.

Was he concerned her mind was wandering, or did he fear she might drift off to sleep? She wasn't entirely sure. And finding it adorable, she chose not to question his motives.

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