
A full house in Lanark (part 2)

Keep calm, just stay calm. Adela repeated to herself like a mantra. Initially, she had pretended to casually follow in her father's footsteps, but the mere prospect of coming face to face with the man who still held a piece of her heart was enough to break her all over again.

Even without her once-shared bond with Egon, she found herself anxious.

As they approached the infirmary door, she felt like a little girl again, seeking refuge in the protective shadow of her mighty father. This feeling only lasted until the royal knights made way for them, and then, she saw him. 

I knew it...

Egon, resembling a bear with his long hair, beard, and tattered, dusty brown clothes that belonged to no known kingdom or empire, loomed over two platoons ready for combat.

"At ease," Gustav commanded from behind Adela, drawing Egon's attention to them.

Next chapter