
Incubus Lord: I Summoned My Lustful Wives

The Empire's forces retreated in desperation—trampled by faceless horrors bringing darkness and death to these once beautiful lands. Only the most courageous stood in defiance, forming a last defence to buy the people time to flee—fighting until the final embers of hope burned out. A man stands with a silver sword, like a beacon of hope to those around him. He roared with all his might drawing his blade against the overwhelming enemy! "You face Lancelot, Sword of the Empire! " These horrors tested the Lord's grit and loyalty in the final moments. "Should my blade break, I will use my body!" The knights had fallen, broken swords for their tombstones, and lords fled, betraying the Empire to survive. "If my body breaks, I'll use my Soul!" Lancelot, the sword of the Empire, fought alone. All hope seemed lost. "And if my Soul fails..." What could a single man and his army do? He fights against the dark tide, blade in hand, heart on sleeve. "I will sell myself to the devil for revenge!" But he was too weak, too fragile. The last Lord of humanity stood against the enemy. Lancelot was a master of the sword, a mortal, neither a God nor a Saint. Miracles were beyond his reach. Now only a broken man impaled on his own destroyed throne. His blade shattered—now, like rose petals, it was scattered across the charred ground. Lancelot's soul was fated for the abyss as the light faded from his eyes. His last ounce of resistance used staring at the man who betrayed the Empire. Now with only the desire to kill, crush and seek revenge smouldering inside him. Now unwilling to die and desperate to fight once again. He desired to fight for the people who supported him. Lancelot refused to surrender, to fall like this. As quietly in the abyss, a voice whispered to him. It tried to entice the Lord, ignite his desire to win and fight again. "If given a second chance, to relive your life with a different choice... Would you Accept?" Blood gathered in his throat, forcing him to reply in his mind. A frail and broken voice 'There is no reason to ask, of course!' "No matter the cost?" 'Even if I were to lose everything...' 'If my people can live on. I would sacrifice everything I have!' "You will no longer be the same, a monster, twisted and vicious." "Will you still accept?" The Lord's heart ached, taking great pride in his humanity. To lose that caused his mind to falter. Finally, out of power, unable to speak or reply with a trembling arm. Lancelot reached out. Towards the raspy voice. Towards the abyss. Towards a new future. [So you would accept after all...] 'I must accept.' 'I must stand tall.' 'I must not break.' 'Because...' 'I am the Lord of humanity! [Nay, you are the king of demons] -------------- Release @ 22:30 (GMT+1)

Lunatic_Pandora · Fantasy
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210 Chs

Chapter 20: Serenading A Naive Hare!

A Hymnal was sacred to all summoned units, from a mere troop to the Commanders—all of them dreamed of hearing a hymnal for them.

The one performed for Morgana was a pseudo-Hymnal, but she accepted it due to his sincerity upon seeing her form.

A soft melody began to sound from the petals tapping each other in a rhythmic beat, or his Ether causing the air to vibrate, making a gentle but energetic song.


Lancelot knew the amount of Hymnal a lord could do was limited—the hymn used part of their soul carving the summons existence into their flesh and body, then linking them together until death.

The Hymnal was not just a song for now but must show the desire of the Lord and his feelings upon seeing the unit.

His true feelings, no matter how cringe, are embarrassing and stupid.

Otherwise, it would fail, and the Lord would be punished.

'Ah, such pretty red eyes...'

Due to her strong bloodline, Ikumi's cute nose twitched a cross between a human and a Hare, a small black triangle bump with a human bridge.

Some would be put off, but it wasn't too much for Lancelot to accept.

She had a cute charm he wanted, different from Morgana's sassy older sister type—while Ikumi was like a little sister type, not to mention, due to her powerful legs, her ass was huge... and firm.

[You prefer a woman's butt!? I can eat more... grow fatter...]

Morgana spoke, but he smiled—finally, the melody was ready to enter the first verse.

'I like your butt how it is. Morgana now is time for your little sister to feel wanted.'

In a realm unknown, where paths converge,

Two strangers meet, their souls emerge.

Lord of mysteries, heart veiled in mist,

Encounters a Hare, by fate's sweet twist.

Lancelot's voice differed from the solemn and heavy oath he sang for Morgana, with a light and gentle timbre causing the small girl to stand.

Revealing her height was taller than Morgana and Lancelot, those powerful legs with thick thighs full of soft flesh and immense muscle.

Yet his gaze and smile didn't change, slowly lifting his body, reaching out to her hand that gingerly extended, their right hands clasping together.

Oh, Albino Hare, a vision rare,

A chance encounter, a whispered prayer.

Your eyes, like rubies, ignite the flame,

Kindling desires no words can tame.

'Her fingers are so smooth—the little bracelet of fur around her wrist is silky and soft.'


Like his, Ikumi's eyes were still enthralled with Lancelot's handsome face, her guard lowering as she felt him carving his seal into her right hand. Only then did she notice his right hand was empty?

A place only for her...

Tears began filling in her cute red orbs before small ice droplets danced across the air, mixing with his purple blades, twirling like they were performing their Waltz together.

Morgana felt her chest tighten; she knew this would happen one day... Yet why now, so soon repeated in her mind.

Amidst the snowfall, we embark anew,

From strangers' gaze to love that grew.

Through wintry winds, our steps align,

From cautious whispers to a love divine.

Lancelot took the Hare into his arm, their bodies moving along with the melody and rhythm of the dancing tears of ice and his phantasmal blades—he never believed he would use his Endless Waltz to help charm a rabbit girl.

Each encounter, a tantalising game,

Unspoken yearnings, a burning flame.

In snowy glades, secrets we confide,

Two spirits entwined, no longer to hide.

Ikumi's confidence increased each moment, their feelings slowly synchronising, her eyes watching the reflection of blue light from the back of his hand with a sense of bliss in her chest, the poor Hare's heart racing.

Slowly, their dance continued, and Morgana went from sight.

When Lancelot detected her go, he whispered in his mind, 'I will make sure to dance with you when I next sing a Hymnal for you.'

Step by step, our souls converge,

From tender glances to passions surge.

On frozen nights, our hearts unite,

A symphony of love, both fierce and bright.

The more he sang, the more aggressive and active Ikumi became, her hands now resting on his right hand and left him, pressing her body against his, taller than him when her legs were fully stretched.

Some might think her strange, but Lancelot was happy to have found such a cute second unit.

He had a hearty smile on his face as the song entered its finalé

Now the song would sing not from his own heart but from their combined souls; he felt her voice gentle, soothing like snow on a winter's morning, the blazing fire while wrapped in a warm blanket.

Her voice was filled with passion and seeking acceptance.

Eternal companion, destiny's decree,

Through the snow-laden paths, you've captured me.

From strangers' touch to an ardent embrace,

Together we journey our love to chase.

Lancelot was stunned; although the words were thrown around, these were not the feelings of the two now.

Rather, these were the dreams of Ikumi and what she wanted, her spirit and soul calling out to meet his Hymnal as an ice-blue Hare was slowly carved onto his right hand, starkly contrasting the twin blades and succubus on his left.

With every verse, this hymn resounds,

A testament to love that knows no bounds.

Lord and Hare, bound by fate's decree,

Our hearts entangled, forever free.

The song ended, the floor littered with wet spots from the melting tears, his purple petals fading into the night as the sun began to rest.

There were still 5 days until the start of Term 1 and his trip to Avalon, yet right now, the soft body of his new troop, the Albino Frost Hare, took all over his mind.

Even Morgana became a distant thought—he didn't treat the summoning ritual or oath lightly.

"Why...?" Her soft voice, more confident, sounded as her face lowered, level with his, those ruby dots peering into his eyes.

Lancelot didn't have any complicated reason or explanation.

It was simply...

"A hunch, something in my chest, my mind told me to take you as my secondary Commander, for not you'd have to be a Captain..."

"I am not strong enough to have a sub-Commander yet..."

"Hahaha~ what is that?" Her bell-like laughter was lovely, like her soft-spoken voice, starkly contrasting his lovely Morgana with a deep, seductive voice.

Ikumi was as pure as snow, for now.

She lifted his hand, a broad smile covering her face, her nose twitching as she pushed it against the brightly shining blue Hare sigil.

"It can't be taken back; I won't let you take it back, you know?"

"Such a wonderful, beautiful man and a Hymnal sang just for me?"

"Am I really okay? Can I be part of your main troop?"

Now that gentle voice spoke like a machine gun, causing Lancelot to wonder where the shy hare was scared to peek outside the box.

{Take care of me, Master!} The voice of her soul reaching him, a strange ticklish feel, like an innocent woman being tricked by an evil wolf.

"Ah, Ikumi, welcome to my service. I will keep you until I should perish."

Suddenly a slightly bitter voice from ahead of them sounded—Morgana, holding the summoning item for the normal Frost Hare troop in her hand.

"So, are you not going to perform the final part of the Hymnal? Don't you need to kiss before it's official?"

Her eyes narrowed with a sneer watching the blushing Hare. At the same time, she skipped forward, leaning into Lancelot's face and kissing his lips roughly.

She kissed him like it was nothing, her soft tongue prying open his mouth, making a loud smacking sound before she pulled back, looking at the bright red Hare wiping her lips clean.

"Ikumi, was it?"

"Are you not going to kiss your new Lord? Fufu~ I guess the Hymnal was wasted."
