
Incubus's Curse: Path To Incubism

Magical Realism
Completed · 505.5K Views
  • 106 Chs
  • 4.4
    10 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Incubus's Curse: Path To Incubism

Read ‘Incubus's Curse: Path To Incubism’ Online for Free, written by the author TurtleMaster6319, This book is a Magical Realism Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, R18 Light Novel, COMEDY Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: To have your heart broken is one thing, but to be cursed by a witch and fed to a succubus is another.Hiro is just an ord...


To have your heart broken is one thing, but to be cursed by a witch and fed to a succubus is another. Hiro is just an ordinary teenager, well except for the fact he was born into a family of sorcerer's. But that's besides the point and don't worry about the secret imperial academy he's attending after normal school haha. Hiro Natsu just wanted a peacful life, forgetting about his family's legacy and just having fun, but the fates told him he could go fuck himself as his girlfriend which he loved more than anyone broke his heart and then he was captured and his body was messed with. The witch which captured him used him as a toy, just a plaything for her pet succubus in hopes of evolving her and getting her stronger since she could sense he was busting with strong magical energy. But at the same time he thought the fates abandoned him, he ate the forbidden fruit and was cursed. He didn't know if it was by the gods, Satan, the fates, but that day he died and was born anew, Hiro the cursed incubus, He who was once human but is no more and now must travel the path of incubism and to survive he must gain power througnt the erotic arts. -basic Characteristic- [ Willpower: ? ] [ Promiscuity: ?] [ Deviancy: ? ] [ Seduction: ?] ------------------ The cover isn't mine, if the owner wants, find any way to contact me and I'll remove it if this what thou desire. -Oh and- *Edit: I'm not editing this novels, anymore* • I'm currently battling monarch6319, we're kinda having a author vs author war, so show some support and vote using power stones. • They help me to beat Monarch6319 • They give me the ability to write and add more chapters, so show some love and this author-san out

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穿书前,风午悦是华夏异能界老大,天之娇女,众星捧月。 穿书后,风午悦是新婚夜与野男人私奔结果被正牌夫君一锤子爆头的小炮灰。 风午悦表示:扶我起来,我还能活。 白得了一个死咬她不忠的夫君也没什么,甩了就是。 可……这男人好像是书中大反派!差点全灭主角团的那种!偏激狠毒心里有病! 宗持:“想甩了本王跟别的男人跑?你活腻歪了。” 风午悦:“你把刀放下。” “怕了?” “不是……你的刀扎着你自己了。” “要你管!你发誓,说你只爱本王一个,不离不弃,别的男人都该死。” “……” “不说?那本王捅死自己。” “?” 这都什么跟什么? 风午悦脑壳痛,这日子没法过了。 * 他曾权倾天下,独揽朝政,肆意妄为,也曾身陷囹圄,失去一切,卷土重来,可赢也好输也罢,得不到风午悦,他死不瞑目。 没有人懂,她是他灵魂归处,哪怕粉身碎骨,也要全力拥抱。 ——宗持 她娇弱难养不好伺候,因为心疾难医;也强大果决杀伐天下,因为异能傍身;后来也坐享似锦繁花,岁月无忧,因为宗持拿命宠她。 他爱穿红衣,比血妖冶比火热烈,她看久了,也就变成她心头朱砂。 有时候想一想,她脆弱的心上竟要承载那么重的他,就好气哦。 ——风午悦

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293 Chs
Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1 :the start to the beginning: Season 0
Volume 2 :Deviancy
Volume 3 :Incubus's curse: Season 1
Volume 4 :Incubus Sorcerer


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nice [img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]


Wait you already started!!! ok ok ok ok, I'm going to start now, today begins out war! But I have do have to admit you're doing good for a newbie, zero, but it'll take more than this to beat me muahaha...


Incubism hmm…. omoshiroi… i shall start thee novel since i thou desire ecchi and plot.…,,,,,,,,,….,,….,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,….,,,,,,,,,….,,,,,


well everything is all over the place........................................................................................................


Great book! Well done author. I will keep it in my library and read all the updates. Please update soon and dont make me wait too long! A true gem!


Wow-what a synopsis this is amazing after reading the synopsis I started reading the chapters and man!! this is amazing , I highly recommend this book please keep writing [img=update][img=update][img=update][img=recommend][img=coins]


Good novel! I like the way the story unfolds. Some chapters at the beginning I think they need a bit of editing, but in general it is a novel that I am enjoying. 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍


The first few chapters are kinda random, I'm not gonna lie. But I really enjoyed the character development to and the big fight in the beginning, even though it wasn't explained how it happened? Or at least I wasn't paying attention? But I'd really hope to see more of the adventure part to this novel and who am I kidding, I'd love to see more incubism and ecchi in this too. So keep up the good work!


Hey there! Good day for writing! If you wanted to see whether you can get paid by distributing the current work or getting financial support by writing new work, you might want to contact leorichard2021*@*outlook.com (please ignore both * when sending email). A brief introduction, some sample chapters or links will be appreciated when reaching out.


Disgusting story, apparently some people think abuse is entertaining and "character building" this story makes me want to vomit.


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