

Zarine is just a simple girl who fell inlove to her enemy.He never get a chance to confess because she has this mindset that if she confess,he could just throw her a lot of names and laugh hard at her.She might get embarassed,she thought.Now what if she found out that the guy he likes,already love her before she did?

Chenny_Channel · Teen
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36 Chs


Dear Diary,

Mrs.McMillian asked me to deliver her reports to the University Office.I took the shortcut behind a building.The shortcut is a narrow way  so students seldom pass through it.I was humming a song wile walking when a thing suddenly made me stop from doing it.

I saw how Harvey kissed a girl.I assumed that the girl is either his blockmate or an acquaintant.Harvey never had a girlfriend...maybe flings but I'm sure that he never had any serious relationship.He's an asshole.

I regreted taking that way.I should've take the hallway.Argh!

My tears immediately came running down from eyes.The view wasn't really good for me.It's heartbreaking!

I know that I shouln't feel this way but I just can't stop.I'm aware of the fact that he just sees me as his enemy and nothing more but still...I can't stop it.The feeling is really strong that I couldn't even do anything with it.

I immediately wiped away my tears and continued walking.They're blocking the way so I got no choice but to interrupt them.They were almost making out so I hesitated at first but I really had to reach the office immediately.They stopped kissing and looked at me instantly when they heared my footsteps.

Harvey startled when he realized that it's me.I looked straightly ahead and never bothered to glance at them.

"Excuise me. (Excuse me)" I said in scots.They quickly gave me a way.When I'm already away from them,my tears began to fall again.It hurts a lot being hurt secretly by the person whom you love secretly...
