

Zarine is just a simple girl who fell inlove to her enemy.He never get a chance to confess because she has this mindset that if she confess,he could just throw her a lot of names and laugh hard at her.She might get embarassed,she thought.Now what if she found out that the guy he likes,already love her before she did?

Chenny_Channel · Teen
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36 Chs


Dear Diary,

"Guys,come to my dorm this evening.We'll party!" Chenna,my other bestfriend said.We were in Taylor's Café that time.It's friday already and that's maybe the reason why she invited us yesterday to her dorm for a party.

Kaycee immediately agreed but I doubt myself.I don't really like parties.The disco lights are blinding,the music is defeaning and I hate crowds!

I rather lock my self in my bedroom and read books or write stories.

"Don't be a kill joy.It seldom happens so why not?" Kaycee pursued me.I said no for how many times but they're importunate so I got no choice but to accede with them.They celebrated for my reply but I just rolled my eyes.

Kaycee took care of my make up,my dress,footwear,and even my hairstyle.She curled the tips of my blonde hair.She also strained me to wear the red fitted dress.It was backless but long-sleeved.It emphasized my body shape.She also told me to wear a red high heels.I protested but she insisted.Lastly,she put make-up on my face.It was a smokey make-up so I got worried a little.But when I saw my reflection on the mirror,I was surprised that I looked good...and different.

We just walked to Chenna's room which is a 5 minutes walk from ours.There were more than 20 students in her room.The music was not too loud and not to low but the disco lights are blinding.Some students were dancing while some were singing and drinking.Alcoholic drinks were prohibited inside the University so I wondered why they had some.

I was shocked when I saw Harvey and his friends there.I caught him staring at me but looked away when he realized that I'm looking at him.Chenna called me and handed me a drink.Precisely,vodka.I hesitated to take it since I'm not really into alcoholic drinks but they insisted.Again,I got no choice but to take it.

We drank...we danced...we sang...and then suddenly I realized that...party isn't really bad at all.Actually,it's fun!

I was tipsy when I danced on the floor so I can't remember clearly whom I danced with or what else did I do while dancing.But,there's a thing that I pellucidly remember...someone touched my butt and my waist while I was dancing on the floor.He even talked dirty to me and forced me to kiss him but...someone's fist landed on his face.

I was surprised when I saw that it's Harvey.I saw how his jaw tensed and how his face darkened that moment.But what flabbergasted me were his words to that guy...

"Don't you dare touch her again if you don't want to end up in the hospital."

He supposed to ignore me but why the hell did he do that?I'm really bewildered with his actions.
