
Incomplete Vessel (Dropped)

Ajax is one of many people who was dealt a poor hand at life and yet tries to make the best out of his situation. However, going into his late teens he finds himself struggling financially and leading a self-destructive lifestyle. Running low on hope for the future he meets a sudden and unfortunate end to his short-lived life but unexpectedly wakes up in a mysterious yet familiar world. ******** Hello, I'm sorry to inform you that this novel has been dropped. I'm sorry to anyone who was reading this but I was not able to balance writing with my academics. Please feel free to read the novel, but there will not be any more updates.

verytired · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
53 Chs


Hello everyone!

I write this as a sort of apology to mostly a few readers who spent their time reading my story.

Thank you, I felt happy to see people care about my story even a little bit and I'm sorry that I couldn't provide a proper light novel reading experience.

As stupid as it sounds now, I didn't understand just how difficult this would be.

A novel requires frequent updates, and I couldn't do that.

I didn't have the time or skill to do so.

I'll try to take this as a learning experience, but I have very little time to spend on writing.

Writing consistently and quickly is something that you have to learn how to do and a lot of it is natural talent.

Talent, I realize I don't have.

Anyway, not to make this an annoying complaint where I bitch and whine, I'll keep writing for a while.

I'll focus less on quality and more on quantity.

And I'll try to avoid long periods of absences.

This novel is already dead, I know that nothing can change that.

But I will keep writing just for sentimentality for a bit.

And if you come across this novel please give it a try.

Even though its not that great.