
Giant's Blood

* Two weeks have passed, is time really flying or am I used to the speed of time? * — I got up from the floor and stretched my back, I had already returned to the camera, my body had already improved after a week, but I was not in the best condition, I went back to stay longer in the camera and now I feel much better . My descendant's memories were organized.

Unfortunately I didn't have many useful memories, this descendant of mine was a talented Fire warrior and strategist, even his talent for magic was high, but he didn't have many useful memories.

I clenched my fist and felt the Fire pass through my body and I took a deep breath, my descendant trained from a very young age using the best resources and even bought, even though he spent a lot of money, a bloody portion of this magical empire is all this made him reach the pseudo first level of Fire with only 18 years old.

I smiled and then found it comical to have to buy a portion when below the castle there were portions that even a mage would give his life to get.

The boiling portion of the blood was of a low quality, it made the blood heat causing damage to the muscles and organs, forcing the evolution of the body, but the evolution has to be a continuous process, because to improve the muscles you need vitamins, carbohydrates and proteins, but forcing the body to evolve to such an extent would only cause damage

However, if the individual trains correctly and eats well, mistakes can be reduced, but this would delay the transition to level one for at least five years.

I looked at the statue and was happy, the item's energy was such that it corrected even this internal damage, and I can feel that I am one step away from the first level of Fire.

I had already left the chamber when I finished my thoughts, beside me was Ace and Commander Darcy, we were going to the lab in my room.

— What will we do in the Rei laboratory?

* Darcy seems calmer today, that's a good thing, wizards are lonely beings, it's hard to pay attention to everyone's psychological health. *

— I will be here in the Kingdom for a few years, during that time I will train the Dukes' children to be my future army, but such an army cannot remain in the Kingdom forever. I will make you and the Dukes stronger.

I was facing the door, so as not to disturb, I asked the dukes to put their blood in special vials that were downstairs, to ensure that the blood did not clot.

I drew the same blood circle as before, they probably saw the lever and didn't try to pull it, but if it did, nothing would happen.

— There is an ingredient strong enough to make you and a few others that I will choose to reach the legendary second level of Fire! But it is not without risks, the power of the ingredient is very strong and you can succumb.

* The legendary second level of fire ?! It is rumored that only empires own them, but they are part of the personal guard of their heirs. * — Is it really possible King?

I pulled the lever and we were going to go up, the second floor of the laboratory was between the library and the floor of the employees and guards, just as the first was not big either.

— Yes but don't think it has many side effects, it is different from the boiling portion of the blood that has no energy to improve, only to force the body to improve causing damage, but this ingredient has pure energy.

The second floor had several boxes stacked, these boxes are special and could regulate the internal temperature.

I went to the letter G, separated the boxes in alphabetical order, this section did not have many boxes, the first was Desert Cat with red stripes: Area 121, the second was Giant: Foreigner, extreme danger. The last was Golden Gorilla.

It is necessary to know that when knowing different worlds, the world of the mages had to divide the known ones in areas, only the private worlds have names, but the open ones reached an incredible number of 299.

Today I came for the giant's blood, but the giant's blood was very expensive despite being one of the most popular foreign products between the fourth and fifth circles, foreign materials are those that come from another galaxy.

I lifted the bottle and looked, inside the box there were other giant parts, but the blood was numbered from level one to the fourth, I even sighed, because getting the fourth level of blood from a giant was problematic.

— See this blood is the blood of a fifty-year-old giant that is equivalent in power to that of a Mage in the first circle and do you see the little golden lines? This means that the giant was a member of royalty despite being small.

* It looks like he is alive ... * — Rei, you said that the energy of the blood would make us succumb, but at what level can we reach practicing Fire if we use the blood of a giant?

I looked at Ace lost in thought, the fact is that secrets about Fire were a taboo among high level wizards, there was a limit for Fire users that was the third level, many wizards who did not become an Elemental are at the third level of Fire.

— Level one fire users are usually at the height of human skill, and when they reach the advanced stage of the first level, their strength reaches a supernatural level. A second level fire warrior can manipulate fire like a magician manipulates magic particles, his strength can reach 800 kg and a third level fire warrior can manifest a spell-like ability, some achieve the ability to heal, others achieve the ability to manipulate flames or lightning.

* It seems as unreal as a wizard capable of manifesting fire in his hands, it took me a large part of my life to reach the first level and I can't feel the barrier to reach the advanced stage of the first level. * — Majesty, how could anyone reach such a level with pure training? Or was the third level created by the mages?

* Idiot * — You are being naive, different from what you might think, wizards train four times more than Fire users. Whether wizards or Fire warriors, the two need to look for resources with energy to increase their powers. It took me over a thousand years to reach the pseudo Sixth Circle. Power and strength is not won for free.

After giving Ace a lecture, Darcy smiled slightly, she attacked me when I told my true nature in front of the dukes, but her bloodshot eyes passed after a long philosophical conversation and interpretation.

We were far away on the first floor of the laboratory, so I had to use some tools to divide the blood without contacting it. It took me a few minutes, but I took the dropper with the giant's blood.

— Extend your hand.

Darcy and Ace held out their hands and I dripped a single drop of blood onto each other's palms, they raised their heads to look at me, but they both fell like a piece of shit on the floor.

I sat in the armchair and took the bottle from the waistband, when I was a mage I always had a bottle of juice with me. While I saw the two bodies on the floor I drank the juice — * I forgot to tell you about the hallucinations, but what would they be seeing?*

I would also use the giant's blood, but not now, only after reaching the first level, should I reach the first level after decimating the enemy army. Ordinary people may think that reaching the first level requires a lot of damage to the body and a high level of fitness.

They are right, but the truth is that the individual's mental state is the most important, nothing would make me have high levels of stress, I just needed to reach a state of harmony.


— You did it?

We were in the Kingdom preparation academy, we came at the behest of the King to pick up our children and any student who was part of the elite class, which in reality had only two without nobility.

— No, I went to the poorest region of the capital with Serin and Thaís. We were busy trying to find some rebels to get information, unfortunately we only managed to find more hiding places and more useless rebels, I ordered them to be executed.

I sighed, the King should not have asked Drake to participate in the search for rebels, his direct and exalted personality, but intelligent just meant that there were unnecessary deaths. I have no pity or anything, Kingdom policy was zero tolerance for traitors.

Despite this, I had the convenience of killing only when necessary — how many did you kill?

* Tisk, what a nuisance * — I didn't kill many, some twenty-five, I ordered them to be buried outside the capital.

— Whatever, I also found nothing in the commercial area and you Lucas?

— Nothing in the prime area either.

* How do these mice hide so well *? — Did you warn your kids?

— I haven't had time to come here since I arrived in the capital, but I ordered the others to come and tell Branz to meet us in the principal's office.

We entered the school campus, the school covered an area of five hundred meters, the front garden was about twenty meters long, the rest were the school buildings, it had the basic education area: History, geography, language and mathematics and the area of moderate application: behavioral psychology, philosophy and instrumental art, and finally, there are the higher areas that were: medicine, civil and military engineering.

Teaching military combat from basic to advanced is a must for everyone, along with teaching military strategies from basic to advanced.

However, apart from all that, there was an entire complex below the school, where Elite students stayed, the area below was large enough to contain cannons, research and development rooms. However, for all Elite students there was only one teacher, he was well versed in fighting, medicinal art, strategy, history, geography, language and engineering.

The instructor was also a nobleman, he was my older brother, but Branz never wanted to be a duke, but his talent made him dangerous, so Arthur's father offered the opportunity to be the best of himself teaching a new generation, he has done this for over 20 years.

We saw several children aged ten and some fifteen on their way to the principal's office, we entered the room without speaking to the secretary and she did nothing to stop it, in fact if we had stopped, she would have had to bend curve.

The principal's office was superb, had an area of ​​five square meters, the desk was right in front and behind it had a mirrored window in shades of green, yellow, blue and red, to build this architecture today, it would take thousands of coins of gold.

I sat in the armchair next to the door, Lucas and Drake sat on the sofa in the center of the room, the man in the director's chair still hadn't said anything and neither did we, but I was surprised at the harmony of the ambience.

The director himself wore an elegant suit that made it look more like a decoration of the place, like the bookcase beside me.

A man entered the room and stood beside the director, he in turn wore a leather jacket and a white woolen shirt, leather boots and simple trousers, just behind him a servant came in and served coffee for everyone, but the man refused.

— How is my brother?

— It would be great if you came to visit me without bringing bad news, do you need me on the battlefield? I have prepared everything so that young people can escape, but I do not know what the plan is.

The members of the Kingdom's high nobility were tense, it was difficult to deal with and even more difficult to calm their concerns.

— No, listen brother, the King has found a solution, but now we can't say anything. Director, how is the student's development?

— Duke, Elite students are getting stronger, but they are bothered by the lack of news and their interaction has cooled. The younger ones still share and talk to each other and we can see more and more effort in their respective areas of talent.

It could not be avoided, at least not now, the King gave instructions to remove all Elite students from the school, but asked to divide them into three groups and said that the first ones would be ten to twelve years old, the second ones group would be those aged thirteen to sixteen and those aged seventeen to nineteen would be those of the third group.

— Do you want to ask any questions my brother?

Branz looked at me disapprovingly, he knew that I came to take the children and that I wasn't supposed to run away and that made him a little concerned — Don't look at me like that, there are things that can't be avoided.

— Are you going to send inexperienced young people to the extermination camp? I am worth more than an equipped squadron, let me go if that is the situation!

I sighed and turned to the other dukes who abruptly stopped drinking coffee. They shook their heads, which means they don't approve of me telling him the truth.

"We are not going to send them to war, and the decision is not up to you, Branz."

Lucas was decisive, Branz looked at me and I only managed to lower his head, in the end he left the room grumbling, the director got up from his chair and looked through the glass.

— The hope you found will need the other students ?!

— The king will do nothing with them now, but in a few years we will be testing to select the best of the best.

— So is it like this ?! Long live the Kingdom.

— That's it, live to the Kingdom.