
incapable dreams

Amelia, a normal high school girl about to go to college wants to forget her past life. All the pain she's suffered, she wants to run away from it. So decides to start a new life so she can live happily. Things go smooth with her roommate and high school is easy for her as well. Until she sees a strange girl who seems to know everything about Amelia about her life she has lived. Running away from her past was successful but it all comes back through her dreams. Amelia is recalling all of the horrible the things she wants to forget. But she is incapable of controlling all of it. She can't run away from her dreams and struggle against all of it. Read this novel to find out how Amelia can prevent all of this and what is the secret behind the truth, and where the mystery lies

Mahrukh_Yasar · Fantasy
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39 Chs


The light came again then disappeared.

Then, out of the blue, it was getting harder to breath.

I felt lightheaded. I placed my hand on a tree trunk for support.

What was happened to me?

Everything was spinning and I was getting dizzy by the second.

"Help." I whimpered.

I then pressed my back against the trunk and slid down until I was sitting on the ground.

I drew my knees together and pressed my forehead against them and waited for the spinning to stop.

Unfortunately, it didn't.

I then laid down.

My whole body felt numb and relaxed.

I then noticed a bat flapping overhead and it flew down.

In front of my face.

I tried not to scream.

I couldn't move so I stared in its red eyes.

"Go away." I silently chanted.

It cocked its head on one side.

Just like the wolf did.

Was it going to attack? I wondered.

There was still silence.

Where is everyone else?

Then I heard footsteps.

The bat noticed it too because it moved its eyes from me and flew away.

I slightly lifted my head to see who was coming and my stomach churned.

It was Noah.

"Hey, get up." He offered me his hand.

I took it and he gently lifted me up.

I felt even more lightheaded and sick while standing up.

I couldn't take it anymore so I collapsed into his arms before knocking out.

"Someone, help." I heard him say in faint distance.