
In world of One Piece

A guy who was sent to one piece with special powers. i have been getting a lot of bad reviews about how the mc is nerfed but just read up to 20 chapters story gets way better. I do not own one piece and any of the characters except our mc AN: It's my first time writing so don't kill me. I post when I want. Also, join my patreon https://www.patreon.com/Myfanfiction I am posting this on scribble hub and planning to release it on royalroad.

Rabin_Subedi · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs

Meeting Luffy

It was the evening of the fifth day. I was currently cooking food because I was the chef of the ship not because I want to be a chef but because I was forced to be the chef. Anyway, my control over arnament haki has increased a bit after today's training. Nothing important happened I cooked the food asked a marine to serve it and I went to bed.

Today was the sixth day nothing noteworthy happened except the original cook of the ship recovered from his fever and came to the kitchen and said while bowing to me "Sir would you please take me as your apprentice. I want to learn how to fight, cook, and be like you." I rejected him and said "No". I think he was already expecting that and said "I will not give up until you accept me I will make sure you accept me. Can you give me a reason why you rejected me." I couldn't think of anything and said that he was too weak. After that, he started following me everywhere and he introduced himself as Sital Dangi, and apparently, he was 19 years old. He wanted to become my apprentice because he saw me fight against Garp when I first met garp. He was very impressed and he respected me. And when he ate the food I made he immediately decided to follow me apparently he had a feeling that following me would be the best decision of his life. He started to annoy me a little.

Again I noticed some changes in me. If it was old me he would be in the ground regretting every being born. While I was cooking Sital was watching everything I do and trying to take notes. After I cooked food I told Sital to serve food to everyone. After eating I went to train with garp. While I was training Sital came near us and started his own training. He was doing basic strength exercises. The day passed

Today was the seventh day, Sital was still following me.

I was training like always with Garp and Sital was also training near me. Then a marine came near us and said " Sir there is a pirate ship nearby" I really wanted to vent out some pent up anger and frustration that I had accumulated by getting beat up by Garp over and over again. So I immediately responded

"I will take care of them." My control over lightning had also improved so I made a rope out of electricity threw it towards their ship and I slingshot towards the pirate's ship.

I landed on their ship and looked at them with a creepy smile. They were already scared stiff. I mean I wouldn't blame them if I saw a man swinging around in a rope made of electricity I would be afraid too. The captain of the pirates said "Who are you? Do we know who I am? I am ." Before he could finish I already started attacking them. I beat the absolute living shit out of them. I didn't kill them I don't know why I didn't feel like killing them. After I beat them I felt a little better.

I returned back to the ship apparently they were some pirates with the captain's bounty over 20 million beli. The marines had called another ship to take care of them. Now only the opponent at least strong as yonko's division commander Were my opponents. I could not beat them but I could definitely fight one and stay alive. After the incident, the day passed like normal. Today was the eighth day again nothing special happened except the fact that Garp decided to train Sital too. My control over arnament was also improved a lot I could cover any part of my body with arnament haki at will.

The 9th and 10th days were pretty normal and nothing happened. Finally, on the evening of the 10 days, we could see the foosha village we landed in the village. All the marines decided to return to the marine base except for sital he decided to follow me to become my apprentice even though I had not accepted him. We entered the partys bar. Just as we entered the bar Makino came running over and greeted Garp. After that, we had some drinks in the bar.

After we had some drinks we finally decided to go and meet luffy. Luffy was in Mt. colubo which was behind foosha village with some bandits. This was the year 1520 so ace had already left the island to become a pirate. Luffy would set sail in the year 1522 so right now he must be around the age of 15. We went to Mt. Colubo Sital was also with us. When we reached the jungle and I could see the base of the mountain bandits.

Curley Dadan the leader of the mountain bandits saw us and came near us looked at me and said: " Garp I can't take care of another brat for you your grandson is already a headache for me." The veins in my forehead bulged but I didn't say or do anything. "Hahaha, Dadan is this how you greet your old friend don't you miss me? And don't worry I am not here to blackmail you into taking care of another kid. And I don't think you can handle this one." Said Garp. "Then why are you here?" said Dadan.

"I am here to stay and make sure that my idiot grandson doesn't become a pirate." Said, Garp. Then garp asked again "So where is my idiot Grandson."

"He is probably in the forest training" replied Dadan

One of the mountain bandits brought some food and sake. So we started eating and drinking while Garp was making some small talk with dadan.

After a while, luffy came from the forest carrying a rabbit which he had hunted. Then he saw Garp and he instantly dropped the rabbit on the floor running towards Garp shouting grandpa and hugged him.

"You are finally back grandpa I really missed you." Said luffy

"I missed you too luffy," said Garp

"This time grandpa will give you proper training and put you in the right path and make you a good marine," said Garp

Luffy immediately screamed and said "I will be a pirate king, not some marines"

But he realized that he said that in front of Garp and immediately went pale.

Guys their was some errors in the chapter where he spars garp. it should be 1million volts and 5 million volts instead of 100k and 500k. i have updated it so you can read again if you want. Please point out some errors or give me some suggestions also drop some power stones.

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