
In World of One piece with Hanma bloodline

Sorry in advance for my bad english and grammar, english is not my first language, and it's my first time to write, it's just for my fun cause I can't get this idea in my head so yeah thats it. Onepiece and baki story and characters are not owned by me except the OC in my fanfic, the cover is not mine, if it yours message me if you want it to be removed. A normal human who got trucked kun meet a lazy looking gandalf and got reincarnated in a world of one piece as a older twin of Rocks D. Xebec with Hanma bloodline.

Comfy_choncc · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 13: Title: hidden

Because of xorrin and xebec clash a vicious wind, whirlpool, and the sky got dark it only appear in their area, xorrin and xebec both coated their fist with haki and xorrin with the addition of silver metal they clash,

but a black smoke is appearing in xebec's body, in their contact xorrin feels the silver metal coat slightly got weaker but not completely disappeared and xorrin smile and said "oi oi xebec you didn't tell me you already ate a devil fruit xahahaha" xebec was confused as he ask xorrin " xorrin you are using your devil fruit right now right, why can you still use it"

xorrin smile" yes I'm using it now but the moment before our fist collide it got weaker, so you can cancel others devil fruit huh so what is it", "it's the dark dark fruit a logia type devil fruit it supposed to cancel all the other devil fruit ability but i guess not all or you're just weird" xorrin let out a chuckle and prepare another other.

Both xorrin and xebec are now using their conqueror's haki and coat their fist on it and clash again this time the sky split and suddenly seaquake happen, xorrin and xebec stop for a second and look at the bottom of the sea and see a huge shadow below.

Berrion and marie on the ship got panicked because their boat is not that big and it will be destroyed by the a tsunami if it ever happen but as they look down the sea they saw a huge shadow and thought a huge fish going to eat them.

Whitebeard got worried a bit as he saw xebec fighting someone equally or the enemy got the advantage against his captain.

Xorrin and xebec smile as they see a huge land rise from the sea and said "hey xebec look like we created a new island xahahaha", "we gotta name it, that is a must, do you have any name for it" xebec said "don't really have one, you name it", said xorrin "what about GOD VALLEY and this is where we go back for our last battle to see which one of us will conquer rahahaha" said xebec,

xorrin got shock as he know god valley is the island where xebec, roger and garp fight and thought did he mess up the timeline did god valley not exist just now, does god valley also got created by xebec in canon why did he name this island god valley, he can't help but think that will this be the island where he will battle garp and roger, should i help him if that happen,

"hey xorrin what do you think of the name" said xebec, snapping back to reality xorrin warily smile and said "yeah it's a good name" as he think that this is the place where xebec will die "wanna stay to this island for a while brother" said xebec, "sure why not brother as I'm also curious to meet your firstmate he look strong" said xorrin, "yeah he's strong but not strong as us and also you already have two members and the tall looking man seems pretty decent but don't think he's much stronger than newgate" said xebec

"ohhhh newgate is the name of your firstmate, berrion is also my firstmate just don't underestimate him and i think he can put a decent fight against newgate" said xorrin as they look at eachother and call their crew and said they will be staying at this island for awhile.

Berrion, marie and whitebeard look at eachother when they heard that berrion said to whitebeard "my captain seems to know your captain and they seem close", "yeah thought of that too gurarara" said whitebeard, "what part of it seems close to you don't they look like mortal enemy" said marie, berrion and whitebeard look at marie and laugh as they carry their own ship because their ships got stuck on the island.

Whitebeard pov

"Hey what's your name" said berrion "Edward newgate" said Whitebeard, "you look strong wanna fight me later I'm berrion" said berrion with star in his eyes, whitebeard ignore him as he sees him a battle freak but he got annoyed as berrion didn't stop asking him and he just accepted it and berrion finally stop and rush to xorrin to drop the boat and ready to fight him as he sees berrion back he saw his lust for battle and got slightly fired up and look forward to their fight.

Xorrin and xebec crew arrived as they see berrion running at them and said "hey captain i ask newgate to fight me it is okay right he already agreed" xorrin look at xebec and said "hey xebec is it okay", "yeah he already agreed and aren't you curious of the fight either rahahaha", "yeah I'm curious too xahahaha, hey berrion put down that boat first and wait for newgate to arrived and don't hold back if you hold back I'm gonna train you 10x harder than before xahahaha" xorrin said,

"eyyy captain of course if i hold back that is not me and i feel newgate is strong" said berrion while smiling, "xorrin you got a troublesome firstmate huh a battle maniac but suits you" said xebec as xorrin chuckle and said "yeah and don't worry sooner or later you will have someone like that too xahahaha" as they see whitebeard and marie arrived, " hey berrion why did you leave me there and not just carry me with the boat" said marie, "hey newgate do we start now" said berrion with star in his eyes.

As whitebeard put down the ship beside xebec and said "xebec I'll be back for a while and when i got back tell me who is this" as he look at xorrin with a confused look, he can't see how powerful xorrin is but he know he is as he can battle xebec equally and pick up his naginata (murakumogiri) and say to berrion "let's start this berrion gurarara"




I only write 3 chapters and don't think i'm gonna update for a while my school schedule is really tight and you can remove this on your library and feel free to like use this fanfic idea to write another fanfic, i don't know if someone already did this like idea of being xebec's twin so yeah that's all thanks for reading, I'm not gonna drop this, but will see if i have time to write and release it nxt month.

I still have many idea but no time to write also i only write on the spot no plan at all hahaha.







and now that kaido might be or is a oni my idea go wild and already think what will kaido connection be when he see xorrin projecting a oni hahaha but yeah don't have time to write.