
In World of One piece with Hanma bloodline

Sorry in advance for my bad english and grammar, english is not my first language, and it's my first time to write, it's just for my fun cause I can't get this idea in my head so yeah thats it. Onepiece and baki story and characters are not owned by me except the OC in my fanfic, the cover is not mine, if it yours message me if you want it to be removed. A normal human who got trucked kun meet a lazy looking gandalf and got reincarnated in a world of one piece as a older twin of Rocks D. Xebec with Hanma bloodline.

Comfy_choncc · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 05: Set sail

We go to the forest and made a underground home for us to hide if ever the marines decided to search the forest, 2months later me and xebec decided to hunt and spar, we cover our fist with ryou and battle against each other our fist about to collide but there is a small gap space in our collide, red and silver spark clash with each other but we notice a group of marines far away marching to the forest we stop and run back home,

"it's been two months and they still don't give up this marine dog's are really loyal to the world government" said xebec "well they're dog i think even the world government abandoned them they will still believe to them" i said [ author: suddenly remembered hachicko while writing this even though he's not abandoned ]

6months past and finally the marines and world government give up finding, while me and xebec are training and sparring over the past 6months we basically can use ryou without consuming much stamina and our conqueror's haki reach a (platinum level) and Our armament and observation reach ( grand master level )

while me over the past 6months also try to copy baki imaginary training as i have perfect control of my mind every day, imagining every animal that i know and fight them one by one, giant elephant, giant eagle, very small hornets to train my observation too and lately try to copy their style too, like baki, i first try to copy a monkey took me 3 days to copy them,

the agility and grip strength of a monkey and how they fight, the second is a snake the lethality of their strikes and how they wrap their prey with their body and lastly the wolf, how they move in their 4, how they use claws,teeth and the style of their fight, Over past 6months i can perfectly be like them i dont know but i also gain their trust and smell and other traits and also can understand what their saying and vice versa.

"Hey xorrin this is our last fight before starting as a pirate tomorrow"said xebec " yeah what's the score again can't remember how much i win against you xahahaha" i said Xebec charge at me "mini catastrophe" he shout " metal claw" our attack clashed following it by our kick also clash red and silver spark, the whole forest shake as we collide "let's end this fast xorrin"

as we viciously smile "MEGA CATASTROPHE" xebec shouted " SILVER METEOR" a giant silver hand appear behind xorrin as he shout and they clash their conqueror's haki is spreading to the whole forest, the sky split into half, both xorrin and xebec are still standing in a crate that they made, smiling at each other "xorrin we reach diamond level in our conqueror's haki rahahaha" "yeah xebec look at the sky we managed to split it xahahaha" as we both stop and stare at the sky "xorrin I'm going to conquer this world rahahaha" "then may the best twin conquer xahahaha"

1day later

"Mom, dad take care we were going now" i said as xebec follow me to the port, we see two small wooden boat that can fit atleast three people, we got in our own boat and take a look at each other "take care brother just watch me conquer the world" said xebec "take care too brother" as we part are ways and started to sail.

I check my supplies if a have enough until i reach other island dad said we were in east blue so let just see where the wind take me. 2 days of sailing xorrin spot a island for the first time he decided to go and check the island,

he pull his boat to the land and start to explore, he see's a huge mountain then i saw a weird looking dog when walk toward to it, suddenly the dog fly the dog's wing look like eagle wings, then notice on not far away there's a elephant that looks like a tiger, "I can't remember this island called but i know i see a elephant like that in the canon, ohhh yeah the one where they met the man stuck in the barrel yeah that island is full of weird combinations of animal.

As i got closer to the mountain i saw a hut made of leaves,rock and mud and see some weird animals a lion with zebra pattern, a crocodile panda, and a bat cat, the bat cat notice me and make a screech like meow sound, fly at me with it's mouth open, i dodge it and grab it's wing and punch the cat's body flying to a tree,

the lion/zebra and the crocodile/panda notice me too and start charging at me opening their mouth to bite me, cover myself in silver metal and haki and stood still as they bite me, their bite didn't hurt as i knee the lion/zebra to free my arm and punch the crocodile/panda sent them both to the ground.

I was going to finish them but i hear "oi oi oi take it easy kid" look at the direction of the voice a man with a blond spiky hair, he has a large build and very tall and have a beast paw scar on his right chest, wearing a baggy looking pants with no shirt and a giant talisman around his waist and a halberd in his right hand. [Author: he looks like carrion from reincarnated as a slime but much taller and wild]

"Who are you" while using conqueror's haki, his eye widen for a second and show a toothy smile "I'm berrion the king of this island" he show his own conqueror's haki and clash with mine but as i increase the pressure he got sent flying to a tree but immediately got up and said "welcome to the island of rare animals, can i know your name" said berrion "Rocks D. Xorrin the one who will conquer this world" berrion starting to sweat due to xorrin conqueror's haki.