
In World of One piece with Hanma bloodline

Sorry in advance for my bad english and grammar, english is not my first language, and it's my first time to write, it's just for my fun cause I can't get this idea in my head so yeah thats it. Onepiece and baki story and characters are not owned by me except the OC in my fanfic, the cover is not mine, if it yours message me if you want it to be removed. A normal human who got trucked kun meet a lazy looking gandalf and got reincarnated in a world of one piece as a older twin of Rocks D. Xebec with Hanma bloodline.

Comfy_choncc · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 03: Conqueror's haki

A week later hade teach xorrin and xebec haki and how to train it because xebec and xorrin keep bothering him to teach them haki,

1yr later xorrin and xebec already grasp the basic armament haki and observation haki, xorrin try to coat his hand with silver metal and armament haki at the same time, he did it after a couple attempts, xorrin and xebec are still fighting regularly they fight once a month hosted by their dad they have 8-4 favor to xorri, they still didn't have conqueror's haki.

3yrs later, xorrin and xebec are 7yrs old already they fully mastered the basic of armament and observation haki, xorrin can fully coat himself with silver metal with armament haki but only in hands right now, xebec ask dad for a dagger a year before, he can fully coat now his dagger, i guess a monster is a monster even without cheats sigh... When we duel he always coat his dagger, it caught me off guard when he first use it and try to stab me right on the shoulder, thankfully i have complete control of my body and animalistic trait of hanma if not i can't dodge that and proceed to punch him in the face resulting to him fly to the tree nearby and it's my win our total score now is 27-21 favor to me.

1yr later xebec and I decided to challenge two kings out of the four in the forest xebec decided to challenge the bear and I decided to challenge the lizard, we part ways to find them and fight it on our own, I go to the near of the lake of forest as the lizard territory is there, i wandered until i find it and there it is i see the lizard have a wolf in it's mouth, i coat my arm with armament and silver metal and jump down from the tree to punch it, the lizard notice it and stood still and readying itself for the punch, "ho-ho you prideful lizard deciding to take the hit coming from me let see" i said as the punch connect, crackling sound echoes in the forest , when i see my punch affect the lizard very small, using my elbow going to smash it's skin but before i can do that a tail slam at my side and sent me flying to a tree,

Xebec pov

Xorrin decided to challenge the lizard, I know it's the most durable and annoying one but i don't think it's the strongest, if the bear show's up right now I'm gonna be stronger and I'll find someone or something much stronger and defeat them and find other until I'm only the strongest and the only conqueror of this world rahahaha, ho-ho perfect timing I'm gonna beat you to death you damn bear. A red spark in xebec's eye flare up.

Xorrin pov

Damn this lizard it's skin is really troublesome i even coat my hand with armament and silver metal yet only a small crack appear "you shitty lizard come at me now" a silver spark in xorrin's eye appeared

Hade pov

The two side of the forest feels the pressure and made some animals faint, while at home hade feel the two pressure coming from the forest and show a smile that can almost touch his ear "this two monsters they will shake the world if they decide to became a pirate".

Xorrin pov

The lizard flinch a bit before coming at me, I point my finger towards the lizard "silver bullet" a silver metal bullet come from my finger fire towards the lizard it did go through his leg but not all the way, as the lizard stumble charge at it but what the lizard do shock me, it molt and the injury he received got regenerate, but i notice that his skin is not like before i covered my feet with silver metal and armament and jump above the lizard "metal meteor" as i kick his back that a newly molt skin,

Then grab the neck of the lizard while covered with silver metal and haki to force to do a rear naked choke and after a min of wrestling with the lizard finally it got choked out. "Tsk this damn lizard made me broke some of my finger" as i remember the lizard flinch a bit before he charge at me, did i awaken it, a grin appeared to xorrin's face

Xorrin dragging the lizard to the place where him and xebec talk, as he's walking he saw in other side xebec dragging a bear with only one arm and leg attach to it, he look at xebec who is a mess blood over him, xebec also look at him while smiling "Rahahaha it's seems a draw again brother" xebec said "keep telling youself that brother, it's my win you look like had a hard time defeating that bear do i have a scratch, a bruise all over my body" i said " atleast i dont have a broken fingers rahahaha"

"sigh... Lets just return home for now, you have it too right" as i look at xebec "conqueror's haki" xebec viciously smile at me "you have too right brother i feel it earlier too" i smile at him, the pressure around us got heavier and heavier. Xorrin and xebec eyes spark with silver and red colliding with each other making the animal nearby us faint one by one, each step we take closer to each other our conqueror's haki clash with each other, we got to face head on the haki flare up uncontrollable " let's stop for now I don't want the others to get caught up in this mess"as i smile at him, he just nods.

Its been 5yrs since xebec and I clash with our conqueror's haki, we're already 13yrs old this year and next year is the time we decide to set sail, we got our parent's permission to set sail at age of 14, "i know you two can protect yourselves now you already learning the advance stages of haki on your own in a year I believe you two will have a grasp of what is the advance haki and you xorrin the fruit you say you eat will fighting the lizard chance to be a devil fruit and you say you can produce silver metal be coat yourself in it, practice it more you might awaken it" said dad

"hey xorrin,xebec just be sure to recruit a chef in your ship you two might starve, you can't even cook you two all doing is train,fight,hunt and repeat all over again, how about i teach you two we still have a year together" said mom

Knock knock knock

We all turn out heads in the door mom told me to open the door, when i open it i see the man who's assign for the lookout for the island he's breathing heavily guess he's been running around the island.

"There's a ship of world goverment sailing I think there destination is here, and there's a celestial dragon on the boat" we all frowned and look at each other, xebec and I already know what is a celestial dragon our dad and mom told us what are they like of course i know but this is different era can't be so sure about anything, "let's just stay inside for a while" said mom while xebec have a red spark in his eye smiling "xebec now not the right time " said dad

Their power level if i compare it to the canon i'll say same level with shanks when he meets luffy just a little stronger, they can go against a low leveled CP0.

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