
In Witcher

When I opened my eyes, I couldn't remember who I was or where I was. All I knew was letters flying in front of me. now I sit on my throne at the pen with the brotherhood. I have the indispensable sage Dumbledore with me. I only have Mc, the rest belongs to the owners. Please try first. It can be said that this fan fiction is very detailed, but since I was not bored, I thought you wouldn't be bored either. I get help from a grammar corrector while translating this novel from my native language.

Wirsth · Video Games
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34 Chs


(5 Months Later, Novigrad)

Two hooded men were talking in the dark of night.

"Are you sure he's here? For some reason, it didn't seem peaceful enough to me."

The other man shook his head from side to side.

"I think he is the cause of this commotion. According to the crows, he built 10 temples here and caused quite a commotion."

"Damn, I don't understand how you talk to crows at all."

"Hahaha, just watch the drawings. I think they draw just fine as long as you give them nuts."

A silence fell between them and they disappeared Decently into the darkness of the night. In the morning, 3 hooded people met again in a high tower. The first person to take off his hoodie was a gray-haired man with a gray beard.

"Welcome to our midst, my brothers. Dec."

Another took off his hoodie and showed off his long blond hair tied up at the back and an unkempt beard.

"We have heard a lot about the text 'Gray Death' HAHAHAHA!"

We were next door, he hit the blonde on the head and took off her hoodie. He showed his hair, which was very short, and his shaved face.

"You must keep your respect, Edward. This is just your first meeting."

"Hey Altair, he's just an old man."

Ezio laughed and shook his head.

"The boy is right. I'm just an old man, the Great Assassin Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad."

Altair smiled, "In this world, I'm just the 'White Death' that Edward makes fun of"

"Oh, then what's your nickname, kid."

Edward frowned. "Old man, especially I'm not a child. I'm 'Captain' Edward Kenway. He's the captain of the Jackdaw and the biggest person in the Caribbean."

Altair smiled and said, "So you are nothing in this world."

Edward looked at Altair in shock. "You shouldn't be so heavy, Altair. I, too, have a heart. Especially here I will be the greatest captain of the Skellige."

Altair and Ezio looked at each other and smiled.

"Ezio, I thought we should switch to the name Hassan Sabbah temple to remember our roots."

Ezio seemed to think

"I think it's okay, but it's understandable to name them all directly instead of the name of the religion. We can give it to the main temple. If it's a generic name, it should be something else. It depends on our new origin."

Edward shook his head, "I agree with Ezio. Including me, we are no longer connected to Hasan Sabbaha, but it can be given for our respect and origin."

Altair did not say anything but shook his head. Ezio approached the tip "Have you put Assasins in cities?" Edward burst into laughter.

"You should have seen our brother. He was going to cry because he spent so much money and soul."

Ezio and Altair smiled. Altair put on his hoodie "About 250,000 gold and 100,000 soul money were spent. We better win enough or he might get upset."

He jumped down with a leap of faith.

(After 3 Weeks) (POV Ezio)

Honestly, sometimes I don't know what our brother thinks. He brought us from Novigrad to the kingdom of Touissant. At least if we had seen the city of Beauclair, which is called one of the most beautiful cities in the world. What is the logic of going to such a cold mountain in the summer?

"Damn, I told you we should have worn something thicker."

Edward is complaining, as usual.

Altair grunted" "There's a bearskin embroidered on it, what thicker can you wear."

Hahaha, Altair is right. We look like creatures wrapped in bear furs right now.

"I'm sure he wanted the shade to warm up and be easy when he came out here."

I saw Altairin and Edward shaking their heads out of the corner of my eye. I almost fell when I saw what was in front of me.

"Shadow! You have no idea how much I miss you, my friend."

I'm sure the shadow looks at me with disdain, but I don't care. All three of us got on it and the mountain started speeding up. I buried my head in the shade, and those behind buried their heads in each other's backs. Finally, the shadow began to slow down. Has it been a few hours? We were right not to take the horses out. Altair almost made my ear bleed.


Before I could shout at him, I saw the giant in front of me. An impenetrable fortress right on the top of the mountain. The half-finished state of the Masyaf fortress. I've been there before, there's not much difference. But how did they do it in such a short time? The shadow entered through ten doors and I saw inside. A lot of people who work Decently like bees. A voice from above us interrupted my attention.

"It is almost completed. The cold is delaying us a little, but about 500 workers are still fast."

"WHAT! Did you take 500 workers to the mountain? You're crazy, but I like it."

Edward doesn't surprise me. I jumped out of the shadow and hugged my brother.

"Your hair has grown long. It's been a while."

He hit me on the back "Hahaha, you are right. Thank God the crows reported it. Otherwise, you would have walked until tomorrow."

Edward looked up "I'm SORRY! YOU ARE AMAZING!!"

We started laughing while Altair was smiling. He is known for always saying how incomprehensible they are. We started walking to the main hall while talking. Altair looked around

"I didn't expect to see this castle again."

I shook my head. It was something I wasn't expecting. When we entered the main hall, I closed my eyes again. The hot air hitting my face made me dizzy.

"I changed it a little. Welcome home."

I gave a smile and I opened my eyes. 16 guys were eating and drinking in the Assasins outfit. I think everyone's gathered. When he saw us, we greeted everyone in turn. Only the person wearing a white assains outfit with purple embroidery remained last. My brother pulled her by the arm

"The current guardian of this Masyaf Castle is 'Mert Tebernüş', our youngest brother."

Altair stepped forward and shook his hand "Welcome to the family."

Edward hugged the boy and I shook hands. "we became 6 family members and 15 assassins. We were fast in half a year." I shook my head. It was just the Shadow and the two of us. We're getting crowded now.

"We will meet here every 6 months. I'm creating a shortcut. Ends soon." Edward threw his arm to Mert

"Certainly, brother, there must be a shortcut. Or the Shadow can mate."

When he heard a growl behind us, Edward immediately changed his words

"We will come running here. Right, Altair?" Altair fell silent and sat down at the table.

He looked at me, and I followed the example of Altair.

Edward pushed Merti into the Shadow and started running. "YOU HAVE TO CONTINUE YOUR LINEAGE ONE DAY! WHY ARE YOU SO ANGRY!"

Of course, because you're acting like a rider, but it's better not to talk too much when the shadow is angry. The atmosphere is very loud, I'm not used to it, but it's nice. Because I hope he saves Edward. Let's see what my brother is planning.

It's morning and we're sitting on the upper floor of the castle. Everyone is serious except Edward.

Edward: "He called us and still keeps us waiting. I think we should go, we'll come back when we can."

He had a whiskey bottle in his hand with his feet on the table. Some of the assassins looked at each other. Altair pushed Edward's foot and took his bottle.

Altair: "We will have a meeting here. We're not here to play, get serious.".

I got used to Altair and Edward. They have a pretty good Decoupling. At that moment, the door opened and my brother sat down. There were 20 of us at the table. My brother looked around and started talking "We are going to meet every six months. To present cities and general reports. At the same time, the brotherhood should be close. I hope you will treat each other like real brothers. Let's clarify some things first. I know it's hard for you not to have my name, but I'm a nobody. I'm just someone behind the Shadow. I'm in the dark like you, but unlike you, I don't have a story. I don't have an epic and a legend written yet. Even if there were, these would only be things that were given to me by others. So you can call me brother or "Nashi" until a name is given to me. Secondly, I am very pleased with the work you are doing, brothers. Our world has started to weight the cities. Continue to remain mysterious and unattainable. Finally, the villagers here will build a village outside the castle and stay there. Please be kind to them. That's all. You can get out except for Edward, Altair, and Ezio."

Everyone started dating, even if I didn't know why he wanted us. There were only four of us left, and Nashi smiled.

Nashi: "Everything is going very fast. Sometimes I keep working even in my dreams."

Altair smiled, and Edward put his feet on the table again and pulled rum out of his inner pocket.

Edward: "I think we should slow down a little. We have attracted too much attention."

I looked at Edward in surprise.

Ezio: "I didn't know you could think."

Edward looked at me but did not answer. Nashi and Altair shook their heads.

Altair: "I agree with Edward. If we go at this speed, they can unite to suppress us."

Nashi scratched the back of his head.

Nashi: "Actually, as hashishis, we have already slowed down. This meeting is a kind of completion task. There's just something I want to consult you about. I was undecided whether to go on the army or the elite."

I understand. The villagers will stay here because he's afraid it will be like in the Witcher stories he told us, and he wants an army.

He is afraid that the villagers and soldiers will kill us all. Edward took a sip of his drink.

Edward: "I don't understand why you stayed between Dec. We can choose both. We can work a little too hard to build an elite army and something made up of elite superhumans."

I looked at Edward.

Ezio" "You're too logical today, are we sure it's Edward? You could be a shapeshifter."

Edward: "I just want to get out of the room quickly and go."

Altair: "I didn't know that you didn't love us so much."

Edward: "Tch, I just don't like being shut down in environments like this. I haven't been on my ship for a long time."

Nashi shook his head.

Nashi: "Then let's go to the seas for a while. I'm sure it'll do us all good."

Edward immediately put his feet down and got up.

Edward: "Come on, what are you waiting for!" he walked out the door saying.

We looked at each other and stood up.

This chapter 1875 words.

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