
9. Ok, Let's go

    Placing the square of wall that had turned to a small stone near the mirror, she got up and looking at the black hole and she put her hand into the hole and pulled out a knapsack. Placing the sack on her shoulder she bent and picked up the small brick of a wall and saying "lenal" she placed the brick from where she had taken it. The brick floated in the centre of the hole. She placed her hand again and said "vechrohil". The small square began to expand until the hole was closed. There was nothing left but a single wall. 

     Tiana bent down and took the mirror in her hand. She turned to find Cynthia looking mesmerized. There were a number of emotions on her face, from shock to fear to admiration to hope. Tiana did not know she was being watched, she knew her friend will not leave her if she follows the dark arts but she did not want to put her in trouble, so she had hid the fact that she had learnt the dark arts from Abigail, by letting her know that she had learnt somethings for fun. 

     It was then that Tiana realised that she had foolishly doubted her friend a few minutes ago. She, her friend, did not know she was into dark arts then how would she tell about it to her brother. A look of guilt spread on Tiana's face. She had doubted her for a silly thing whereas her friend was here trying to save her from god only knows what! The thought of this only made her round her eyes. But still for all she smiled at her friend. 

     It was then that she noticed that her friend had packed her things into bags and her old trunk. She was indeed indebted to her for packing her things. She walked over to her friend and "Thank you, Cynthia" and "after a moment's hesitation she said "I'm sorry".

"What is this thank you for and what is this sorry for?"

   Tiana smiled again "The thank you is for coming to get me to safety and for packing my things" Cynthia tapped her head "You silly girl, I'm your friend and what do you think friends are for? Now come on lets go". 

   But before they could go Tiana stopped her "And the sorry is for doubting you, that you would have told Richard about me doing magic" Tiana hung her head down. Cynthia smiled but she couldn't take it that Tiana felt guilty, to ease her out, she tapped her head again "now, now, don't act like your really good" "I am good" said Tia. Both the girls laughed. 

    On hearing their laughter Richard who was looking outside turned to look in the direction of the room. He was happy and a smile crept on his face but he chided himself that this was not the time to be happy but to get to safety. "Ok, looks like your problems have been solved shall we get going now" he asked. 

    Both the girls walked into the small living room. "Ok. I need your help Cynthia "said Tia. "Ok but wait" Cynthia ran to the room and brought all that she had packed to the hall. Tiana started laughing "Can't I borrow your clothes?" she asked Cynthia. "Of course you can but since I have packed up everything why leave it?" "Ok ok" Tiana said between laughs. 

     She took and deep breath to calm herself and said "Once I open the portal I need you both to step inside very soon and… "before she could finish

"No, I want both of you to go in first" said Richard. 

    "No I am open a fading portal which will last only a few minutes. We won't have time and as you say if someone is following us then they won't be able to follow us. So we must move fast." 

"Then can't we take your luggage with us" – Cynthia. 

    "Cynthia" Both Richard and Tiana started at the same time only to laugh and Cynthia looked sheepishly. "Please" – Cynthia begged. 

"Ok, we will do the best to get my clothes"-Tiana sighed.

   "Ok Then Now I need to get to work." she turned to Richard and said "Please close the door and I want to know where we have to go." 

   It was then that Richard realized that he had not made any arrangements on where Tiana was going to stay. They had only come to check on her and in the spur of the moment he had decided to take her away from here. If they were going by road, then he would have made up his mind on the way but now he had to use her magic and they needed a location.

    "Of course we will be going to our home, where else can she be safe" asked Cynthia looking at her brother. 

    Richard was not that sure. "What if we were being watched?" If we land right in front of the door it would catch a lot of attention and it's daytime also. It would not be safe."

     Everyone was silent for some time and then Tiana spoke "Then I will take you to a place I want and after dark we can walk home or stay there itself."

"And where would this place be?" asked Richard 

"That is a surprise" answered Tiana. 

Richard was not happy with her answer "No, I want to know if …" before he could finish it 

"it is safe" am I right asked Tiana. Richard let out his breath and closed and shook is head up and down. 

"To the best of my knowledge it will be a safe place, Trust me." Said Tiana. 

    Richard was skeptical as he looked at Tiana for some time. Should he trust her or not? Time was too short he needed to get her out of here. "Ok. Let's go" he said.