
5. Would she be able to handle it?

 "No, I will not tell her you please tell her brother, please," Cynthia was exasperated with all that had happened since visiting the town and the last thing she wanted to do was explain things to Tiana, so she wanted to work the tension of herself. "I am going to pack for her" she pointed at Tiana and so saying she left to the small room where Tiana kept her dresses.

 As she walked to the room she turned and saw both of them standing, the distance between them was killing her. Her brother was looking lovingly at her friend and her friend was recovering from her state of shock. She stood by the pillar to the room and looked at her brother. Richard lifted his gaze from Tiana to his sister. She smiled. Richard looked blankly at his sister, he had no idea that his sister knew about his feelings for her friend.

 Cynthia learnt of Richard's feelings for Tia, a long time back, earlier whenever she visited Tiana she would bring Richard with her just so that they could and would talk, But Richard nor Tiana spoke anything different except for a formal or normal casual chat. Cynthia wanted to do something about it but she never got a chance. Now she wanted to use this opportunity, and she wanted to make her brother confess his feelings for Tia. 

 When she came today she wanted to see if her friend was ok, but the way Richard wanted her to come with them gave Cynthia an idea, she also wanted Tiana to come with her and so the three of them could be together always. But first she wanted both of them to talk to each other, It did not go as she expected with Tia in confusion and Richard trying to guard the doorway. In the end she found a way and let Richard do the explanation which she knew would not be romantic but it would help Tiana understand that Richard cared for her. 

 With her thoughts she walked into the room and started to take out the old leather case to pack her friends clothing. While Cynthia started to pack, outside in the small hall Richard asked Tiana to sit in the small chair of the dining table and for the first time since coming to the cottage Richard moved from the door to sit opposite Tiana.

 He was at a loss about what to tell her as whatever he was going to tell her should not cause her to worry. 'Ok. Let me start with our trip to the city. We were called by the council." At this Tiana was shocked again. She interrupted him "But the council does not know where we are right?" Richard smiled. 

 "Yes, that was only till they sent their messengers to find us." 

 "So they know where we are" There was horror in Tiana's eyes and Richard could feel it in the small room. "They know only about our family, not you, at least not till now."

 "What do you mean not till now". 

 "Well, by till now I mean I think we have brought you a visitor to see you and that is why I wanted you to come with us now" Tiana looked confused. "Brought a visitor?"

 "Yes, when we were on our way this morning, Cindy brought you flowers from a small boy, he might be aged 5-6 years, I had a doubt about that boy coz I have never seen him in our town before even thought we had gone to the city for some time now, he still felt different to see, and the same for the boy who sold the fruits. Cynthia was in no mood to hear me out this morning, she only wanted to see you well. Then when we came here I had a feeling we were being watched, that is why I stayed at the door to catch anyone who might come out of hiding, but so far I'm yet to catch anyone. 

 "Then could it be a mistake, maybe all the travel to the city and rushing back without letting your parents know maybe causing you to stress and you might be mistaken." Tiana tried to smile.

 Richard also smiled. "No, I don't think so and I even if it was so I still would not want to risk your safety, so please Tia come with us." there was concern in his voice and reaction which Tiana failed to notice.

 "May I know what happened at the council?" Tiana asked with concern. She had guessed that something must have happened at the council and that is why Cynthia and Richard might be reacting like the way they are. Richard looked at Tiana and thought for a moment, would she be able to handle what he was going to tell her?