
1. Where is she?

 The relentless question echoed in Cynthia's mind: 'Where is she?' Anxiety gripped her as she searched, fruitlessly, for her friend amidst the majestic embrace of the forest.

 There she stood, amidst the towering sentinels of nature—tall pines, steadfast oaks, graceful birches, and whispering elms. The air was thick with the scent of pine filling the air, intensifying her worry and sending shivers down her spine, her senses heightened by the natural symphony around her. A chorus of leaves rustling, birds singing, and the distant murmur of a brook underscored the profound silence left by her friend's absence. Behind her stood a small cottage, her friend's home for many years, now eerily empty. Cynthia had checked inside, finding only silence.

 This secluded haven, once a sanctuary for her friend, now seemed hauntingly desolate. The small cottage, nestled among the ancient trees, stood as a silent witness to the mystery that unfolded. Cynthia ventured inside, the creaking door amplifying the emptiness that echoed within the walls.

 The interior of the cottage, usually alive with the comforting presence of her friend, was now a void. A profound stillness filled the air, contrasting sharply with the vibrant life that usually emanated from the heart of the forest leaving the usually lively forest, desolate. The familiar sounds of rustling leaves and birdsong were replaced by an unsettling quiet. The interior of the cottage, once filled with the warmth of her friend's presence, now echoed with emptiness.

 Cynthia's heart raced with every unanswered question, Amidst the beauty of the trees and sunlight filtering through the leaves, Cynthia's anxiety heightened. The forest that had been a source of comfort now seemed to hold unanswered questions. The simplicity of the surroundings only served to magnify her concern.

 Anxiety coursed through Cynthia's veins like a wild river. The interplay of sunlight and shadows painted an intricate tapestry on the forest floor, mirroring the complexity of emotions within her and the solitude of the woods only intensified the worry of her friend's absence more pronounced. 

 Behind her, the small cottage stood as a silent testament to the bond they shared. Cynthia's search continued, every step resonating with the pulse of the forest. The grandeur of nature, once a source of solace, now mirrored the depth of her unease. As she yearned to reunite with her friend the forest remained stoic, withholding its secrets and heightening the palpable tension in the air.

 The eerily deserted expanse, amplified Cynthia's concern about her friend's whereabouts. Turning to her brother, Richard, who was immersed in contemplation, she posed the question with an urgency that mirrored her inner turmoil. On hearing her inquiry, Richard raised his head to meet her eyes, his silence echoing the weight of his own concerns.

 "You assured me we could venture forth in the morning to aid her, but now... This is precisely why I wanted to come last night. You said no and convinced me, but now she's not here. Tell me, what should I do now?" Cynthia's emotions intermingled, with a blend of anger and fear.

 Cynthia's family had visited the city last month at the council's behest, and the information she gleaned there left her mind reeling. Fearing for her friend's safety, she left her family behind, taking a coach with her brother to the village. Upon reaching the village at midnight, she had an impulsive desire to visit her friend, but Richard had cautioned her against it. 

 "No, let's abstain from seeking her out now. It would only bring her trouble."

 "But I need to inform and ensure her safety."

 "For the moment, it must wait until dawn." Cynthia's initially restrained anxiety, now surged forth as anger when Richard intervened.

 "Fine, if you're so afraid, stay here. I will go and make sure of her well-being alone." She declared, donning her hood. Before she could advance, Richard approached, and grasped both her shoulders with both his hands.

 "Cynthia, please understand, I have a very bad feeling about this encounter and the information from the outset." Richard elucidated Cynthia, puzzled by the change in his stance, and found it hard to grasp.

 Richard understood her confusion, letting go of her shoulders and sighing. "When we were asked to come to the city, I was not happy. Firstly, how did they find us? Secondly, our parents have nothing to do with the council or its members now, so why ask them to come to the city? I voiced my reservations to mother, and she wanted to see what awaited us. So, I agreed with them to go as a family, as I was unwilling to expose all of us to potential vulnerabilities.

 "Remember where we heard this information? It could have been a setup to find her. Maybe if you go now, we would see her, but she would have to come out of her protective cocoon. If we are under surveillance, we might inadvertently lead them to her. So let await the break of dawn."

 Cynthia, contemplating Richard's words, sighed. "Okay, I'll wait. But at the first light of dawn, I am going out to see her." She said resolutely, ascended the stairs to her room.

 Richard watched Cynthia go to her room and sat on the sofa, lost in thought, and gradually surrendered to the embrace of sleep. Likewise, Cynthia, despite accepting Richard's advice, found her heart uneasy. Restlessness lingered as she lay down, removing the top layer of cloth and placing it on the stand near the bed. She removed the top layer of cloth on the bed and sat down on the bed. 

 Despite the tension, sleep eventually claimed both Ryu and Cynthia, the weariness of the journey finally catching up to them.

 Both Richard and Cynthia were oblivious to the passage of time, the weight of tension and the fatigue from their journey finally exacting its toll.

 Upon awakening, Cynthia rose abruptly, and pushed aside the small curtains, and was greeted with sunlight embracing her face. Stunned by the duration of her slumber, she hastily tidied up and descended the stairs in search of Richard.

 Richard stood already prepared, joined her, and picking up the basket she had brought from the city to give to her friend, they ventured outside. Richard diligently checked behind them to ensure no one shadowed their steps. Their journey led them into the lush, emerald forest, yet today, they remained oblivious to its beauty. Urgency eclipsed the serene surroundings as they reached the heart of the forest, only to discover the cottage's door wide open, and empty within.

 Under normal circumstances, the cottage would be animated by the lively presence of forest denizens—animals, birds, and other inhabitants. However, today, an eerie solitude gripped the entire place. No soul was in sight. Cynthia's thoughts spiraled into chaos, rendering her unable to think clearly. Desperate for guidance, she turned to Richard, who, too, appeared powerless. Tears loomed as she contemplated turning away when a subtle movement arrested her attention.

 In the periphery of her vision, Cynthia glimpsed a group emerging from the trees. They walked out with an air of carefree joy, singing as if the troubles of the world were non-existent. Overwhelmed with joy at the sight of her friend, Cynthia couldn't contain her emotions.