
In to the Warhammerverse

A man from Earth dies and gets to meet an all-powerful being which grants him 3 wishes of his own choosing.This man who is considered as the world's smartest programmer ggets reincarnated as the heir to the Dark Elves' patriarch. Will he be able to survive the everlasting conflicts of the different factions and races and rise to the top to be considered as a Legendary Lord and earn his self a place on the annals of history or will he be destroyed and be left as an unnamed lord and be forgotten as the gears of time slowly erases his legacy... There is only one way to find out. ..................................................... I don't own the cover used on this book. The original picture is owned by JonathanKirtz. Neither the Warhammer fantasy world on which this novel is set. https://www.deviantart.com/jonathankirtz/art/Dark-Elf-Black-Guard-Armor-T7-184224010

SomeGuyOnDarkArmor · Video Games
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Chapter 8

Title:"First step"

The sun has fallen on the horizon as ship of the Witch King landed on the shores. At the shore, there stood legions after legions of dreadspears forming a wide defensive parameter that extended up to 5 kilometers away from the shore divided into sectors for a more effective management.

The torches has been lit and placed all over the camp, lighting it bright with flames.

On the largest tent like structure resides the command room. This command room gives and distributes orders on the armies on the frontline. They were responsible for everything happening on the frontlines and a mistake on their part can cost not only their life but also the whole campaign.

Such a disgrace of failing to complete the 1orders of the Witch King is considered a sin and crime leagues above that of treachery and they would be immediately killed without question by any soldier they meet. Even if they managed to defend themselves in front of the Witch King and was acquitted with this crime they would be seen as someone or something lower than that of a slave. They'll lose their position as a dreadlord and would be forced to live a life in exile, away from their family and discriminated.

A faith worst than death for the dreadlords. So now, they're doing their best to hold the stability of the frontline and prevent it from falling apart.

Just as the dreadlords were having a meeting about the next part of the plan a messenger barged in on their command tent to report something important.

"My lord, the capital of the beastmen confederacy has fallen. Their whole nation was enslaved and are being transported to the port city." reported a messenger wearing a black hood and a metal face mask covering his mouth.

The messenger kneeled and presented a parchment to the commander of the vanguard.

"Is that so? How about the Asuryans? If I recall correctly they're apparently allies with the beastmen. Did they send troops?"questioned the dreadlord who's tasked to lead the whole vanguard. He opened the parchment and skimmed through its contents to get the gist of the report.

"They didn't send any troops, Drachau Hailous and company has already marched to the borders of the Knights of Caledor and built an encampment. They're ready to cross the borders on a moment's notice."

"Have them halt for now. The main army will arrive later this day if no incident occurs and once they arrive we'll start our glorious march." commanded the dreadlord to the messenger.

"Yes my lord"

The Messenger stood up and left immediately to fulfill his duties.

"How's our supplies? Can it hold on until the main army arrives?" the grand commander turned his head to the army quartermaster to ask regarding the state of provisions.

"It will hold on until the main army arrives. The army on the frontlines managed to snatch tons of provisions from the cities they sacked providing them with sufficient supplies for the time being." answered the army quartermaster respectfully.

"Very good, now what's the state of our frontline armies?" asked the grand commander to the army commanders.

"My army has managed to reduce the casualty to the minimum of 6000 men. We don't need reinforcements for now." reported a dreadlord with proudness in her eyes.

"My army has exterminated most of the vermins on the far north east of our position. Together with the Khaine's berserkers my army has acquired stupefying success.All of this for a mere 5000 casualties. We only need arms for now." reported another dreadlord as he smiled brightly while looking at the dreadlord who reported first with a provocative smile.

"My army..."

The reporting of the status has managed to go on for a good amount of time before being finished. The grand commander just ordered that the quartermaster fulfill their needs which the quartermaster respectfully complied.

Just then, a dreadspearman barged in respectfully and reported something.

"My lord, the ship of the Witch King has been spotted in the horizon. It's expected that they'll reach the shore by dawn." reported the dreadspearman respectfully.

The grand commander let out a laugh of total happiness as he reminisced the stories of his father about the glory of Malekith.

"At last! Ensure that the whole event from the moment that his majesty the Witch King first steos his foot to the sands of this continent recorded! Also prepare a grand reception, although it's not necessary, we still must show our utmost respect to our majesty!" commanded the grand commander as he stood up from his high seat and started to bark orders.

"I want everything recorded by the scribes we have at hand, I don't want a single detail missing! This matter is a historical event. I don't want my name going down in our history as the Drachau who forgot to record such an important event! Such humiliation is unacceptable!"


Growled the grand commander to everyone present.

"Yes sir!" answered everyone.

Their feelings are filled with happiness and fear. A mixture of emotions was currently being felt by everyone. They can't wait to see the Witch King who's rumored to be as powerful as the original Witch King, Malekith.

As time slowly passed by the grand reception of the Witch King can already be seen. Same as the grand armada with the capital ship containing the Witch King.

As the black ark of the Witch King slowed down and eventually came to a halt on the makeshift port.

Rows after rows of Black Guards immediately exited the ship. They formed 2 lines with a pathway in the middle. They stood there in attention, not moving one bit. This scene made the surrounding people stunned. They surely heard of the infamous Black Guards of Naggarond. A group of soldiers loyal to the Witch King himself. They'll charge anywhere and everywhere as long as the Witch King orders it.

The scribes was the first to get out of their stunned states as they immediately recorded the scene in front of them as vivid as possible.

Then, the sound of metal hitting a wooden floor can be heard. This sound is gradually getting louder and louder. As the sound hit its peak, a man on black armor can be seen on the exit of the black ark ship. He didn't bother wearing any helmet as he flaunted his majestic face handsomely.

He slowly walked on the passage created by his black guards. He was followed by his queen and the distance between them is a sword's length. Everyone was caught on a daze because of him.

He stopped just before taking the next step. He surveyed everyone with his gray colored eyes and smiled brightly. He took a step and his foot landed perfectly on the sand.

Metal clanging was heard courtesy of the black guards. This sound made all the people present snap out of their daze and also cheered. The scribes immediately recorded the event on the parchment they brought.

The woman behind the Witch King was smiling the whole time. She's been beside the Witch King from the start and her journey to his heart can be simply called magical. Their whole love story eclipses even the classics on Khae's past.

Khae looked back towards the eyes of Theraki and gave her a loving look. He extended his hands, offering it to her which Theraki gladly accepted as Khae helped Theraki take her first step on the continent.

The scene of the Witch King and his queen taking their first steps on the continent is absolutely mesmerizing for every Druchii in existence. A scene that they must engrave in their memories as this scene will become their driving force on conquering back their ways to Naggaroth.

For with each step of the Witch King and his queen takes on this continent signifies a step closer to their ultimate goal.

The goal of returning home.

Hi :)

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