
In to the Warhammerverse

A man from Earth dies and gets to meet an all-powerful being which grants him 3 wishes of his own choosing.This man who is considered as the world's smartest programmer ggets reincarnated as the heir to the Dark Elves' patriarch. Will he be able to survive the everlasting conflicts of the different factions and races and rise to the top to be considered as a Legendary Lord and earn his self a place on the annals of history or will he be destroyed and be left as an unnamed lord and be forgotten as the gears of time slowly erases his legacy... There is only one way to find out. ..................................................... I don't own the cover used on this book. The original picture is owned by JonathanKirtz. Neither the Warhammer fantasy world on which this novel is set. https://www.deviantart.com/jonathankirtz/art/Dark-Elf-Black-Guard-Armor-T7-184224010

SomeGuyOnDarkArmor · Video Games
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Chapter 6

Title:"Having slaves is great!"

The order given by Theraki proved to be devastating for the beastmen confederation.The commanders dispatched was razing amd enslaving each and every village under the confederation. Even to the point that they reached the borders of the Knights of Caledor.

By now, the Druchii has got more than 15,000 new slaves which some were sent back to the Dragon Isles to complete constructions. As for the rest they were put to work on building a large fortified port city, which will serve as the bridge connecting the Druchii's capital to the rest of the old world.

On the other hand, the battalion of Khaine's berserkers has already reached the ruins on the far northeast past the capital city of the confederation and was exterminating vermins on ruins and looting it for anything they could find.(Skavens look like rats so I used the term vermin)

Inside a temple ruin on the northeast of the capital city of the beastmen confederation...

"Kill them all, they wouldn't be of much use to us, they are nothing but rats." shouted the commander of the Khaine's berserkers. He was donning a brass colored armor with a black cape and has red colored crow painted on it, on his head was brass colored full faced helmet with a horse tail on top. He was wielding a halberd made out of strong materials, he has 2 swords on his waist that acts as his side weapon. He was currently overlooking the vermin extermination happening on the ruins. All of the Skaven's from child to old, men or women was being killed without mercy. Many of soldiers armor was now painted in green, signifying that they already killed many rats.

The massacre raged on, every nook and cranny of the ruins was forcefully entered and all the Skavens inside was executed on the spot. Their blood created a river of green freely flowing all throughout the place.

As they finally finished their job, they started to loot the whole place, finding something of importance or value. They were planning to give all of them to the Witch King, the avatar of their god and the unofficial pope of their church. They all considered themselves as the sacred warriors of Khaine, whose job is to kill whoever his avatar wantes to die. They didn't fear death, all they want is to serve their god and his avatar.

After finishing their looting they left the ruins, but not before burning them to prevent anymore infestation from happening again.

"Let's move to the next ruin, we shall cleanse the surroundings from any despicable heretics." shouted the commander as they started their march once again.

At a certain shoreline...

The main fleet has finally landed, they were currently unloading their supplies but a fourth of the army has already begin marching towards the capital city of the beastmen confederation.They were tasked to reinforce the sieging soldiers there and weaken the defenses as much as they can before the rest of the army arrives.

The different bustling sounds can be heard from all directions in the camp. Hailous together with other Dreadlords was sieging the city. They were currently planning on assaulting the walls before the main army arrives in order to lessen any more losses for the current army. They know that the little the main army's number, the harder their battles would get against the Knights of Caledor.

"We can have our siege towers postion here, here, and here" said a female Dreadlord as she pointed on the north, east, and west sides of the city on the map.

"That would be stretching our already small numbers to even smaller group, I fear that we would have an even harder time breaching inside than just concentrating our forces on one side." disagreed a male Dreadlord.

"But we just can't concentrate our force on one point, it's too risky, we can be easily pushed back once they transferred soldiers from other parts of the wall towards the point of battle.We can go for it if you will volunteer to be our vanguard." countered another male Dreadlord to the previous one.

As others was arguing, Hailous on the other hand just sat on his seat and looked at the fortified city on the horizon and asked himself.

'How can we breach it without losing too much?' Then a realization dawned upon him.They have Skaven slaves that they captured on the ruins all throughout the beastmen territory, on their army right now, they are a race that likes the underground.

"Cough* I think I have a solution for our problem." said Hailous as everyone inside looked at him, waiting for him to continue.

"We can use our slaves especially the Skavens to dig for us, and we can transport our soldiers underground on the middle of the night, and we wouldn't have to assault the walls." suggested Hailous to the other Dreadlords inside the tent.

After hearing his suggestion, everyone fell into deep thought.Time slowly passed and the Dreadlords realized that what Hailous suggested is plausible.

"I agree with Drachau Hailous, we can use the lower life forms to do the digging." raised a female Dreadlord and soon many more Dreadlords also raised their opinions and agreed with Hailous's proposition.

"Then, I think we shall have the slaves work and have them finish it within 2 weeks!" said a burly Dreadlord.

Each of them left the tent and their servants started to organize the slaves based on the Hailous's plan. The more than 30,000 slaves were put to work on digging the underground tunnel all day.They worked on 24 hour shifts and each of them has 8 hours of rest including eating.

Sounds of pickaxe and shovels can be heard on the large tunnel that was being dug.The Skavens were leading their fellow slaves on digging because they have a natural sixth sense underground.

"Move! You useless piece of shit!" shouted a soldier who whipped a beastmen who paused for a moment to rest. The beastmen was brought to the ground due to the force behind the whip, but once again whipped by the same soldier to make him stand. Everyone just momentarily gazed and continued their worked. They didn't want to be whipped or have any of the soldiers eye on them. Sometimes, a soldier just whips them just because they feel like hearing them scream.

"STOP IT!" shouted a girl to the soldier who paused to look at which imbecile shouted. The girl just rushed towards his fellow beastmen and helped him to stand up.

"You shouldn't have do that!" hissed the beastman to the girl.

"But dad, he might kill you!" said the girl in a low voice.

The soldier just listened to them and felt a cringing sensation sip through his body.

'What in Khaine's name do they think they are?' thought the soldier as he decided to "end their little reunion" with a bang. The soldier slowly approached the father and daughter duo and kicked the father squarely on his sides. The girl screamed on this scene as she saw her father flew a couple of steps due to the force behind that kick. The soldier then turned to the girl, irritated,and gave her a powerful backhand slap which. caused a satisfying sound for all the Druchii in the scene. The girl flew a couple of meters from her original position and her face swollen. She strated to cry like a baby which sounded music tobthe soldier's ears.

"Now that's satisfying!You two, go back to your work!" said the soldier smiling as he walked slowly back to his post. The man looked at the back of the soldier and suddenly rushed towards him, with a pickaxe in hand he raised it,intending to kill the soldier who hurt his daughter. His daughter just shouted to his dad to don't do it. But everything is already too late. The soldier, quickly unsheathed one of his short sword and stabbed the man in the heart, before unsheathing another short sword which he used to slice the man's neck. Blood gushed out and was welcomed by the soldier with a smile as he watched the man staggered and finally kneeled with both knees. He pulled the sword from the man'd heart and together with his another sword they formed an X on the man's neck.The soldier looked at the man's daughter brimming with smile as he swung his swords decapitating the man in the process.

"NOOOOOOOOO!" shouted the girl as she started to cry once again. The soldier started to walked towards her while licking the sword stained with blood.

"Hehehe, his blood tastes fine." said the soldier as he kneeled in front of the girl.

"Now, do you want to become like him?" asked the soldier.The girl didn't answered him, she just cried while looking at her father's dead body. Everyone on the surrounding at this point stopped what they're doing and watched the scene. But this scene also caught the attention of a captain. He immediately made his way towards the scene to see and know what's happening.

"Soldier, what's happening here?" askes the captain. The soldier immediately stood up and saluted on his superior.

"Reporting, the male slave tried to rest and his daughter came, then I broke their reunion.After that the man attacked me and I killed him." reported the soldier with repect in his tone.

"Very well, send that slave there to theif infirmary, we need every slave we can get." ordered the captain to the soldier.

"Yes, sir" said the soldier as he held pulled the girl towards him and carried her on his shoulder towards the infirmary.

The incident was reported to the Dreadlords, which raised their defense against a slave revolt.On the other hand, Hailous was just laughing at this incident, he thought that the soldier used the dead beastman to release his stress.

"My fellow Drachau shall we punish the soldier?" asked a female Dreadlord.

"No need for that, I'm sure he just released his built up stress.Plus, we can promote this behavior amongst the soldiers." answeres Hailous with a chuckle.

"Care to elaborate Drachau Hailous?" asked a male Dreadlord.

"Simple, we can use the slaves as rewards, if they perform great on the battlefield or on their job, they get to keep a personal slave which will be owned by them until the slave dies." answered Hailous with a smile.

Everyone fell on deep thought regarding his suggestion.They thought that they can use this to increase morale and improve efficiency.

"Very well, shall we have a vote regarding his suggestion?" asked the male Dreadlord from before. Everyone nodded.

"Raise your hand if you're in favor." said the male Dreadlord. Everyone raised their hand and the suggestion was now a decree.

Days after the suggestion is spread to all soldiers, their work efficiently raised to a new heights.Everyone wants a personal toy they can play with, so they did gave their 200% on the job they were assigned.Seeingbthe reactions from the soldiers Hailous just laughed out loud and thought.

"Hahahaha, That's why slaves are great!"



Got a new book released yesterday, you may want to check it out, I believe you will find it interesting.Finally, sorry for the late update, been busy about something.


Please leave a comment if you have any criticisms so I will know where to improve myself.

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Comment it and I will try to integrate it to the story.

Have a question?

Comment it, I will try to answer it on the best of my abilies.

Keep safe everyone :-)

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