
In to the Warhammerverse

A man from Earth dies and gets to meet an all-powerful being which grants him 3 wishes of his own choosing.This man who is considered as the world's smartest programmer ggets reincarnated as the heir to the Dark Elves' patriarch. Will he be able to survive the everlasting conflicts of the different factions and races and rise to the top to be considered as a Legendary Lord and earn his self a place on the annals of history or will he be destroyed and be left as an unnamed lord and be forgotten as the gears of time slowly erases his legacy... There is only one way to find out. ..................................................... I don't own the cover used on this book. The original picture is owned by JonathanKirtz. Neither the Warhammer fantasy world on which this novel is set. https://www.deviantart.com/jonathankirtz/art/Dark-Elf-Black-Guard-Armor-T7-184224010

SomeGuyOnDarkArmor · Video Games
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Chapter 5

Title:"The World shall know PAIN"

"P-please your highness, I-I didn't mean what I did, I was b-blackmailed please spare me!" cried Sheila in despair.

"It doesn't matter to me what predicament you're in, the fact that you betrayed me is enough for me to kill you." said Arthas in disdain.

At this moment heavy footsteps and clanging of metal can be heard from a distance.The palace guards has arrived at the scene of batte.

Then approached a man with a muscular build clad on black full plate armor and helmet with a great axe on his side. He approached Arthas and kneeled.

"You're highness, what has happened here?" the man inquired.

"Arrest her, I would explain later" answered Arthas while he terminated the the "Limit booster v1 program"

Once he terminated the program he felt a sense of extrem pain and fatigue.This pain is borderline unbearable and the fatigue is so extreme that he felt like he would lose his consciousness anytime if he didn't sit down.But this didn't last long as his other program quickly went to work and brought his self back to its peak.

"As you wish your highness" said the man. The man then signaled the guards on the surrounding to arrest the girl and throw her to the dungeon below the palace.Just as the man ordered it he saw the burnt corpse of Mal and the decapitated head if the queen he nodded, understanding what happened.He just ordered some ofbthe guards to clean the field and report to the king about what happened to the queen. He then turned his attention towards Arthas and inquired about his condition.

"Are you okay your highness?" asked the man.

"Yes, just feeling a little tired thanks for the worry Captain Kjal. answered Arthas with gratitude.

Just as the captain was about to asked another question a messenger came running towards Arthas to deliver an important message.

"Your highness, the king your father demands your presence on the throne room" said the messenger while kneeling.

"Please lead the way" said Arthas while signaling for the messenger to go ahead.

Just as they were about to proceed, Captain Kjal offered Arthas guards to escort them.

"Your highness, I shall personally escort you to his majesty in order to prevent any more potential assassination from happening" said Kjal respectfully

"The concern is appreciated but there is no need, I trust the messenger and please find mother's body in order to give her a proper burial." Arthas said, turning down the offer.

"If that's what you wish your highness, I shall complete it to the best of my abilities" said Kjal with resolution.

Arthas just smiled at him and continued to walk towards the throne room. After sometime of walking they arrived in front of the throne room. The door was made of black iron with streaks of crimson colored gold and in the center of it, can be seen the sinister symbol of the Dark elves.(Search The sinister symbol of the Druchii on Google, it's hard to describe in words sorry)As they entered the throne room Arthas saw 5 Dreadlords, 3 Royal Mages and his father who sits upin the Throne of the Druchii.Arthas approached the throne and kneeled.

"You majesty, your son his highness has arrived"said Arthas.

The kung just nodded and went back to talking with the Dreadlords and Mages.

A servant then approached Arthas guiding him to his own throne to sit and wait for his father's further instructions.

As Arthas sat upon his own throne he heard that from the conversation of his and father and the other Dreadlords and Mages that there has been a revolt.2 factions has revolted, the believers on the east who controls 1 of the 3 remaining Druchii cities named "Dread reef" a city that provides ornaments and seafood for the whole Druchii and was considered as the trading capital of the race. They want to dethrone the current king and replace him with Arthas who will they crown as the Witch King a title that has a big significance and power behind it. But it was find through spies that they just want to control Arthas and secretly control the Druchii from the shadows.Another faction that revolted are the unbelievers to the south. They control the souther city of "Two fanged Dragon Mountains" a mining city, which supplies more than 3/4 of the while Druchii's metal ores. They will try to unite the Dark elves once again but this time with the use of force.

Together with the 2 out of 3 cities revolting this started a 3-way civil war against the loyalist, believers, and unbelievers. Hearing abiut the situation Arthas thought of a way to quickly crown himself king if the Druchii.

He raised his hand which caught the attention of one of the Dreadlords.

"The prince has a suggestion I presume?" Interjected the Dreadlord to the ongoing conversation between the king and them.They turned their gazes to the prince who was stilk raising his hand.

"Let's hear it, now speak" said the king.You can hear the vouce of grief and sadness in his tone.

"Yes Dreadlord Va'al I do have a suggestion and thank you father for letting me speak" said Arthas with a smirk on his beautiful face.

"We can let them fight each other first before swooping in at the last minute and destroying both of them" said Arthas with the brightest smile he can muster.

This caused a commotion and the different lords and mages has different opinions regarding his plan. But the king motioned them to shut up and spoke.

"If by any chance I choosed to go with your suggestion, who do you think will lead the soldiers to complete this "plan" of yours?" asked the king.

"Dear father, I shall personally send them to the Old gods for the gods of Chaos has no place for traitors such as them" said Arthas trying to stop from laughing out loud.

"Very well, you execute your plan and I shall personally give you the soldiers and the crown" decreed the king. This caused a commotion between his loyal retainers.

"But your majesty-" said one of the Dreadlord.

"You must not do this-" said one of the female Royal Mage.

"Your majesty this is insane-" shouted another Dreadlord.

"No more buts, believe it or not but I am incompetent and I have brought the Druchii to an all time low, clearly my son is much more competent than me so I will entrust the Druchii to him. And as my loyal subordinates I believe you would also be loyal to my son just like you are to me" said the king with tearing eyes.

"My son I have failed as a king, husband and father. I brought the Druchii to brink if destruction, I let my wife, your mother to be killed, and I haven't been the best father to you either. I was blinded by my legacy, thinking I would be the same as your grandfather Malekith but in the end the father and the son won't be the same. I won't be remembered as Baa'tl the great, I would be remembered as Baa'tl the fool who thought he can be like his father. So my son, I entrust our legacy for you to uphold and let the whole world tremble once again under the thumbs if the Dark elves" The king finally bursted into tears and declared.

"From today onward, I Baa'tl Deathbringer son of Malekith the great hereby step down from the throne and transfers it to my son Arthas Deathbringer, do any of you have objections?" the king who was crying moments ago turned to a dragon whuch looks like it can devour the whole world.

"No your majesty" shouted everyone on the room while kneeling.

"Then Arthas do you accept?" asked the king.

Arthas who was still stunned on how fast things are developing can only nod and kneel as his father transfers his crown to his head.

"From today onward Arthas Deathbringer was the new king of Druchii and you shall be the witnesses to this historic event." exclaimed Arthas's father.

"All hail his majesty the king Arthas" chanted everyone.

"Now Arthas I shall retire and live on the mountains where I shall spend thebrest of my life contemplating abiut life, don't make me regret my decision. So make the Druchii great again!" said Baa'tl as he patts his son's shoulder

"I won't let you down father, the Chaos gids shall be the witness to it" said Arthas to his father while still stunned.

"Then give your first decree now" said Baa'tl

Everyone kneeled and listened attentively to the next words of their new king.

"For my firsy decree..."

"The world shall know PAIN!"

Had fun writing this chapter hahahah

Please leave a comment if you have any criticisms so I will know where to improve myself afterall criticisms are part of life and will helo you improve yourself as a whole

Stay safe everyone <3

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