
The Old House

"No. She can't die"

The man is holding a Girl about to stab her.

"No. I promised I'd protect her!"

Knife is about to get plunged into the girl but the Boy screams loudly and many things began flying.

"How did I get here?"

A few moments ago

"Today is finally time!" says the boy

"What's here?" Says the girl

"12 years ago my Grandpa died but he gave me a key to his old house, He said that I should open it when I turned 18" as he says excitedly

"Well now I'm curious, that old house has been abandoned for 20 years! What could your Grandpa left there?"

"I don't know. But it looked important from how he looked"

"Well what are you waiting for? Let's go!" As the girl excitedly shouts

They climb a mountain and into the woods to find an Old house

"It's been a long time since I've been here" says the Boy

As he puts the key inside the hole and a creaking sound awoke when he opened the door

"This place is so old! Look at this huge armor!" Girl Excitedly says

The boy found a huge cloth covering what looks like a painting

"What is it?" The girl exclaims

The boy pulls down the cloth and reveals a map

"It's a, map?" The boy questions

"It looks like it's from a video game!" The girl exclaims

"No. It looks very old, and there were no video games in grandpa's time." The boy questions

The 2 decides to look around more and find many fascinating things.

"Look! A lecture. This looks very old." The girl exclaims

"Why are you interested in it?" The boy questions

"Because it's in the middle of a living room" the girl exclaims

"It was probrally things that the old people did"

He digs in a pile of bookshelf and saw a glowing book

"What do you have there?" The girl questions

"I don't know" The boy exclaims

He opens the book and saw many interesting things. There were magic, swords, and monsters

"Hey uhh I can't understand it, it looks like foreign language" the girl exclaims

The boy began reading the foreign language

"What? You can understand it?" The girl questions

"Well, my grandpa used to teach me this language, I guess grandpa was from another place"

"Woah that's so cool! What does it say?" The girl questions

"Well, this page appears to be a manual for... Magic?" The boy exclaims

"I think your grandpa wanted to be a magician?" The girl exclaims

"No, this doesn't look like magic, hmm let me try"

"Erif!" The boy shouts

Crickets then sounded

"Yeh it's fake."

The boy places the book on the Lecture and began exploring the place

Out in the woods, someone approaches

"So this is the house?" The Man1 questions

"I heard this place had alot of antiques that can sell a very fair price!" Man2 exclaims

"This is gonna be worth it! Let's go boys!" Man3 shouted

The thugs then broke into the house destroying the door

"Who- who are you?" The boy gets frighten

"Oh? Looks like someone lives here, give us everything that's in here and we will let you go!"

"Yuta! Get out of here! I'll distract them!" The boy shouted

"Asaga! I'm not leaving you here! Don't underestimate me just because I'm a woman!" Yuta exclaims

"Heh, let's do this then!"

The Asaga grabs a long piece of the debris that the thugs destroyed

"Don't underestimate us too! You won't be leaving here today!"

The boy lunges forward and began attacking the Thugs

"So fast!" The man exclaims

Asaga hits the man with the stick and began fighting with the man

"You deal with him! I'll take the girl!" The man exclaims

"Don't underestimate me you jerk!" Yuta then grabs a a book and throws it at the guy

"You think a measly book is gonna sto-"

Yuta then appears right next to his face and gets punched extremely hard

"Hey! These guys aren't your average weaklings!

"Gyah! You guys are weak!" Man3 exclaims

The man then beats Yuta and grabs her by the hair

"Yuta!" Asaga shouted

"Hey don't lower your guard boy!" The man grabs Asaga and holds her

"This is what you get for messing with us!

The thugs brought out a knife and began threatening Asaga

"Stop! No don't hurt him! Just do what you want with me just leave him alone!" Yuta shouted

"Heh fine. I'll just rotate this then!" The man exclaims

"Wait,, Wait NO!" Asaga Shouted

"I'm sorry Asaga, it was nice knowing you!" Yuta then sheds a tear

"No! I promised I would protect you!"

"What did I tell you? Don't underestimate Women's idiot!" Yuta then closed her eyes and accepted her death.

"YUTA!" Asaga then shouted very hard and the book he took opened and began flipping aggressively

"What the?" The man gets frighten

Things began flying around and the wood began taking shape and turned into sharp edges.

"STOP! I have your girlfriend or whatever. You'll hurt her-!"

A piece then stabbed him in the back and it began bleeding, Yuta then runs towards Asaga and yells at him.

"Asaga! Stop! You'll kill them!" Yuta shouted

"They- hurt- you!- They- mus- pay!" Asaga exclaims

"Asaga NO!" Yuta then shouted loudly as the planks hit the thugs

"Asaga, you killed them." Yuta exclaims

"I'm sorry, don't worry, they're not dead"

The planks appear to have reshaped into just a flat edge

"Asaga you jerk!" Yuta exclaims

The book appears to keep flipping aggressively despite not controlling anything

"Why is it still flipping?"

A Hole then appears out in the ground right in front of them and began sucking on everything

"G-Guys! Quick let's get out of here!" The thugs exclaims

"Yuta! Hold on!" Yuta and Agasa are being suck in the hole while Asaga is holding on to something wile Yuta is right inside the hole

"Asaga! Let go! You'll fall in too!" Yuta exclaims

"No! I have to save you!" Asaga then let's go of Yutas hand.

"YUTA!" Asaga then jumps into the hole

Yuta and Asaga then spins rapidly in the hole.

"Yuta! Quick grab my hand!" Asaga reaches out his hand and manages to grab unto Yuta.

"Asaga! Why did you leave me?" Yuta exclaims

"I promised didn't I?" Asaga exclaims

"Idiot. Stop underestimating me!" Yuta shouts

They then appear to be in the middle of the universe seeing many stars and wonderful things in space. They then appear in the sky falling down.

"We're gonna die!" Asaga shouts

"He-hey! You said your gonna protect me! Help me!" Yuta shouted

"We're still gonna die anyway! Brace for impact!' Asaga screams

They then hit the Ocean and blacked out

"Oh. Where am I? Wait where's Yuta?"

The mysterious man then speaks a foreign language.


"Woah are you ok? You fell right from the sky?" The man exclaims


"Woah you speak that language too?"

The man then gets confused, not knowing the language

"Oh right wait" Asaga exclaims


"Hello! Me Asaga! Me look for me friend!" Asaga exclaims

"Your not so fluent with this language huh? Oh your friend is resting. She's fine."

"Where is this place?" Asaga questions

"Oh your in my Farm in the country called Wukosodu"

"Wait. Wukosodu? Story that me Grandpas story told?"

Asaga runs forward to the nearest window and sees a village with magic everywhere.

"So your new here huh? My name is Ginada, what's yours?"

To Be continued